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Br e Am e

homely down to earth, domestic ugly (of people)

nervy nervous bold, full of nerve

pants underpants trousers

pavement footpath, sidewalk road surface

to tick off to scold to make angry

  1. Same word, additional meaning in one variety

Common meaning Additional in Am E

bathroom room with bath/shower and room with toilet only


dumb mute stupid

good fine, nice valid (as of tickets, offers)

school educational institution all institutions of any level

(primary, secondary)

to ship to transport by ship to transport by train,

plane, or trunk

Common meaning Additional in Br E

leader one who commands, guides an editorial

smart intelligent well-groomed

surgery a medical operation, an office of any doctor

or an operating room

  1. Same word, difference in style, connotation, frequency of use

Br E usage Am E usage

autumn common, all styles poetic or formal

clever common, positive less common, negative

fortnight common, all styles uncommon, archaic

quite negative or neutral positive

  1. Same concept or item, different word

Am E Br E

faucet tap

muffler (on a car) silencer

sophomore second-year student

washcloth face flannel

zero nought

line queue

can tin

gas petrol

couch sofa


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