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Achievement Test

1. Complete the sentences with is, are, has or have.

  1. Statistics ________. a subject about which I know very little..

  2. The goods you’ve ordered ________.arrived.

  3. All their belongings ________.in their hotel room.

  4. The government ________.brought in a new piece of legislation.

  5. The bank ________.sent me my new credit card.

  6. The committee ________.shelved the project.

2. Complete each sentence with a/an , some or by leaving the space blank.

  1. When the play ended, there was.....lengthy applause.

  2. I can't come out tonight. I have.......homework to do.

  3. What shall we do tomorrow? How about.......shopping?

  4. There is.......very beautiful countryside near here.

  5. Sue received.......excellent education.

  6. My trousers need pressing. Can you lend me.......iron?

  7. My friends bought me.......coffee maker for my birthday.

  8. David has just bought.......new furniture.

  9. Let me give you.......advice.

  10. The inside is strengthened with.......steel frame.

3. Choose the most suitable word underlined.

  1. I would love to go on a long journey/travel by coach.

  2. What's the news? Can I look at your paper/journal ?

  3. I want to know about trains to Aberdeen. Can you give me a/an information/timetable?

  4. Could you please buy a sliced bread/loaf.

  5. I can't attend the meeting today. I have a bad cold/flu.

  6. Excuse me, sir, but do you have a licence/permission for this gun?

4. Put one suitable word in each space.

Example: I'm looking for ..accommodation... Do you know anywhere I can stay?

  1. I need some............................about language courses. Can you help me?

  2. Richard is unemployed, and he is looking for a.............................

  3. Could I have some............................? Those apples and kiwis look nice.

  4. I used to have long curly............................, but I had it cut.

  5. I can't do this on my own. Could you give me some............................?

5. Complete each sentence with the most suitable word or phrase.

  1. I like your new jeans. Where did you buy ..B... ?

A) it B) them c) them both d) them all

  1. There is always a very large.......at the nearby church.

a) congregation b) audience c) spectator d) company

  1. When the fire grigade arrived, we were pleased to see........

A) him b) him or her c) it d) them

  1. The van turned over, but luckily it didn't suffer serious........

A) damage b) injury c) damages d) injuries

  1. Sharon bought herself a complete new.......for spring.

A) outfit B) cloth c) clothing D)wear

6. Choose the most appropriate meaning for each sentence.

Example: You mustn't lose heart. 1) Don't have an operation. 2) Don't give up hope.

  1. Where's my glass?

1) I need a drink. 2) I can't make out what’s written here.

  1. Charlie has a new post.

1) The postman has delivered Charlie a letter. 2) Charlie has a different job.

  1. She's joined a new company.

1) She has a new job. 2) She has some new friends.

  1. This restaurant has class.

1) You can study restaurant management here. 2) It is a good quality restaurant.

  1. I don't have the means to help you.

1) I'm not able to help. 2) I can't understand what help you need.

  1. I'd like some china.

1) I want to go abroad. 2) I need some cups and plates.

  1. Do you have any cash?

1) Do you only have a cheque? 2) Isn't there a place to pay in this shop?

  1. The Winstons have a business in Manchester.

1) They have to go there to do a job. 2) They own a company there.

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