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Syllabus Англ.Яз. МП111(Up.Intermediate).docx
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  1. Think about the suggested activity or approach and how to use or adapt it in you work.

  2. Think of the purpose of writing activities.

  3. Compose the list of key words in chronological order.

  4. Provide only a skeleton structure of the story. Provide the plan of the story.

  5. Remember the basic information of the subject.

  6. Try it on.

  7. Әдебиеттер тізімі:

  8. Список литературы:

  9. 1. Common European framework of Reference, 2001

  10. 2. "New English file Upper-Intermediate ", Clive Oxenden & Christina Latham-Koenig.

  11. 3. Legal English, Cambridge press university, 2007

  12. 4. Мюллер В.И. Англо-русский словарь, 2002 г.

  13. 5. Murphy Raymond English Grammar in Use, 2002

  14. 6. Owin Roger Самый полный видеокурс английского языка. Видеокассеты к самоучителю. Часть 2. Уроки 1-15, 1992 г.

  15. 7. Home-study CD-ROM and audio CD in one, Oxford University Press, 1997

  16. 8. Interactive grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and video activities, Oxford University Press, 1997

  17. 9. English Vocabulary in Use, Michael McCarthy & Felicity O’Dell, Cambridge University Press.

  18. File 1B

  19. Exercise: Personality Adjectives

  20. For each sentence, choose the best word or phrase to complete the gap from the choices below.

  21. 1. She's so _________, she always gets people to do what she wants.

  22. 2. Don't be so ______ . You shouldn't tell people what to do all the time.

  23. 3. When I was younger, I was very ________ , but now often speak to groups of 100 people and it doesn't worry me at all.

  24. 4. He's incredibly ________. He spends hours looking at himself in the mirror.

  25. 5. My father's quite ________. He often forgets where he has put things

  26. 6. The important thing is to be __________. Don't give up. Keep on trying.

  27. 7. She says the most terrible things about other people. She can be so _____ sometimes.

  28. 8. Mike's very ________. Sometimes I just wish he could be quiet and listen for a change.

  29. 9. You're never happy with anything anyone does. It's impossible to please you.

  30. You're so _______.

  31. 10. Freddie is only young, but he loves meeting new people. He's extremely _________.

  32. 11. One of my friends is never late for anything. I wish I could be as _____ as she is.

  33. 12. His sister often shouts at people when they don't do what she wants. She can be very __________ .

  34. Answers

  35. 1. A shy B vain C manipulative D punctual

  36. 2. A bossing B punctual C bossy D timid

  37. 3. A demanding B shy C bitchy D vain

  38. 4. A punctual B shy C bitchy D vain

  39. 5. A absent-minded B open-minded C like-minded D mindful

  40. 6. A out-going B persistent C shy D pushy

  41. 7. A demanding B pushy C bossy D bitchy

  42. 8. A chatty B talkative C easy-going D shy

  43. 9. A demanding B talkative C aggressive D out-going

  44. 10. A vain B out-going C shy D pushy

  45. 11. A timid B punctual C time-wasting D early

  46. 12. A timid B talkative C vain D aggressive

  47. File 2 A

  48. Text

  49. Why is it that when you look around the streets, all the young people seem to be wearing the same clothes? Why does every single one of them appear to have had their hair cut — or not cut — at the same hairdresser's? Just watch a few music videos and you will begin to understand how it all works. Popular music seems to have become the most important means of self-definition for young people. Whether they prefer heavy metal, grunge or pop, the musicians they see on TV soon become their role models. They not only want to hear the sound, they want to copy the musician's style. The result is long, straggly hair, which is shaved at the sides, multiple earrings, baggy shirts and trousers and trainers as big as shoe boxes. Comfort is not essential cither. Big shoes may be easier to slip out of than to actually walk in, but if you want to keep up with the trends, you wear them anyway. Peer pressure is another influence. To most young people dressing to look like their friends seems to be the surest way to be accepted. Unfortunately, the first victim of "fashion victimization" is individuality. While style should ideally be a way of showing people who you really are, following the trends means that you end up being — or seeming to be — exactly like everyone else.

