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Simple English Grammar(Кашкарев-методичка).doc
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Exercise 54. Point out the predicative in the following sentences and state what it is expressed by. Translate into Russian / Ukrainian.

1. He looked young, erect, and well. 2. “The young man,” said the general, “seemed a decent fellow, I thought.” 3. It was he who persuaded them to meet us at the Elation. 4. The chief was a friend of Christie's and she knew that she was one of his favourites. 5. His first instinct was to pass on without a word, but Lawson did not give him the opportuni­ty. 6. The best thing is doing it at once. 7. Pearson sounded relieved. 8. My greatest wish in the world is that you should be happy. 9. He could not believe the child was only six, for his voice had the power of an eleven-year-old's. 10. Suddenly he felt afraid.

Exercise 55. Define the type of the predicate in the following sentences.

A. 1. They gave a wonderful show last night. 2. The concert was fantastic! 3. Amanda is very diligent. 4. She takes her studies seriously. 5. Frederic is an honest person. 6. Can you talk to me honestly just for once? 7. It was a lucky chance. 8. All ended luckily. 9. – He has worked hard all his life. – Yes, he really is a hard worker. 10. You must think hard about what I am offering you. 11. She hardly knows what to do with her children. 12. I’m so tired that I can hardly move. 13. Give it a hard push when you try to open the door. 14. Chris would like to buy a fast car. 15. News travels pretty fast. 16. We had late lunch at a hotel. 17. I started learning English quite late in life. 18. I have made good progress in my studies lately. 19. Have you heard of him lately? 20. As we took an early train, we arrived in London quite early. 21. It is good. 22. I can do it. 23. His story was true. 24. That is a good idea. 25. I have finished my work. 26. It is raining. 27. It is not real coffee. 28. I shall write a postcard to Doctor Wing now. 29. I understand he is a writer. 30. "She is a wonderful woman," said the girl softly.

B. 1. That's enough now. You were born a fool and a fool you will remain. 2. Who is this? 3. She married young. She was only nineteen. 4. The story sounds a little strange. 6. He seemed out of breath with the effort. 6. I've always been against taking Nan in our confidence. 7. She was deeply concerned about her Father's health. 8. You've come back a different woman. You are years younger and you look the picture of health. 9. And there she lived for a long time forgotten by her rich relatives. 10. The wind continued blowing rough but the sea was smoother. The long-promised treat was becoming more real and I was the first to mention it.

Exercise 56. Define the type of the verbal predicate in the following sentences.

1. Mr. Robinson managers his firm well. 2. We have been colleagues for twenty years already. 3. My granny had lunch and went for a walk in the park. 4. All her life Tina has been dreaming of becoming a dancer. 5. I can’t find words to say how much I love you. 6. Should I follow all your advice? 7. They started running as fast as they could. 8. Since I read it I keep thinking about it. 9. They began to visit each other regularly. 10. I’m sorry, I have to leave. 11. You needn’t have done it for us. 12. It has just stopped raining. 13. You should have thought twice about it! 14. We were to meet at five, just after the lecture. 15. Do you need my help, Mary?

Exercise 57. Point out the predicate in each of the following sentences and state its type. Translate into Russian / Ukrainian .

a) 1. He excused himself and went outside. 2. There came a surprise. 3. He wondered what she was thinking. 4. No questions were asked about his absence. 5. On steam tables the day's dinner menu dishes were being portioned and served for delivery to dining-rooms. 6. I shouldn't have allowed that to happen, believe me, my dear Eliot, if I had been there. 7. At dawn fighting broke out with renewed violence.

b) 1. But I must be going now. 2. "Why should we go down to dessert twice a day?" said Venice. 3. You will have to do as you were told. 4. Most of our senior officers will have arrived by then. 5. Your mother must have gone through a good deal of suffering. 6. They may have telephone com­munication. 7. Who could have done such a thing? 8. Jack ought to have stayed for tea with them.

