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Test 7

1 Choosethe most suitable word(s) in each sentence.

0 I then remembered that I forgot/had forgotten my keys.

1 It’s a nice blouse, but in/formy opinion it doesn’t really match your skirt.

2 Whatever/No matterDick claims, I won’t believe him.

3 By/In conclusion, let me thank you all for coming to my presentation.

4 I keep asking myself/mewhat I would do if I get into a similar situation.

5 Let’s meet Thursday morning at ten, shall we/won’t we?

6 I can’t wear this bulky sweater at the restaurant! I have to change/change myself.

7 The Democrats formed the government because/asa result of the elections.

8 Try to behave! Remember/Remember yourselfwhat post you occupy!

9 Wherever/Whenever you come, I’ll pick you up from the station.

10 Decisions such/such as these should be made by CEOs.

2 Decide which alternative (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.

Traffic problems

The people who run huge cities are being forced to think of fundamental solutions to the problem of traffic. (0) A who lives in urban districts these days knows this. What are the reasons for this? (1) _______ , cars are the source of noise and pollution in the areas where people walk and do shopping. (2) _______ this, they are hazardous and cause accidents. (3) _______ , cars lead to traffic jams and (4) _______ many hours of productive work time are lost. (5) _______ , people like their cars and won’t change their way of life easily. One of the possible solutions is to make public transport more reliable and comfy. Cities could, (6) _______ , have special lanes for bikes and a more regular bus and street car service. Some large cities (7) _______ the capitals of Scandinavian countries are already organized in this way. But the most drastic proposal is to ask motorists to pay toll to enter the city centre. It is certain not to be popular, but (8) _______ it may be the only way out if things do not get any better.

0 A AnyoneB SomeoneCNo-oneD People

1 AAs a result BBesides this CFirst of all DHowever

2 AAlso BAs well as CFor example DExcept

3 AFor example BNext CIn contrast DIn conclusion

4 Afor this Bsince Chowever Das a result

5 AHowever BSecondly CThus DTo sum up

6 Aon the other hand Bfor example Cin comparison Dthen

7 Aas Bsuch as Cowing to Dthus

8 Aon the other hand Bto sum up Cthus Das well

3 Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the words given. Do not change the word given. Use between two and five words, including the given one.

0 Look at those black clouds! There’s snow on the way. to Look at those black clouds! It’sgoing to snow.

1 Let’s have a break now. for It’s ______________________________________________ break now.

2 She held her daughter’s hand as the train arrived at the station. by She _____________________________________ hand as the train arrived at the station.

3 I had no sooner cleaned the floor than the children came in with muddy boots. sooner No ___________________________________ the floor than the children came in with muddy boots.

4 There’s a lot of wind today, isn’t there? today It’s _____________________________________________________ , isn’t it?

5 Don’t worry if you don’t come on time. matter It ______________________________________________ you don’t come on time.

6 I realized only then that my briefcase had been stolen. then Only ____________________________________ that my briefcase had been stolen.

4 Some of the lines in the following text are correct, and some have a word which should not be there. Mark the correct lines with a tick. If a line has a word which should not be there, write this word out.

The importance of English

English is probably the most important lingua franca 0

in the world. However, it isn’t because the England 00 the

itself is an important country. As the actual reason 1 ______

why English is so commonly spoken it is because of the 2 ______

US. Not only does the United States dominate the 3 ______

world of business, but also does international relations 4 ______

in general. In the future perhaps only China can to 5 ______

gain the same importance on the world stage. 6 ______

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