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15.men are born batterers_short version.docx
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  1. Battering origins from the genetics

Scientists have come to a conclusion that manifestation of physical violence lies deeply in men’s genetic level. They found out that men have the gene that is responsible for the showing of strength that often leads to violence, so genetically men are more likely to resort to physical violence than women.

  1. Men present the sterner sex

Men are stronger than women and the use it for their own benefit. They take advantage of their physiology. Once a woman disagrees with a man he scares her with a fist at best. At worse he batters her just because he can and he knows that a weak woman can’t batter him back.

  1. Men are used to relieve a stress through showing of strength

Psychologists say that women handle stress and tensions by talking to their friends or relatives or by crying and yelling. They show their emotions while men are considered to be rough. They never share their feelings, worries and anxieties with other people. Instead they accumulate the stress deeply inside and at some point they are not able to keep it there anymore. Then they explode and relive it by beating a girlfriend, wife, child or anyone else who appears to be nearby.

  1. Some cultures and religions provide men with multiple privileges

Christianity stands against violence of any kind, but in Muslim countries men can easily beat their wives almost to death for disobedience. Just like that some nations are considered to be more emotional than others. For example in Brazil the cases of hot quarrels between spouses are frequent. But nobody will call the police if he hears their neighbours fighting because this practice is accepted by their society.

  1. Men like to show their dominancy

Men like to think that they control everything. They like to feel superior. This feature starts to develop in early age. In pre-school age it becomes apparent: everybody knows that boys in kindergarten kick girls. When boys get older this feature becomes even more apparent. When a man resorts to physical violence he thereby tries to show the victim that he is dominant and superior.

  1. Society makes men batterers

Traditionally society expects men to be strong. Men should be providers, they should work hard in order to make money and which is more important they should keep everything under control including their wives and children. But women in their turn tend to be more independent and when they refuse to submit, men have to resort to force.

  1. Men lack communication skills

Women are used to resolve conflicts in a diplomatic way. You never see a woman pulling another woman by hair in order to prove her rightness. But with men things are vice versa. Men won’t involve in hours-long conversations in order to reach consensus, they’d rather solve a problem in a simple instinctive way: the strongest takes it all.

  1. Deficiency of laws dealing with domestic violence

In some countries law enforcement systems are complex and cover all kinds of legal relationships. In Russia, for example there is no comprehensive legislative system regulating family violence. When a man finds out that domestic crimes are not traced by law and the procedure of charging and punishment lacks certainty and accuracy he won’t be afraid of committing one.

Arguments against:

  1. The concept of men constantly beating women is a stereotype.

The number of batterers is not that high and the statistics is predominately overrated. What is more women tend to exaggerate. What a woman may call a battering can easily occur to be a mild slap.

  1. Battering is subject to punishment by law

Some hundred years ago the legislature was not developed enough in the area of domestic violence but know it is a top issue in socio-political spheres all over the world. Law penalizes domestic crimes severely enough to withhold men from beating their wives.

  1. Women can be as violent as men

Since men represent the stronger sex they realize their responsibility and may not show their force. But women are considered to be the softer sex, so violence for them is the only way to protect themselves. Furthermore women are more inventive when it comes to violence, their ways tend to be more savage than the methods of men.

  1. Not all men are batterers

Sociologists claim that domestic violence is mostly spread among families with the lowest income. And again not all poor families suffer from man’s abuse. Economical and social surrounding influences the occurrence of battering, but the initiators can be of any gender. Battering in families, produced by a man is rather an exception than a rule itself.

  1. Women force men to abuse them

Men may lead in physical violence but when it comes to mental violence women are the best. Most of them are hysterical by their nature, they like to make a row and paint the devil blacker than he is. Men often complain about women’s grumbling and sometimes women bring men to the stage when they literally can’t restrain themselves.

  1. Women beat men too

In modern society women should be strong in order to survive. They get lower incomes than men and are confronted by difficulties when applying for a job. In order to prove that they can be as good as men they started to adopt men´s behavioural patterns which led to the equality of genders. Feminists ‘movement contributed a lot to a new approach to the female gender. Women made it clear, they don´t want to differentiate from men anymore. Furthermore, according to the statistics women resort to domestic violence quite often. Nobody is surprised anymore if a wife constantly abuses her husband.

Thus genders don´t play that important role in society as it used to and should not be a determinative factor when considering domestic violence.


All these facts just prove one obvious thing that domestic violence is a burning issue and a matter of great importance that may affect any person and any family. In fact it is not a problem of the one who commit an act of violence, but also of that person who provokes and lets anyone, whether it`s a husband or just a boyfriend, do this terrible things. As far as I can judge, the root of this problem lies not only in men`s biological disposition to violence, but also in relations between family members. I don`t believe that such position as “the more a husband beats his wife the more he loves her” is appropriate, good or has some positive sides. People who respect themselves will never let lift their hand against their family members as well as will never let others lift their hand against themselves.

Personally I was brought up in such traditions where home means a place where everyone feels safe and family members support each other. I am happy to say that this problem never occurred in my family that is why I am convinced that men`s love to battering is a little bit exaggerated but still it doesn`t mean that it doesn`t deserve being discussed. Because if a lot of people are aware of this problem, there`s a chance that many of them won`t stay indifferent to it and will try to act. For example, to organize broadcasting ads that give any information to potential victims about anonymous assistance.