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1. Руководствуясь правилами чтения, произнесите следующие слова, обра­щая внимание на выделенные буквы:

[d] thus, this - these, that - those, with, with'out, their, there, then, than, though, 'northern, 'southern, 'further, 'weather, 'whether, 'either, 'neither, 'hitherto, rhythm, 'other

[6] theme, method, myth, thrust, north, south, fifth, 'thousandth, through, through'out, 'nothing, length, width, both, birth, strength, baths, 'thermae, 'Gothic, ca'thedral, tholos

[f] sphere, sphinx, pe'riphery, phi'losophy, ,amphi'theatre, 'anaglyph, pho'tography, 'emphasis, phase, tri'umphal

[f - v - w] 'forum, leaf, 'fortify, fuTfil, frame, fret; vie, 'cover, 'violet, vase, vault, valve; five, 'fivefold, 'favour, frivolous; why, when, where, which, what, water, was, were, we, wall, well, will, way; wave,


freeways, weave, forward; with which, where from, what for, we will win

2. Измените предложения по образцу, используя модель Participle II + ... + to be + подлежащее:

Образец 1: Theatre design was revolutionized by the Ancient Romans. - Revolutionized by the Ancient Romans was theatre design.

1. The Acropolis is crowned by the Parthenon (447-432 B.C). 2. Rounded forms were used in Roman architecture. 3. This magnifi­cent building will be encircled by mature trees. 4. The aqueduct was invented by the Romans. 5. These facades were suggested by the Colosseum. 6. The palatial walls are punctuated by pilaster strips ( = lopatkas). 7. The exteriors of the Roman villas were enlivened by porticoes and colonnades.

Образец 2: The Ancient Romans revolutionized theatre design.

3. Переведите данные ниже слова, обращая внимание на суффикс -al, который указывает, что это

а) прилагательные: obelisca/, rostra/, epochal, documents/, segmental, corneal, optica/, focal, minima/, maxima/, optima/, classi- cal, triglyphica/, mineralogica/, flora/

б) и прилагательные и существительные: spira/, diagona/, individua/, periodica/, potentia/, ova/, capita/, idea/, ritua/, crysta/, internationa/, vertica/, horizonta/

в) существительные: pedesta/, meta/, canal, hospita/, astraga/, arriva/, festival, revival, survival, finia/

4. Соедините по смыслу прилагательные, указанные в пунктах а), б) (см. упр. 3), с существительными в пунктах б), в).

Образец: classica/ revival; oval pedestals

5. Образуйте слова при помощи указанных префиксов и переведите их:

multi-: story, colored, use, purpose, family, faceted, span poly-: technic, chromatic, acoustic, (dia)gonal, style many-: columned, coloured, storey(ed), side(d), pinnacled pseudo-: classic, Egyptian, science, vault, Doric, portico quasi-: Romanesque, sculptural, street, baroque, triumphal para-: architectural,, psychology, military

6. Образуйте антонимы при помощи отрицательного префикса de- и пе­ реведите их. Придумайте с ними короткие предложения:

. form(ed/ation), centralize(ation), concentrate(ion), urbanist(ize/ !Zation), industrialize(ation), mount(able)

7. а) Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов, прочи­ тайте их вслух, проанализируйте их англо-русские звуко-буквенные соответст­ вия:


тектонический; логичный; горизонтали; вертикали; пластич­ный; арка; (имеют) тенденцию; декоративный элемент; псевдо-периптеральный; орнаментация; домус; инсула; вилла; сгруп­пированы; симметрично; атриум, атрий; перистиль(ный); де­крет (закон); традиционный; ферм(а/ерский); экстерьеры; пор­тики; солнце; церковь; христианский; византийский; утилитар­ный; тема

б) Напишите эти же слова по-английски и проверьте написание по тек­сту.

8. а) Назовите русские слова, которые имеют такие же корни, что и следующие английские:

1 > -4 о <~ -'

о series; rounded; degraded; essentia^ sphere; contrast; apartment; identical; phase; primarily; produced; factories; office

б) Подберите к русским словам, английские эквиваленты, данные выше:

одинаковый, похожий; ряды; шар; фабрики (ср. ман^уфакту- ры);:,закругленный; выродился- контора, кабинет; существенный (ср. квинтэссенция);"~&вартира;^этап; различие; создал,, произвел; прежде всего (pp. прима, премьера) '• *

9. Запомните «ложных друзей переводчика» и придумайте с ними слово­ сочетания или короткие предложения:

dome купол (а не дом); concrete бетон (не только конкрет­ный); court двор (не только корт); block корпус; квартал до­мов (не только блок); angle угол (а не ангел); decoration наруж­ная и внутренняя отделка (а не декорация); tank резервуар (ср. танкер) (не только танк)

