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8 Rewrite the sentences using Passive Voice

1. He built IBM’s success on the principal of customer satisfaction. 2. One can divide computers into three broad categories. 3. We use the term workstation to describe a very powerful desktop computer. 4. The screen displays the correct word. 5. Does the computer program control the output of the keys? 6. Alex bought a laser printer last week. 7. She needs a computer to keep staff records. 8. Translator has transformed the program into machine code. 9. Which language did they use to write Windows OS? 10. They sell the latest models of scanners and printers in this shop. 11. Do they use Java for writing programs for the WWW? 12. Can we find magnetic ink characters on bank cheques?

9 Rewrite the sentences using Passive Voice

1. We use a lot of computer types in all spheres of our life. 2. They designed a specialized program ACD See to work with pictures. 3. She will use computer graphics in her advertisement. 4. Do banks use computers to look after their customers' money? 5. When did they buy that computer? 6. We’ve sent Anna on a CAD course. 7. They used a PC for playing computer games. 8. They will calculate the bill for the customer. 9. We can use computers to process information in very different ways. 10. They have used databases and word processors to keep records of students, teachers and materials. 11. They are constantly improving the printers. 12. My friend has adjusted his monitor. 13. Who is repairing John’s computer? 14. Do they use a browser program for looking at pages on the Internet? 15. We know computer equipment as hardware. 16. They have customized their computers according to their needs. 17. You must save a file before you turn the computer off. 18. They launched this chip last week.19. He will adopt a better Internet technology. 20. We have used a printer to print this document.

Part 6 - Тема 7 Принцип роботи монітора.

1 Прочитайте та вивчіть терміни (усно)

analogue-to-digital converter – аналого – цифровий перетворювач;

flicker-free – без мерехтіння;

to download – завантажувати;

monitor calibration-калібрування монітора;

enhanced colour display – дисплей з розширеними кольоровими можливостями;

accessories – приналежності;

a display adapter – адаптер дисплея;

image size – розмір зображення;

distinct pixels – окремі пікселі;

response time – час реакції (відповіді);

luminosity – яскравість (освітленість);

aspect ratio – відношення ширини до висоти, видова пропорція;

power consumption – затрата енергії;

viewing angle – кут перегляду інформації;

aperture grill – апертурні гратки (тонкі провідки в поверхні екрана ЕПТ Trinitron);

landscape display – дисплей із зображенням, витягнутим по горизонталі / ландшафтний дисплей;

TFT-LCD (Thin – Film – Transistor – Liquid – Crystal – Display) – рідкокристалічний дисплей;

display character generator-знакогенератор;

refresh rate – частота регенерації;

cathode ray tube – катодно-променева трубка, кінескоп;

a digitized image – цифрове зображення;

plasma display – плазменний дисплей;

pitch – інтервал, крок;

display resolution – роздільна здатність дисплею;

dot pitch – розмір точки (відстань між пікселями);

contrast ratio – коефіцієнт контрасту;

horizontal length – горизонтальна довжина;

vertical length – вертикальна довжина;

width – ширина;

2 Перекладіть тексти на українську мову. (письмово) напишіть до текстів 5 запитань (письмово)

1) `I sometimes use a video projector in my Geography lessons. I prepare audiovisual presentations on my laptop and then connect it to a front-screen projector which displays the images on a distant screen or white wall.

2) `I’ve got a 52-inch plasma display and really enjoy its advantages: high-contrast images and bright colours, generated by a plasma discharge which contains noble, non-harmful gases. Gas-plasma TVs allow for larger screens and wide viewing angles, perfect for movies!'

3) `I use a portable DLP projector for my business presentations. This is a digital light – processing device which creates the image with millions of microscopic mirrors arranged on a silicon chip.`

4) ` I am a home cinema enthusiast. I’ve set up a system with a DVD recorder, speakers for surround sound, and a rear projection TV, which has the video projector and the screen within a large TV box. It’s a real cinema experience.`

3 Доповніть (письмово) технічні специфікації монітору відповідними словами із списку (два слова зайві)

List of words: resolution, adjust, screen size, LCD, video card, monitor, refresh rate, colour depth, brightness;

The new Paintview XT – 85 combines a television and a computer (1) … in one display

Type of display Flat panel (2) …

(3) … 19 inches

Display (4) … 1,280 х 1,024 pixels

Dot pitch 0,294 mm

(5) … 16,7 million colours

Contrast ratio 1,000:1

(6) … 459 cd/m2

Built – in TV tuner Yes

Audio two 3-watt speakers and a 5-watt subfolder; headphone jack

The picture – in – Picture function allows you to watch more than one program at the same time and lets you (7) … the size of each window.

4 Заповніть пропуски відповідними словами. (письмово)

1. If you intend to set up a ….… …… , consider getting a very big screen, a DVD recorder and a good set of speakers. 2. A …… - …… …… takes digital images and displays them on a screen or wall. 3. The company announced plans to expand its …… …… - …… (DLP) cinema technology, which has thrilled test audiences with its dazzling colours and pin-sharp images. 4. In a …… …… TV, a large box contains both the projector and the screen built in. 5. The gas mixture in a …… …… is not dangerous.