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прагматика и медиа дискурс / Teun A van Dijk - Text and Context

3.53 Mб


model(s) (cont.) sequence 95f structure(s) 31 sub-, 105

model-theoretical semantics 26 modus ponens 20, 25

Moral (narrative category) 154

narrative 4, 153ff

and cognitive processing 158f and macro-structures 153ff

necessary condition(s) 17lf necessity 27ff

negation 56f negative action 181ff

obligation(s) 72, 187 operator(s) (modal) 27 ordering

of facts 223ff free 106

of sentences 97f, 103ff, 223ff normal 61, 97f, 103ff

organization (of complex semantic information) 143ff, 155ff

paragraph 152f participant(s) 193 perception

and discourse ordering 107 and macro-structures 158

performatives 201 perlocutionary act 196, 198f perspective 209, 226ff phase(s) (of events) 169 plan(s) 158f, 177, 180, 233f point of view 49, 71 possibility 27ff

possible world(s) 29ff alternative 30

and events/actions 168ff normal 74, 80


defining possible worlds 71 semantic 35

pragmatic(s) 2, 189ff aims of 189ff connectives 209ff of discourse 205ff

information processing 218ff interpretation 190 macro-structures 232ff model structures 191

of representation 223ff praxeology 196

predicate logic 23ff


preference 179 logic 180

presupposition 68f, 112, 206f, 221ff prevention 181

process 170

production (of discourse) 158f proposition(s) 21, 36, 41

compound 21

as possible fact 36

and possible worlds 29f propositional

act 196f attitudes 34 function 24 logic 20ff

psychological article 155 psychology (cognitive) 155ff purpose 174ff, 178ff

-successful 175

quantifier(s) 23f, 96

range(s) epistemic 119

of predicates 39, 96f of semantic space 39

recall 15) 72,f 179 recall 155ff

reduction (of information) 143ff, 155ff reference 3, 33ff

transparent versus opaque 34 referent 33

relevance 45f logic 55

g ff 5ff pragmatic 97, 208f, 226

semantic SSff representation (of facts) 223ff

Resolution (narrative category) 154 result 171

rhetorics 4, 1 If, 201 rules

of inference 20

of interpretation 21ff of language If macro143ff

satisfaction 61 selection function 56

selection restriction(s) 39 semantic

acts 197 categories 38f

transformations/mappings 143ff trees 69ff

semantics 3, 9 cognitive 7


contextual 37 formal/logical 19-42 of modal logics 28ff

and natural language 37ff of predicate logics 21ff

of propositional logics 25ff truth functional 21ff

semiotics 189 sentence(s)

composite 205, 206jJ' complex 3 compound 3,, 2oójj as grammatical unit 2

of logical languages 24

sequences of 3, 44, 86f, 103ff, 206ff, 213ff

sequence(s) of acts 177

connected 86ff of events 170 of facts 103

of sentences, 3, 44, 86f, 103ff, 206ff, 213ff

of speech acts 86, 202f, 213ff series

of events 170

of individuals 98 set theory 26

Setting (narrative category) 153 similarity

of meaning(s) 97

of possible worlds 29f, 35f, 74, 79f sincerity condition 199

situation(s) 29ff, 168ff social

functions/roles 201 information processing 232 psychology 12

sociology 12

sortal semantics 39 speech acts 195ff

indirect 202 macro- 232-47

sequences of 202j, 205jj state(s) 30

description(s) 168f statement 21


style 245

stylistic 4, 121, 201 successfulness 175 sufficient condition 171 summary 157

syntax (logical) 19f

tense lologic 27 text

as grammatical unit 3, 5 versus context 2281 versus discourse 5 grammar(s) vii

theme 6, 132 (see also topic of conversation)

theorem 20 time 168 topic

atomic 136

of activity 235 change 51, 138, 140

and comment 94, 114ff, 120, 206f of conversation/discourse 6, 50ff,


and macro-structure(s) 137ff

of sentence versus - of discourse 119 set 136


topical sentence 136, 150 truth

conditions 26

functional semantics 21ff tables 21f

values 21 type(s)

of discourse 4, 147 semantic/logical 38

units of grammar 2, 5j universe of discourse 26 utterance(s) 192f

type versus token 192f

valuation function 25, 50 variables 24, 117

want(s) 173, 178f

well-formed formulae (wff's) 20 world, see possible world