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NON-FICTION.materials / Questions on 13 and 14

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  1. Media Content: Issues, Concepts and Methods of Analysis

  • Critical Perspectives on Content

    • Discuss the critical tradition based on a Marxist theory of ideology. In what three ways do media contribute to promoting the dominance of a ruling-class ideology?

    • Outline major concerns of critical attention to advertising.

    • Describe the attempts to assess the quality of mass media. Enumerate the criteria and standards applied.

    • Comment on the critical perspective on mass media concerned with the demonstration of violence.

    • Discuss critical feminist perspectives on media content. What two issues necessarily arise in this respect?

  • Objectivity and its Measurement

    • Discuss the standard of news objectivity, highlighting the notions of factuality, accuracy, completeness, relevance, significance, interest, and impartiality of information.

    • Describe sources and the most salient examples of media bias. Discuss the notion of ‘unwitting bias.’

    • Why is the reality reflection norm is open to criticism?

  1. Media Genres and Texts

  • Questions of Genre

    • Discuss the meaning of the term ‘genre.’ Why is it sometimes controversial?

    • Name characteristics of the category of content that can be called ‘a genre.’

    • Why can a genre be called a mechanism for ordering the relations between producers and consumers?

    • Genre examples

    • What was the basis for genre study of film?

    • Describe the application of the genre idea to the study of westerns and soap operas.

    • Discuss the capacity of the genre idea to adapt and extend to cope with dynamic developments.

    • A typology of genres

    • Analyze the structure of television genres.

    • Why is the application of the scheme and the idea of genre in general complicated?

    • Media format

    • Discuss the terms ‘media logic’ and ‘media format.’

  • The News Genre

    • Why so much attention is paid to the news genre?

    • What is news?

    • Describe two early attempts to answer the question of the nature of news.

    • Name major attributes of news.

    • News and human interest

    • Discuss the relations between news stories and human interest stories.

  • The Cultural Text and Its Meanings

    • Developments in what sciences gave rise to a new form of discourse concerning media text?

    • The concept of text

    • In what basic senses can the term ‘text’ be used?

    • Why, according to Fiske, is polysemy a necessary feature of truly popular media culture?

    • What dimension of multiplicity of textual meaning was pointed to by Newcomb?

    • Differential encoding and decoding again

    • Discuss the notions ‘preferred reading’, ‘inscribed reader’, ‘implied audience’, ‘interpellation.’

    • Intertextuality

    • Discuss intertextuality as an accomplishment of the reader and a feature of media themselves.

    • What effect did the expansion of marketing based on media images have on intertextuality?

    • What does the term ‘third level of intertextuality’ refer to?

    • Discuss the notion of a code.

    • Open versus closed texts

    • Describe the difference between open and closed texts.

    • Is this differentiation consistent between genres?

    • Why does this distinction have a potential ideological significance?