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6. Rewrite these sentences using passive forms:

  1. We will provide refreshments during the interval.

  2. You should complete the form in black ink.

  3. We have not tested our product on animals.

  4. We supply this appliance with a plug.

  5. Someone has fitted this car with an alarm.

  6. We arrange our displays in chronological sequence.

  7. You must wear hard hats while we are carrying out our construction works.

  8. We will prosecute all shoplifters.

  9. Close circuit cameras are monitoring this area.

  10. You may find toilet facilities at the rear of block B.

  11. We will take care of all the formalities.

  12. The customs officer made me open my suitcases.

  13. A lot of people say the government is out of touch with public opinion.

  14. Some people think the proposed legislation is unworkable.

Communication Practice

1. Making Plans

Work in groups. Imagine that you are taking a coach trip together to another country. You’ll be gone for a couple of weeks. Decide where you’re going. Then make a list of things you have to do and arrange before the trip. Use the prompts below and your own ideas:

  • Passport and visas

  • Coach (neck pillows, snacks, drinks, blankets)

  • Home (pets, plants, mail, newspaper delivery)

  • Personal (clothing, toiletries)

  • Medical (painkillers, band-aid, antihistamine medications, other)

  • Money (foreign currency, what to do in contingency)

Example: I’ve got to get my passport renewed. – Me, too. I also need to have my photo taken. And we should apply for visas right away.

Compare your list with that of another group. Did you forget anything?

2. Beauty Talk

Work in small groups. Think about other cultures. Discuss what types of things people get done in order to beautify their appearance. Report back to your class.


In India women get their hands painted for special occasions. I think it looks nice although I won’t like to have it done for myself.

Writing Practice

1. Cut out a couple of pictures of a fashion model or a famous film/ pop star. Glue them on a separate sheet of paper (preferably in chronological order) so they are arranged as BEFORE and AFTER pictures. Find and write down all the things the model had done to change her appearance. Express your opinion whether the model looks better or worse. Explain why you think so.

2. Write five passive sentences from the table below.


Finished products

New products


A new plant






R & D staff

several locations


Corporation President

Human Resources Dpt

Write up to ten similar sentences about a company you know well.

3. Describe a production process that you are familiar with. Use the verbs like pour, mix, stir, add, heat, leave, cool, close, etc. Ha this process changed in recent years? How was it different a few years ago?

Achievement Test

1 Underline any uses of the agent which are unnecessary.

  1. My jewellery has been stolen by a thief!

  2. It has been decided by the school that Wednesday will be a school holiday.

  3. Harry was pushed over by someone standing next to him in the queue.

  4. The goods are transported by rail to our warehouse in the Midlands.

  5. I was told by someone that you have a vacancy for a computer operator.

2 Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same

0. People think that neither side wanted war. Neither side is thought to have wanted war.

  1. Everyone knows that eating fruit is good for you.

Eating fruit ..................................................................................,

  1. Everyone thought the painting had been destroyed.

The painting ................................................................................

  1. People say that the company bid fifty million pounds for the shares.

The company ...............................................................................

  1. People think the jewels were stolen by one of the guests.

One of the guests .........................................................................

  1. It is believed that the Chinese invented gunpowder.

The Chinese.................................................................................

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