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II. Give the corresponding nouns to the following verbs:

a) to result, to trade, to name, to work, to major, to answer, to purchase, to cause, to study, to form, to change, to place, to walk, to service;

b) to develop, to mantain, to specialize, to manage, to invent, to improve, to coordinate, to establish, to instruct, to orientate, to provide, to direct, to learn, to graduate, to found, to equip, to train, to know.

III. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs if necessary:

1. Kyiv National Economic University is a prominent economic institution ... higher learning. 2. It provides ... a high quality training ... economists and managers ... various fields ... national economy. 3. The main purpose ... the University is to equip students ... contemporary knowledge ... economics and management. 4. The University was founded ... 1906 as a commercial school ... the field ... industry and trade. 5. The students studied ... three faculties. 6. Many prominent scientists and public figures studied ... the Institute. 7. In 1992 the Institute was transformed ... Kyiv State University ... Economics. 8. At present it is granted autonomy ... making decisions ... the major directions ... its activity.

IV. Complete the following sentences:

1. Kyiv National Economic University is ... . 2. It provides ... . 3. The leading position of the University, its prestige and renown are ... . 4. The main purpose of the University is ... . 5. In 1920 the Institute was restructured and named ... . 6. In August 1992 it was transformed ... . 7. Many prominent scientists and public figures studied and worked at the Institute: ... . 8. In February 1997 according to the President decree ... .

V. Answer the following questions:

1. Is Kyiv National Economic University a prominent economic establishment of higher learning? 2. What does it provide? 3. What is the main purpose of the University? 4. When was the University founded? 5. When was the commercial school transformed into Kyiv Commercial Institute? 6. What faculties did the students study at? 7. When was it restructured and named Kyiv Institute of National Economy? 8. What prominent scientists and public figures studied and worked at the Institute? 9. When was the Institute transformed into Kyiv State University of Economics? 10. The University became the leading higher school of economics in Ukraine, didn’t it? 11. Is it granted autonomy in making decisions on the major directions of its activity?

VI. Translate into English:

1. Київський нацiональний економiчний унiверситет є провiдним економiчним вищим навчальним закладом в Україні. 2. Вiн готує висококвалiфiкованих економiстiв i менеджерiв для рiзних галузей народного господарства. 3. Головна мета унiверситету — надати сту­дентам сучаснi знання з економiки та менеджменту та забезпечити їх високий професiйний рiвень. 4. Унiверситет було створено в 1906 роцi як комерцiйну школу. 5. У 1908 роцi вона стала Київським комерцiй­ним iнститутом. 6. Студенти навчалися на трьох факультетах: еконо­мiчному, комерцiйно-технiчному та залiзнично-експлуатацiйному. 7. У 1920 роцi комерцiйний iнститут було перейменовано в Київський інститут народного господарства. 8. Багато видатних учених та гро­мадських дiячiв навчалися та працювали в інституті. 9. Зараз унi­верситету надано самостійність у вирiшеннi питань з головних на- прямiв його дiяльностi.

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