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Topics / Leadership

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The success of any company mostly depends on its top-management. A good manager should be a good leader. Passionate driven leaders not only have enormous amounts of energy but can energise the people when they lead. They set the company’s goals and achieve them successfully and efficiently. Good leaders are decisive charismatic people motivating their subordinates to achieve their goals, manager self confidence into people, allowing them to and then rewarding them then hey do it.

Above all else good leaders are open. They get all of people of all levels. They are communicative. They go up, down, and around the organisation to reach people. They don’t stick to establish channels. They are informal. They are straight with people. They make a religion out of being accessible. To run a large company effectively the top-manager needs many qualities. This straight may be empathy, courage and imagination. Different companies need different features of the leader. The most important traits of a good leader a integrity and honestly. If the manager flexes integrity his subordinance will soon find it out. They can forgive much to their manager: in confidence had manners, bit never forget a lack of integrity. Besides a good leader should be a good organizer, motivator, achiever and a winner. He must have great business ideas and put them through. He should work systematically to obtain the skills needed to be a modern chief executive.

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