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1 курс 2 сесия / Англійська мова / тестові зав. 1 курс заочн.Требенко.doc
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Виберіть речення у Passive Voice, яке відповідає реченню у Active Voice.

  • America’s industry reinvests much of its profits in modernization.

1. Much of its profits are reinvested by America’s industry in modernization.

2. Much of its profits will be reinvested America’s industry in modernization.

3. Much of its profits were reinvested America’s industry in modernization.

4. Much of its profits have been reinvested America’s industry in modernization.

Завдання 7.

Виберіть відповідну форму модального дієслова чи його еквівалента для наступного речення.

- Properly managed forests (………) prevent flooding and soil erosion.

1. is able to

2. has to

3. can

4. is to

Завдання 8.

Виберіть відповідний переклад українського речення.

  • Багато американських робітників були змушені звільнитися із-за автоматизації.

1. Many American workers must be displaced because of automatization.

2. Many American workers were displaced because of automatization.

3. Many American workers are displaced because of automatization.

4. Many American workers had to be displaced because of automatization.

Завдання 9.

Виберіть речення, в якому Participle І має функцію означення.

1. Processing and marketing of petroleum products make up one of America’s industries.

2. Electronics has become a major industry employing more than a million people.

3. Industries are spreading out closer to natural resources.

4. Meeting the demands of the increasing population, American industries turn out more and more products.

Завдання 10.

Виберіть запитання до підкреслених слів.

  • Other changes have taken place in business world.

1. Where have other changes taken place?

2. What has taken place in the business world?

3. Other changes have taken place in business world, haven’t they?

4. Have other changes taken place in business or science world?

Варіант V

Завдання 1.

Виберіть відповідну відповідь на запитання.

What are the oldest industries of Ukraine?

1. Ukraine’s oldest industries are shipbuilding and motor vehicle industries.

2. Ukraine’s oldest industries are power engineering and electronics.

3. Ukraine’s oldest industries are aircraft construction and instrument making.

4. Ukraine’s oldest industries are coal-mining and metallurgy.

Завдання 2.

Виберіть речення з прикметником найвищого ступеня.

1. Odessa State Economic University is a prominent centre of economics.

2. Odessa State Economic University is one of the largest higher schools in Ukraine.

3. More than 6 thousand students study at Odessa State Economic University.

4. Odessa State Economic University has friendly relations with many higher schools.

Завдання 3.

Виберіть спеціальне запитання.

1. Ukraine numbers a total of 1.5 million college and university students, doesn’t it

2. How many college and university students does Ukraine number?

3. Does Ukraine number a total of 1.5 or 2 million college and university students?

4. Does Ukraine number a total of 1.5 million college and university students?

Завдання 4.

Виберіть речення з Present Continuous Active.

1. One leading electronic firm did not exist 10 years ago.

2. Electronics has become a major industry employing more than million people.

3. Great changes are taking place in the business world nowadays.

4. The growing use of machines has brought about new employment.

Завдання 5.

Виберіть відповідну форму дієслова, приведеного у дужках для наступного речення.

  • Ukraine (to have) a ranking position among industrially developed countries.

1. have

2. had

3. has

4. shall have

Завдання 6.