10. Переведите в опоре на контекстные синонимы:

1. so that = in order that; 2. as though = as if; 3. member = element = component; 4. merely = only; 5. predilection = liking = love = preference; 6. reveal = show = demonstrate = uncover; 7. thermae = public baths; 8. play = composition; 9. defenestrated = without windows = windowless; 10. quantities = many = a lot of; 11. primarily = first of all = mainly

11. а) Запомните неизвестные вам слова и фразы:

A.D. = Anno Domini [aenou 'daminai] fenestration [,fenas'treijh] n распреде-

наша эра (н.э.) - ление окон

axial faeksial] а осевой: по направле- floor [По:] и пап: перекрытие: этаж;

нию оси syn. stor(e)y I

axis ['aeksis] n (геометрическая) ось: give (gave; given) rise to породить.

pi axes faeksbz] давать начало

casual fkaesjual] а случайный: небреж- hence [hens] adv следовательно

ный inward-looking ['inwad 'lukirj] a обра- catch [kaetfl v (caught [кэ:ф (у)ловить: щенный во двор

схватить peripteral [pa'nptarl] а окруженный

Claim [kleim] я право; иск колоннами 38

pour into a mould заливать в форму so that с тем чтобы; так что

(опалубку) straggling ['straeglirj] а разбросанный:

precursor [pnTca:sa] n предтеча, пред- беспорядочный

вестник throughout [8ru'aut] adv везде, (по)-

reach [ritf] v достигать; доходить; до- всюду; по всей площади

езжать whereas [wtar'aez] cj тогда как; в то

return [n'ta:n] v возвращать(ся): п время как; когда

возвращение . while [wail] cj пока; в то время как:

road [roud] n дорога; шоссе тогда как; хотя shade [Jeid] n тень; оттенок, тон; v


б) Найдите в тексте, прочитайте и переведите минимальные контексты, в которых использованы новые для вас слова.

12. Внимательно прочитайте текст и переведите его:


  1. Whereas. Greek architecture is tectonic, built up from logical series of horizontals and verticals, Roman architecture is plastic with_ much use of rounded forms (arch," yauK.ind.Jome), so that build­ings tend to look as if they had been made of concrete poured into a mould. In Greek and Hellenistic architecture the column was the most important member; in Rome the column was, ojiteri ..degraded to . merely decorative uses^ whUe^the^wallJbecame /the essential element, hence the Roman predflectionTor pseudo-peripteral temple, and, for elaborately carved entablatures and other ornamentation. But the true . greatness of the Romans lay in the creation of interior space.

  2. In_domestic architecture three types were developed; the do-mus or town-house; rhp- insula or multi-storey apartment house...or tenement block, and-the—villa or suburban, or country house» The domus derived ^ojm the Greek and Hellenistic house and was usu­ally of one storey only and inward-looking, the rooms being grouped axiafly and symmetrically around the atrium (a quadrangular court) and one or more peristyle courts. The street facade was plain and defenestrated. The insula had several ideatkal but separate floors and was..often vaulted throughout with concrete construction. A decree of . Augustus limited their height in Rome to 75 ft".' the villa was de­rived from the „traditional, farm-iKxiise./ and was more casual and straggling in plan than the domus. Their exteriors were enlivened with porticos and colonnades, rooms were designed to catch the view, or the sun in winter or the shade in summer.

  3. The final phase of Roman architecture from the 4th to ~the~ 6th centuries, primarily in church hmlding, js called Ejfly__CJiristian-architecture. It gave rise to Byzantine architecture.

4. A purely utilitarian theme in Roman architecture, which produced quantities of. houses, apartment buildings, factories, roads, bridges - all those amenities which have returned to the world of ar-


chitecture only in recent times - gives the Romans a claim to be the only true precursors of the modern architect.

13. Дайте определения следующих терминов:

1. atrium; 2. basilica; 3. domus; 4. defenestrated; 5. forum; 6. insula; 7. peristyle; 8. thermae; 9. villa

a) usually large unvaulted hall of justice in Rome; b) public baths; c) town-house; d) multi-storey apartment house; e) a building surrounded by a row of columns; f) suburban or country house; g) a Roman public square surrounded by monumental buildings; the center of civic life; h)~a quadrangular court of the Roman house; i) without window

14. Вставьте пропущенные строевые слова:

