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There is the saying: “Food comes first, then morals”. It means that it is very important to observe table manners, because that’s how you show the level of your breeding. Unfortunately, some people see a decline in our eating manners. And in our auditory class we’ve listened to an interview with a food editor, who is of the same opinion. So, I’d like to talk about the problems he mentions.

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It is improper to go out with dirty fingernails, with a tie at half-mast and without brushing your teeth. All these things are just the niceties of life. When you are at table, there are so many nice things that can be done, but are ignored by the masses of people when they do entertain. For example, if two people are sitting across from each other, the candles should be so low that people can look in each other’s eyes without having their vision marred by the candle flame. And the same thing is true about flowers. They should be placed low enough so that people don’t have to peek-a-boo, looking around the flower arrangement to see each other. Besides, while setting a table, never put your fingers inside of a glass or on the rim in order to put it on the table. This is not only unsightly, but it is also terribly unsanitary. You should hold the wine glass by the stem and never touch that rim with another part of your body except your lips. Moreover, it’s also very fine to always wipe your lips before you take a sip of wine. And don’t forget that champagne is wine. So, when you ask your guest what he or she would like to drink, the proper way to say that: “Would you care for a glass of still wine, or would you care for a glass of champagne?” And it’s also important when you pour wine, you should always hold the wine bottle by the label, so if you drip, the wine is not going to drip down on the label. Plus, always show the wine to your guests before they start to drink.


Without any doubt, the list of table manners is a very long one. And in my opinion, it is very essential not only to know this list, but to keep to these eating manners, because when you are sure that you behave right, you somehow grow in your own eyes.

The way people do shopping in Britain and other countries (“How Do you Do the Shopping”)


Shopping is a part of our daily life and is a chore that needs to be done. Going shopping may not be very pleasant or interesting, but we have to deal with it, whether we like it or not, because it’s a necessity. For some people shopping is pleasant pastime, while it is an everyday routine for others. And I’d just like to describe more detailed the way people do the shopping.

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Some people are reluctant shoppers. They hate doing it, and only go shopping when they really have to. So, such people just shop for essentials. They do it as quickly as possible and without any interference from anybody. Some even prefer to make up a shopping list, because they always tend to forget to buy something. All in all, these people find shopping tiring and do it unwillingly. Some of us especially dislike shopping for clothes, and each person has his own reason for it. Some people just can never find what they want, and that’s why to do the shopping is an absolute nightmare for them. And some are guilty of splurging too much money on their clothes, so they end up feeling very bad, because they’ve spent too much. Unlike them, some people are careful shoppers. They always set off with a fair idea of what they want, and they never snap things up immediately. Such people have to look in other shops, in case they can find a better bargain. While others, don’t even bother to try things on, because it’s far too much trouble. They’d rather make a few mistakes than have to go into shops and make a lot of effort. Anyway, some of us are happy shoppers and really enjoy it. And it’s even more interesting for such people if they go with a friend. These people don’t usually go out with a certain item in mind, but if something catches their eyes they’ll buy it. And some even consider themselves to be addicts, because they can’t spend enough money, and definitely have difficulty walking past sale signs. And in my opinion it should be admitted that very often going shopping is a pleasant experience for those who are well-off and can buy whatever they want. It’s not so pleasant for a poorer person, who may have to leave the shop without many of the things he would like to buy. So, it’s rather difficult not to agree with the proverb: “Stretch your legs according to your coverlet”.


In conclusion I’d like to quote a famous Roman playwright Terence, who said: “There are as many opinions as there are people, and each has his own correct way”. And I believe these words are also true about the way people do the shopping.

The importance of learning English nowadays (“Learning English”)