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NON-FICTION.materials / Chapter 2 Questions

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Questions to Consider

from McQuail’s Mass Communication Theory

Chapter 2. The Rise of Mass Media

    • Are public definitions of media stable?

  • From the beginning to mass media

    • Why is it necessary to distinguish between a process of mass communication and the actual media that make it possible when discussing the history of mass communication?

    • What main elements should be considered when telling the history of mass media? Discuss them separately and in relation to each other. Use this information as a plan to describe different kinds of media.

  • Print media: the book and the library

    • Did the appearance of the printed book immediately lead to the change in content?

    • What was the main function of the book in the early medieval period?

    • What new professions emerged after the introduction of printing?

  • Print media: the newspaper

    • Name the precursors of a newspaper.

    • Describe the features of the early newspaper.

    • Why is it held that in the sphere of communication the newspaper was more of an innovation than the printed book?

    • In what major ways can the history of the newspaper be told? Discuss relations between the newspaper and established power.

    • Describe major types of newspaper.

  • Other print media

    • What other forms of publication than book and newspaper exist? Describe the most significant of them.

  • Film as a mass medium

    • Did film offer anything new in content or function?

    • What contributed mostly to the great popularity of film?

    • Discuss major strands in film history.

    • Comment on the coexistence of entertainment function and didactic and propagandistic tendencies in modern films.

    • What were the turning points in film history?

    • Describe relations between film and other media.

  • Broadcasting

    • How long is the history of radio and television?

    • Did these forms of mass media appear in response to a demand for a new kind of service or content?

    • What are the distinctive features of radio and television?

    • What are the main genre innovations of television?

    • Has the status of television as the most ‘massive’ of the media changed over the years?

    • What social functions are performed by television?

    • Discuss the process of fragmentation of mass television.

    • What helped radio prosper despite competition from television?

  • Recorded music

    • Why has relatively little attention been given to music as a mass medium?

    • When did recording and replaying of music begin?

    • What major changes have taken place in the character of the phonogram?

    • Describe cultural significance of music.

  • The communications revolution: new media versus old

    • What does the expression ‘new media’ refer to?

    • What are the essential features of ‘new media’?

    • What are the main driving forces of an ongoing ‘communications revolution’?

    • What impact did technological innovations have on mass communication?

  • Differences between media

    • Why is it much less easy to distinguish between different types of media?

    • On which dimensions do clear differences between media remain?

    • What dimensions do relations between media and society have?

    • Comment on inter-media differences concerning the problem of freedom and control.

    • What are major dimensions of traditional media use and reception?

    • Differentiate types of media along these dimensions.

    • What have digital media added to the established criteria of media differentiation?