1. Roman architecture is plastic, ... Greek architecture is tectonic. p.. The Romans utilized rounded forms, ... trieir buildings appear fti? X.... they had been constructed of monolithic concrete. 3. In Rome the column was used ornamentally, ... the wall became the most essen­ tial member. 4. The concluding phase of Roman architecture is named Early Christian architecture, ... it gave rise to Byzantine ar­ chitecture. 5. The insula was often vaulted ... with concrete construc­ tion. - ;w.s '1ТГ^

• ' --y-et/fCf ■'. ;- "л,<- 'f ."' ' .< ■■ -• ■

hence, thus; as if, as though; so that, in order that^ throughout; while, whereas _^ ^./м. fh fifgf-; T "/"

5 15. Закончите предложения, используя словосочетания, данные ниже:

1. The domus derived from the Greek and Hellenistic houses ... 2. The villa was derived from the traditional farm-house ... 3. Exter­nally the villas were enlivened with porticos ... 4. A purely utilitarian theme in the realm of architecture produced a lot of houses, apart­ment buildings, factories, roads, bridges ...

a) and the Romans who worked it out became the only true precursors of the modern architect, b) rooms were designed to catch the view, c) it was usually inward-looking, d) it was more casual and straggling in plan than the domus.

^ . Переведите на английский язык, используя причастия:

ч; having + Participle II (смыслового глагола)

улучшив планировку; спроектировав школу; построив храм; использовав ордера; украсив здание; заимствовав орнамент; со­единив помещения; упростив композицию; возведя дворец

) having + been + Participle II (смыслового глагола)

После того как... план упростили; композицию придумали; архитектурные обломы скопировали; здания соединили; школу возвели; гостиницу спроектировали

.) being + Participle II (смыслового глагола)

сооружение, которое возводият / -или); город, который пла-нир(уют /-овали); храмы, которые проектир(уют/ -овали); композиция, которую совершенств(уют /-овали)

17. Переведите предложения, содержащие the Absolute Participle Con­ struction (подлежащее + причастие). Если этот оборот используется в начале предложения, то в зависимости от смысла начинайте перевод со слов «так как», «если», «когда», «после того как»; если этот оборот завершает предло­ жение, то в переводе (на месте запятой) употребите «а», «и», «но», «при­ чем»:

1. The site is walled, the' highest walls being to the north. 2. The Corinthian capital has a high circular ( bell ornamented with acanthus leaves, the abacus having four concave sides. 3. The post-and-lintel construction being widely used in Egyptian architecture, the arcuated system received no attention. 4. The Greeks having developed the three orders, the Romans adopted them and added two others. 5. Originally Greek domestic architecture, like Egyptian, used mud, stone being reserved for sacred and public buildings. 6. The Greeks were not the first to plan cities, the honour probably going to Harappan priests in India. 7. The insulae having been Л limited to 75 ft, Rome's great public buildings were not dwarfed by * them. 8. The domus was usually of one story only, the rooms being grouped around the atrium.

18. Подтвердите или опровергните следующие утверждения, начав свое высказывание соответствующей фразой:

1. The Greek architects preferred rounded forms such as arch, vault, and dome. 2. The Romans had a predilection for elaborately carved entablatures. 3. In Greece the column was the most impor­tant member. 4. Roman architecture developed a. purely utilitarian theme. 5. The Romans derived little from domestic architecture of other civilizations. 6. The final phase of Roman art of building is called Early Christian architecture.

19. Задайте своему собеседнику вопрос и выслушайте его ответ:

1. (Какое) is the difference between Greek and Romans archi­tecture? 2. (Какие) types of dwellings did the Romans develop? 3. From (чьего) house was the domus derived? 4. (Какой высоты) was the insula? 5. (Как) and with (каким) material was it vaulted? 6. (Как) were the rooms oriented in the villa? 7. (Когда) did Early Christian architecture develop? 8. To (какому) art of building did it give rise? 9. (Почему) may we call the Ancient Romans the only true precursors of modern architects?

20. а) Переведите письменно без словаря, б) Укажите, какую информа­ цию из этого текста вы бы включили в текст -Roman Architecture":

Roman architecture reached its apogee in the Pantheon, Rome (& AD 100-25, with a dome 141 ft in diameter). It_ is based on a sphere, the height of its walls being equal to the radius of the

^dome. Comparison of the Pantheon with the Parthenon reveals the contrast between the tectonic and extrovert nature of Greek archi­tecture and the plastic, introvert nature of Roman architecture... This is equally evident in the most typically Roman of all buildings, the basilica, which with its interior colonnades, is like a Greek temple turned outside in. Other typically Roman buildings are: thermae, with their rich decoration and-complicated spatial play; amphitheatres, of which the Colosseum, Rome (AD 69-79) is the largest; triumphal

.arches, a purely decorative type of building, always of the Corinthian or Composite order.

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