c) 1. The man grinned from ear to ear and began to play a lively tune. 2. I kept walking, busy with my thoughts. 3. Aloysius Royce continued to work quietly as the other two talked. 4. He burst out laughing. 5. They ceased to speak eyeing the newcomer suspiciously. 6. He would go there every afternoon just for pleasure. 7. You remind me of someone I used to know from Africa. 8. She stopped to talk to the Cypriot tailor. 9. The tanks began moving towards the bridge.

d) 1. Let the medical officer know, with my compliments, that I wish to see him. 2. I longed to go where there was life and movement. 3. The party director replied patiently, "I'd still prefer to come to your house." 4. We decided to telephone the office at once. 5. She had utterly refused to do at they had asked her to. 6. Why did they refuse to come?

e) 1. The roof of the cottage was high and pointed. 2. The argument grew hot. 3. You men, you're all alike! 4. The plan is original but very difficult to be realized. 5. They remained silent for a while. 6. Why have you become so absent-minded, my dear fellow? 7. It is getting dark, will you turn on the light? 8. Her voice sounded very strange. 9. Something has gone wrong with the starter. 10. Mary's cakes taste always delicious.

f) 1. Mr Dempster waited until the conversation died. 2. For a full three minutes Daisy's mouth continued to laugh. 3. They were trying to calm her. 4. His parents had natural­ly desired to see her once at least before he carried her off to a distant settlement. 5. He couldn't go on living there alone. 6. I beg your pardon, but Mr Gatsby would like to speak to you alone. 7. She kept eyeing Henry with interest. 8. Aunt Juley tried to say something pleasant. 9. "Oh, by the way, I'm leaving for Europe tonight," he informed her. 10. I dared not utter a word. 11. She didn't really want to wake them. 12. The plane is to take off in a matter of minutes.


Exercise 58. Find the objects in the sentences and define their type. Translate into Russian / Ukrainian.

  1. Buy me an ice-cream, please. 2. Are you going to explain it to me? 3. Dictate this rule to the students, please. 4. Show me the new computer. 5. Look at the map. 6. – I’ve never seen a ghost. – Have you? 7. I want to be with you. 8. Call me tonight. 9. I shall never forget you. 10. Nina is married to my cousin. 11. I’ve been thinking of you! 12. Peter will not tell her about his adventure. 13. The secretary gave the mail to the boss. 14. I’ve never translated from Spanish into English. 15. Barbara parked the car near the shopping-centre. 16. I’d like to introduce you to my friends. 17. Listen to your heart! 18. Give me a match, please. 19. Put all possible questions to this sentence. 20. Will you pass me the sugar? 21. I addressed her twice before she answered me. 22. He handed the letter to his wife. 23. I need a book with pictures for my little daughter. 24. Everybody listened to him with interest. 25. Peggotty opened a little door and showed me my bedroom. 26. We are sorry for him. 27. He stopped and shook hands with me. 28. She put the kettle on the fire. 29. We looked for the boy everywhere.

Exercise 59. Point out direct, indirect, and prepositional objects and say what they are expressed by.

A. 1. Give me a knife and a small spoon, please. 2. It is raining, you must give her your umbrella. 3. Tell us your story. 4. Tell it to him, too. 5. I know nothing about it. 6. Show me your room. 7. I want to buy a doll for my little sister. 8. I haven't seen the children today. 9. Help me, please. 10. See me tomorrow. 11. You'll forget him. 12. She writes letters to her cousins. 13. Give me your address. 14. I must read it to you. 15. He came with his friend.

B. 1. Jemma gives music lessons to small children. 2. I bought a painting for my living-room. 3. Put the child to bed. Tell him a story, sing him a song. 4. They gave their kids nice presents on Christmas. 5. The boy showed us his collection of stones. 6. They gave each student a copy of the text. 7. The secretary left a message for the manager. 8. Can you show me the new files? 9. The office got a new computer and a printer. 10. When you come to visit us, we'll show you all the sights of Washington. 11. Thank you, you've asked me a good question. 12. Don't give the kids any more sweets. 13. I'd like to have a word with you. 14. The poet recited his new poems to the public. 15. The director promised me a promotion.

Exercise 60. Change the sentences according to the example if possible.

Example: Give this disk to Victor. – Give Victor this disk.

