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  1. Над кем смеётесь? Над собой смеётесь!

  2. В детстве мы со старшей сестрой всегда ссорились по мелочам.

  3. Если ты будешь верить в себя, ты преуспеешь во всём.

  4. Она гордилась тем, что производила неизгладимое впечатление на мужчин.

  5. Чем знаменито это место? Оно очень популярно среди молодожёнов.

  6. Не успела я приехать домой, как она накричала на меня безо всякой причины.

  7. Доктор Блэк произнёс речь, достойную великого оратора.

  8. Мэри всегда завидовала моему продвижению по службе, но я не знала, что она способна на такую подлость.

  9. Её мнение о его родителях было не очень высоким по той простой причине, что они когда-то были против их брака.

  10. – Как тётя Элис отреагировала на эту новость? - – Она не одобрила его решения уехать в Канаду навсегда.

Communication Practice

Discuss the following ideas with your partner. Part a

Belarusian people take pride …

Once I was found guilty…

I am allergic…

I’m terribly sorry…

It’s so typical…

I am grateful…

Are you dead certain…?

I’m so angry…

I am (not) envious…

You don’t seem to be too enthusiastic…

I am responsible…

Part b

I haven’t received the invitation…

I am in real trouble…

I have no confidence…

You’ve got real talent…

You don’t even bother to find a reasonable excuse…

We are carrying out a research…

Your lack…is killing me!

Part c

Stop complaining…!

I long…

You are always/often/never praised …

You are always arguing …!

The street I live in was named…

On my last birthday I was presented…

The salary I am asking for amounts…

I believe you should apologize…

Nothing can prevent me…

I think it’s rather silly to smile

My best friend dreams…

Would you forgive your friend…?

You are always worrying…!

I don’t sympathize…

I find it hard to ask…

I hate when they interfere…

I strongly object…

I hope to succeed…

Writing Practice

Recently you won a lottery and bought a cottage of your dream. Now you are thinking of throwing a party to celebrate the event. Write a letter of invitation to a friend of yours who lives in another city. Give all the necessary details about the date, the time, directions, the address code, etc.

Achievement Test

1 Choose the correct word in brackets.

I gave … (-, to, for) my music pupils a longer and earlier holiday than usual, then started … (to, for, in) New York. I arrived … (to, at, in) my Aunt Eliza’s house … (in, at, on) Bond Street … (till, after, at) 7 am … (on, in, -) a Sunday morning, and found her servant James talking … (to, about, of) the milkman. … (at, in, from) the beginning of each visit to Aunt Eliza, I was … (in, at, under) the habit of thinking … (of, about, over) the difference … (between, among, in) her living style and ours. We lived … (with, by, from) “hand … (in, for, to) mouth”. Everything … (in, over, about) her wore a hereditary air.

2 Fill in the gaps with appropriate prepositions. Part b

  1. All time and efforts of my father have always been more devoted his business than his family.

  2. How do I get the airport? – Turn right the end of this street and you’ll see it front of you.

  3. He goes his office every day except Sunday. Sundays he stays home and works the garden.

  4. Write ink and put your name the top of the page.

  5. It was so clever you to find the necessary data the Internet instead of looking through those endless books the library.

  6. There was an accident the crossroads midnight last night. Two men were taken hospital. I believe one of them is still hospital.

  7. Our train arrived York 6.30. Paul met us the station.

  8. He is always a hurry. He drives a tremendous speed.

  9. I’ve lived this street ten years.

  10. How do you go school? – It depends the weather. wet days I go tube; fine weather I go foot.

  11. My boss complemented me being diligent and hardworking.

  12. The car stopped the traffic lights and wouldn’t start again, so the driver got and pushed it the side … the road.

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