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To begin with, it should be mentioned that Jerusha Abbott’s father and mother had died, and that’s why she was brought up in the asylum named the John Grier Home. One of the Trustees of this establishment believed that the girl had originality, and so decided to put her through college, thus Judy could be educated to become a writer. The only payment that the rich Trustee required was to get monthly letters from the girl, in which she was to tell of the progress in her studies and the details of her daily life. He just thought nothing helped better to become a writer than letter-writing. Thus, the book consists of Jerusha’s letters to the Trustee, who preferred to remain unknown, so the girl called him “Daddy-Long-Legs” according to the only slight impression of him that she had managed to catch. And being guided by these letters I’d like to describe Judy’s personality.

Main Part

Well, without any doubt, Jerusha was a very hard-working person and she never complained of hardships. In the asylum she not only went to school and learned her lessons, but also looked after eleven little tots, made their beds, washed their faces, darned their stockings and mended their trousers. And being at college, the girl read a lot to catch up with the other girls. Also, while preparing for the exams, Judy definitely worked really hard to get through them. And when she had a scholarship to live up to, it was not only necessary that she passed, but passed well. Besides, the girl was rather talented and smart, and had originality. Certainly, trying to become an author, she had failures and achievements, but as we know she attained pretty good results. Plus, Jerusha was rather good in the sphere of sport. The girl by nature was a sunny soul, and had always taken the smallest excuse to be amazed. In my opinion, she had an optimistic view of things and simply enjoyed every minute of her life. Of course, there were moments when she was upset and felt awfully lonely, forgotten and just bored with life, but I’m sure every person experiences such feelings from time to time. Judy believed that the most necessary quality for any person to have was imagination. Indeed, it makes people able to put themselves in other people’s places. It makes them kind and sympathetic. And Jerusha had a very vivid imagination. The matron of the asylum even used to say that such imagination would get the girl into trouble if she didn’t take care of it. But only this quality helped her to draw the picture of the guardian in her mind. Mrs. Lippett, the matron, also considered Judy to be impertinent, but I don’t share her point of view, the girl was just frank, honest, and open. Sometimes, she was a little stubborn and persistent. Well, she was just getting quite independent. The Trustee had put her on her feet, and the girl could almost walk alone. Jerusha wanted to earn for herself and to pay off the debt to Daddy-Long-Legs. That’s why she began tutoring and tried to sell her stories. I also incline to think that the girl was a strong-willed person, because she didn’t give in to the temptation to spend summer in Europe, and instead of that spent that summer teaching two children. She just wanted to turn out a very useful person.


So, as we see as every human being Judy possessed both good and bad qualities. But in my opinion, she was an amazing person, and Daddy-Long-Legs gave her an opportunity to rise in the world.

The book I’ve read on my own (Nick Hornby “About a Boy”)