  50. Teenagers would rather not go out at all than go out wearing the "wrong" clothes or footwear. Even in cold weather they prefer to go out without wearing a jacket if it means avoiding wearing something which does not make them look cool. The problem is the clothes that teenagers think are cool, tend to be more expensive than those which are not. Also, the "uncool" clothes are often much warmer than the trendy ones, but unfortunately kids can't stand wearing them. Certain brand names are not as popular, for some reasons, as others.

  51. Take boots, for example. Many teenagers like wearing Nike's shoes. Nike is an American manufacturer of sports clothes and shoes. He has become very fashionable with young people. Nike is pronounced "nickey" and is the goddess in Greek mythology. Nike, who sat at the side of Zeus, was usually represented as a winged figure. And nowadays the Nike "swoosh" logo appears on every pair of Nike shoes.

  52. Vocabulary

  53. hairdresser — парикмахер

  54. self-definition — самовыражение, самоопределение

  55. straggly — растрепанный

  56. to shave — бриться

  57. multiple earrings — многочис­ленные серьги

  58. baggy — мешковатый

  59. trainers — кроссовки

  60. essential — значительный, достаточный

  61. to slip out — соскакивать

  62. to keep up with the trends — идти в ногу с тенденциями

  63. peer — ровня, равный

  64. pressure — давление

  65. influence — влияние

  66. surest way — самый надежный способ

  67. to accept — принимать

  68. victim — жертва

  69. individuality — индивидуальность

  70. to follow the trends — следовать тенденциям моды

  71. footwear — обувь

  72. trendy — сверхмодный

  73. can't stand wearing — не переста­ют носить

  74. brand name — торговая марка

  75. logo — логотип

  76. manufacture — производство, изготовление

  77. goddess — богиня

  78. mythology — мифология

  79. to represent — представлять

  80. winged figure — крылатая фигура

  81. swoosh — звук проносящегося на большой скорости предмета

  82. Questions

  83. 1. What clothes do you like to wear?

  84. 2. Do you keep up with the trends? Why?

  85. 3. Is it cheap or expensive to keep up with the trends?

  86. 4. Do all teenagers follow the trends? Why?

  87. 5. Do your parents approve your taste in clothes?

  88. 6. Do you like to look cool? Why?

  89. 7. Do you prefer individuality in fashion? Why?

  90. 8. Do you like to wear clothes with brand names? Why?

  91. Idioms and Sayings About Transport (http://www.learnenglish.de/vocabulary/transportidioms.htm)

  92. 1. To get on your bike = (To get moving)

  93. For example: Norman Tebbit told the unemployed of Britain to get on their bikes and find work elsewhere.

  94. 2. On yer bike! = (An impolite way of telling someone to go away)

  95. For example: He said "On yer bike" when I asked him for more money.

  96. 3. To be in the same boat = ( To be in the same situation (usually unpleasant) as other people)

  97. For example: She's always complaining that she has too much work, but we're all in the same boat.

  98. 4. Car boot sale = (An event in a public place where people sell their unwanted possessions, often from the backs of their cars)

  99. For example: You can pick up a lot of bargains at a car boot sale.

  100. 5. To have a face like the back end of a bus = (To be really ugly).

  101. For example: "Quasimodo has a face like the back end of a bus, but he is really nice."

  102. File 3A

  103. Questions for discussion:

  104. * What do you think is the worst cime a person could commit? Why?

  105. * Do you think that punishment for violent crimes should be the same for juveniles and adults? Why/why not?

  106. * Is prison an effective puishment? (Why? or Why not?)

  107. * Does prison help rehabilitate criminals? (Should it?)

  108. * What's your opinion about the death penalty?

  109. * What makes some people become criminals? Is it poverty, upbringing, lack of education, unemployment or something else?

  110. * Why do you think crime is more prevalent in some societies than in others?

  111. Exercise: “Crime and punishment"

  112. Put each of the following words and phrases into its correct place in the passage below.

  113. bigamy countries fine misdemeanor prison

  114. civil crimes forgery offences state

  115. classes criminal law laws penalty term

  116. community felony life imprisonment person treason

  117. Crime

  118. Crime violates the laws of a community, ________ or nation. It is punishable in accordance with these _____. The definition of crime varies according to time and place, but the laws of most _______ consider as crimes such ______ as arson, _____, burglary, ______, murder, ________ and.

  119. Not all offences against the law are ______. The laws that set down the punishments for crimes form the ______. This law defines as crimes those offences considered most harmful to the ______. On the other hand, a ______ may wrong someone else in some other way that offends the _______ law.