1. Show your new passport to the inspector. 2. Send a Christmas card to your grandparents. 3. Pass ketchup to Dad. 4. Don’t lend any money to Vladimir. He never gives it back. 5. Take the telegram and pass it to Henry. 6. He has two small daughters and he often gives presents to them. 7. I need your car badly. Can you lend it to me? 8. Mr. Parker gave a master class to his students. 9. Describe this picture to me. 10. She taught Latin to my son. 11. Tell your new telephone number to the secretary. 12. Sing this wonderful song to us, Maria. 13. You will have to pay the money to them here and now. 14. Would you get a beer for me? 15. Let me make some coffee for you, girls.

Exercise 61. Consider different types of objects (direct, indirect and preposi­tional). Translate into Russian / Ukrainian.

1. A red salvage truck engaged gear and roared away. 2. The doorway was occupied by a bulky man with a brown attaché case. 3. His mother held out his jacket for him. 4. Why are you afraid of diving? 5. We must keep the tele­phone line open to the office. 6. Spencer put out a hand to steady himself. 7. He had been thankful for the chance to sleep. 8. The clerk nodded approval. 9. Remind the newspa­per office to cover the possible evacuation of houses. 10. He couldn't think of a thing to say. 11. We shall depend only on you in this matter, shan't we? 12. No worry, sir, the doctor will be attending to her presently. 13. The inspector allowed himself a smile. 14. Do you want to have the printed records at once? 15. I'm sorry to have disturbed you. 16. Clearly she hasn't thought of the possibility. 17. To go such a long way on foot − impossible! 18. The family were busy packing for the trip. 19. We may offer to you three more of the same. 20. He shook himself out another cigarette. 21. This slender girl will make an excellent teacher.

Exercise 62. Put the words in the correct order. If necessary, add preposition to.

1. The inspector refused to say / anybody / anything.

2. Would you like to read / the children / a bedtime story?

3. I have promised / a party / the children.

4. Don't tell / anything / the others.

5. Edward teaches / chemistry / students.

6. I shall have to report / this / the authorities.

7. The manager forgot to mention / his boss / the matter.

8. The Dean explained / the colleagues / the situation.

9. The President announced / his resignation / the press.

Exercise 63. Comment on the objects in the following sentences. Translate into Russian / Ukrainian.

1. My children have their teeth checked every six months. 2. We must have this place tidied up before mother and father come home. 3. How on earth did you manage to have your house redecorated so quickly and so well? 4. Get your hair cut − it's a disgrace! 5. I had my wallet stolen when I was in Naples. 6. We're trying to get the central heating repaired before the bad weather comes. 7. You really ought to have that cut examined: it looks infected to me. 8. She let us have our way. 9. He made us go out. 10. I heard her sing the latest hit. 11. We heard the children quarrelling over the new toy. 12. She expects the guests to arrive soon. 13. Harold promised to be in time for the presentation. 14. Most women enjoy shopping. 15. My guitar needs tuning. 16. Police officers are not used to being contradicted. 17. We waited for the weather to clear. 18. Never write down what you don't want to be published.

Ехercise 64. Translate into English.

1. Может ли кто-нибудь объяснить мне, в чем дело? 2. Не думаю, что кто-нибудь может диктовать нам, что делать. 3. В своем романе писатель часто ссылается на политические события. 4. Это информация, на ко­торую можно ссылаться в будущем. 5. В своих ме­муарах актриса часто ссылается на многих извест­ных людей. 6. Егор попросил меня представить его Насте. 7. Мы встречаемся целый год, а ты еще не представила меня своим родителям. 8. Позвольте представить вам нашего нового управляющего − Джона Вайта. 9. Моя няня, бывало, читала мне сказки перед сном. 10. Очень сомневаюсь, что ты су­меешь объяснить своим друзьям этот поступок. 11. Пожалуйста, никогда больше не ссылайся на меня в подобных ситуациях. 12. Если вы мне напишите, то я буду счастлив. 13. Они написали нам из Гааги. 14. Адвокат предупредил своего клиента об опасности. 15. Манекенщицы продемонстрировали публике новые модели.

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