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Topics / Organisation

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Organisation of good working environments

Many companies are keen on the organisation of good working environment for the employees. Good working conditions are very important as the influence the productivity of labour motivate the stuff creates ability and help the company to become competitive and successful in the world of business.

Many companies throw out traditional management style in favour of people motivation and achieving the goals. For example, the key words in the Finnish cleaning company SOL are flexibility, freedom, trust, goals, responsibility, creativity, joy of working, and long life learning. Very often creativity is restricted by routine and traditional office hours. As work becomes more competitive companies need more flexible, creative and independent people. To help staff towards independence Sol-company has abolished territorial space such as individual offices and desks and organized a communal area similar to a social club. It has colorful playgrounds, with trees, caged birds and small animals, a nursery, a billiard table, sofas, modern and kitchen corners.

The motto of SOL-company is to kill routine before it kills you. Another motto is the better you think you are, the better you will become. Another company, The British Airways, sees very clearly that the quality of office they give the personal affects their performance.

The new waterside building was designed specifically to make sure that the British Airways encourage team work. So they have street, open plan offices. The whole design is built around the idea that people should be able to bump into each other, meet each other easily and frequently and manage each others conversations in a very informal way. So that is one feature. A second key feature was that they cut down on paper work, reduced it to the minimum, introducing electroning forms, and electronic e-mails and electronic manuals.

And a further component was that they also encourage flexible working.

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