  120. The common law recognizes three ______ of crime: treason, ______, and misdemeanor.

  121. Death or ______is the usual _______for treason. Laws in the United States, for example, define a felony as a crime that is punishable by a _______ of one year or more in a state or federal ________. A person who commits a ______may be punished by a _______or a jail term of less than one year.

  122. File 3B Weather

  123. Read this short story about the British weather.

  124. I left the house with a brolly in my bag because the weather forecast had predicted light showers and, sure enough, as soon as I got outside I felt drizzle. I put up my brolly and hurried along, but there was a huge gust of wind that blew it inside out. As I struggled to fix the brolly the drizzle started to turn into a shower. I ran under a nearby bus stop to take shelter and the heavens opened, it started pouring down, really bucketing down. My brolly was beyond repair so I threw it in a nearby bin and just sat and watched the downpour. After about five minutes it stopped and the sun came out so I carried on walking, but after about a minute it started spitting again and I had to shelter in a shop. This time it was just a quick shower and when I went back outside it was mild with a warm breeze. However as I continued along the street a car run through a huge puddle in the road and splashed me, I was soaked from head to toe.

  125. Match these definitions to the highlighted words in the story.

  126. 1. Light rain:

  127. 2. Rain for a short period:

  128. 3. Umbrella (slang):

  129. 4. Very wet/covered in water:

  130. 5. Heavy rain (phrasal verb):

  131. 6. One strong action of the wind:

  132. 7. Heavy rain (noun):

  133. 8. Light rain at the beginning of a shower or downpour:

  134. 9. Light wind:

  135. 10. Body of water in the street:

  136. 11. Rained heavily (idiom):

  137. File 4 A Feelings

  138. ashamed calm confident dizzy doubtful

  139. energetic envious grateful homesick humiliated

  140. irritable listless nauseous numb pessimistic

  141. proud relieved self-conscious stiff uneasy

  142. Exercise: Put each of the following, remembering to conjugate, in the correct gap.

  143. can't stand, get cold feet, deep down, have second thoughts, go blank, feel guilty, figure out, be dying to, be kidding, get over

  144. 1. It's really difficult to _____ what you mean if you don't explain yourself.

  145. 2. I'd like to apologize for last weekend. I _____ about not having telephoned to say I wouldn't be able to come.

  146. 3. He _____ go to the Red Hot Chili Pepper's concert next week.

  147. 4. I just _____ listening to him lecture. He is so boring!

  148. 5. They're not sure that want to get married. I think they _____.

  149. 6. He really did poorly on the test. When it came to take it, he _____ and couldn't answer anything.

  150. 7. Jason is having a hard time _____ the death of his cat.

  151. 8. He must _____! He can't really mean what he says.

  152. 9. When you think really hard, you should always be able to know what you feel _____.

  153. 10. Unfortunately, he _____ about the car he just bought. It seems that it doesn't get very good mileage.

  154. Answer key: 1 - figure out, 2 - feel guilty, 3 - is dying to, 4 - can't stand, 5 - are getting cold feet, 6 - went blank,

  155. 7 - getting over, 8 - be kidding, 9 - deep down, 10 - is having second thoughts.

  156. Body idioms:

  157. 1) as broad as a barn door - very broad or fat

  158. The flight attendant at the airport was as broad as a barn door.

  159. 2) as dry as a bone - very dry

  160. The river bed was as dry as a bone at the end of the summer.

  161. 3) at each other's throats - fighting or arguing all the time

  162. The two boys were at each other's throats when they entered the room.

  163. 4) at the top of one`s lungs - with a very loud voice

  164. I yelled at the top of my lungs to get the man's attention.

  165. 5) belly up - bankrupt

  166. The small video store near my house is now belly-up.

  167. File 5 A Music

  168. Conversation questions:

  169. 1. What kind of music do you like?

  170. 2. Are you a good singer?

  171. 3. Can you concentrate on other things when you are listening to music?

  172. 4.Can you play a musical instrument?

  173. If so, what do you play?

  174. How long have you been playing?

  175. Are you good at it?

  176. 5. Can you play the drums?

  177. 6. Can you play the guitar?

  178. 7. Can you read music?

  179. 8. Do you enjoy music videos?

  180. 9. Do you ever listen to MP3 files on your computer?

