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1. Read the following sentences carefully and choose the correct word

  1. I’ve done everything that/what/which she asked me to, so my conscience is clear.

  2. I don’t believe you couldn’t spare a moment to give me a call! You had much/a little/plenty of free time!

  3. I’m telling you there/it is something/nothing/everything wrong with me! Not to worry!

  4. Though she is definitely a talented author, very many /few /little/a few people have read her wonderful novels as she didn’t really care about promotion and advertising of her works.

  5. I can hardly believe anything/everything/something he says at all! Whenever he gives an account of anything/something/nothing there is always something/ everything/ nothing mixed up, missing or simply wrong.

  6. All/every/each of the prize-winners was presented with a set of French books and a huge dictionary.

  7. - I wonder how much petrol we have left.

  • I hate to disappoint you, but nothing/no/none.

  • This pen won’t write! Could you fetch me another/other/the other one?

  • The Sheriff and Detective Ross decided to talk to the deaf Mrs.Parkinson, the only neighbour of the late Mr.Brown, though either/neither/everybody believed that would make finding the murderer any easier.

  • It was 20 minutes later (when I had finally found my precious puppy and pulled it from under the bed with the other/another shoe squeezed in his teeth) that I managed to finish dressing and left for work.

  • They asked me to inform Mr.Dillan and Mr.Gregory about the time shift of the meeting. But I haven’t managed to get through to either/ none/ neither of them as the line has been engaged the whole morning.

  • I couldn’t recollect our neighbours from the hotel in that/which/ - /in which we had spent the previous night and where I supposed my case had been stolen.

  • All/some/everybody prefer the quiet family-like atmosphere of the village, when every/ no one/ one knows everything about the others/others/few, while anyone/others/the others enjoy the energy and challenge of the city and that no-matter-what attitude to the lives of strangers’. Tastes differ.

  • No more lending and borrowing cars! Let’s make it an exchange: you give me you/yours/your’s and I give you me/mine/myself.

  • Anyone could find himself/oneself/itself in such a situation, couldn’t they/any/one/?

  • Much/little/a lot of has been told about the merits and drawbacks of this book, yet little/much/a little do we know of what/which/whose opinion the author himself was of his work.

  • Few/a few/manyfriends of mine are already helping me arrange everything. No need to come, thanks

  • Dr.Richardson had a pleasant deep voice and a friendly open smile, which/that/what touched elderly lady’s souls and killed their hearts.

  • We couldn’t find out that/which/what/everything had gone wrong.

  • What/which/that of these letters was delivered in the morning?

  • Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]