  181. 10. Do you like all kinds of music?

  182. 11. Do you like to listen to classical music?

  183. 12. Do you like to listen to country music?

  184. Exercise: Fill in the blanks with a word from the exercise above, make sure to conjugate the verbs.

  185. 1. Don't you think the Maestro ___________ the orchestra well?

  186. 2. He beat the _________ like a madman!

  187. 3. John Lenon _________ the lyrics to many of the Beatles's best songs.

  188. 4. You can tell when Peter is in a good mood, she ________ one of her favorite tunes.

  189. 5. The most famous opera __________ by Mascagni was "Cavelleria Rusticana".

  190. 6. Jazz musicians almost always ___________ their solos.

  191. 7. The ___________ always tune their instruments before they begin the concert.

  192. 8. I can remember the time when President Clinton got up on MTV to _______ his horn - the saxophone.

  193. 9. Would you please not tap your _______ in time to the music?

  194. 10. Some of the best rock singers don't _________ their songs, they shout them!

  195. Match the verb in the column on the left with the correct noun from the column on the right

  196. VERB NOUN

  197. compose tune

  198. conduct drum

  199. write horn

  200. play instrument

  201. blow piece of music

  202. tap orchestra

  203. improvise lyrics

  204. sing song

  205. hum solo

  206. beat foot

  207. Answers

  208. 1. Don't you think the Maestro conducted the orchestra well?

  209. 2. He beat the drums like a madman!

  210. 3. John Lennon wrote the lyrics to many of the Beatles's best songs.

  211. 4. You can tell when Peter is in a good mood, he hums one of her favorite tunes.

  212. 5. The most famous opera composed by Mascagni was "Cavelleria Rusticana".

  213. 6. Jazz musicians almost always improvise their solos.

  214. 7. Most professional musicians play their instruments up to five hours a day!

  215. 8. I can remember the time when President Clinton appeared on MTV to blow his horn - the saxophone.

  216. 9. Would you please not tap your foot in time to the music?

  217. 10. Some of the best rock singers don't sing their songs, they shout them!

  218. * compose - piece of music

  219. * conduct - orchestra

  220. * write - lyrics

  221. * play - instrument

  222. * blow - horn

  223. * tap - foot

  224. * improvise - solo

  225. * sing - song

  226. * hum - tune

  227. * beat – drum

  228. File 5 C The Media

  229. Television and the Media Quiz:

  230. Test your knowledge of vocabulary related to television, radio and the media

  231. Choose the correct answer to go in the gap.

  232. Example:

  233. The .... is the person who is responsible for the overall shape of the programme. (producer)

  234. actor

  235. producer

  236. director

  237. 1. Turn on the TV! There is live ...... of the cricket match between England and Australia.

  238. coverage

  239. report

  240. review

  241. 2. "Those were today's headlines. And now it's Angela McCarthy with her weather ...... ".

  242. forecast

  243. broadcast

  244. presentation

  245. 3. I can't stand that stupid comedy. Can you switch to another ...... , please?

  246. host

  247. channel

  248. transmission

  249. 4. A ...... is some kind of TV drama in parts based on inter-human relationships.

  250. documentary

  251. soap opera

  252. sit-com

  253. 5. We're just getting some ...... news, that a tidal wave has destroyed much of the city of Atlanta.

  254. sensation

  255. arriving

  256. breaking

  257. 6. I like the new ...... introducing and reviewing progammes on our local TV.

  258. actor

  259. guide

  260. presenter

  261. 7. 'The Weakest Link' is a very popular ...... based on general knowledge, broadcast daily on BBC television.

  262. quiz

  263. exam

  264. test

  265. 8. The time of day when most people are watching television is known as ...... .

  266. prime time

  267. popular time

  268. best time

  269. 9. Many TV viewers were shocked when late-night presenter John Smith's face started puffing up horribly while ........ .

  270. filmed

  271. on (the) air

  272. acting

  273. 10. "Welcome to another live TV debate. Our ...... is as usual Simon Bainbridge, and his guests today are some of Poland's most prominent politicians".

  274. announcer

  275. host

  276. actor

  277. Key: Question 1: a, Question 2: a, Question 3: b, Question 4: b, Question 5: c, Question 6: c, Question 7: a, Question 8: a, Question 9: b, Question 10: b

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