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Unit 14. Business correspondence

14.1. Listening Development

Assignment 1. Listen to the recording to Unit 14. Part 1 ‘Written world 1’ describes the early stages of the development of writing. Listen and make a short summary.


Part 2 ‘Written world 2’ dwells on the revolution in technology of writing. Listen and put down those fact you found the most interesting,.


Assignment 2. Listen to the recording to Part 3 tackling the religious aspect of the influence of writing for pleasure.

14.2. Vocabulary Enrichment

Assignment 1. The two formats below are great examples of what a business letter should look like. Compare the block layout and the indented layout to see how different they are. Check whether there are any mistakes in writing. Then explain how you understand the words and expressions from the letter.

  1. paragraph(s)

  2. margins

  3. recipient

  4. to think in terms of

  5. passion – passionately

  6. ident on every paragraph

  1. justify – justification

  2. keep it straight to the point

  3. restate the purpose

  4. close the letter

  5. sign – signature

  6. enclosure

Assignment 2. Put the following phrases in the right column.

  1. We are writing  to inform you that ...

  2. We are writing  to enquire about ...

  3. For further details ...

  4. I recently read/heard about ..... and would like to know ....

  5. We hope you are happy with this arrangement.

  6. Having seen your advertisement in ..., I would like to ...

  7. We hope you can settle this matter to our satisfaction

  8. If we can be of any further assistance, please let us know.

  9. If I can help in any way, please do not hesitate to contact me.

  10. If you require more information ...

  11. I received your address from ... and would like to ...

  12. Thank you for taking this into consideration.

  13. I am contacting you for the following reason.

  14. Thank you for your help.

  15. I would be interested in (obtaining / receiving) ...

  16. I am writing to tell you about ...

Starting a letter

Closing remarks

Assignment 3. Look through the following phrases and try to think of the situations in which you can use them.

  1. to act on behalf of

  2. always at your service

  3. as agreed

  4. as far as the payment is concerned

  5. as per invoice

  6. as per your request

  7. as requested

  8. at your earliest convenience

  9. at your expense

  1. on delivery

  2. on receipt of the order

  3. on short notice

  4. on written request

  5. order to be confirmed

  6. our offer is still open

  7. we acknowledge receipt of

  8. we apologize for the delay

  9. to notify in advance about

Assignment 4. Complete the sentences with the appropriate prepositions.

a) Have a quick look _____ these figures and get _____ _____ me asap.

b) Let me know if you need any help _____ the Koreans. And copy me _____ _____ any correspondence _____ them.

с) Could you get _____ _____ our suppliers and sort something _____ _____ them? I'll leave the details _____ you, but keep me _____ the loop.

d) BTW, you did a great job _____ the presentation. It went _____ really well _____ the Belgians. We'll just have to wait and see what they come _____ to us _____.

e) Can you update me _____ where we are _____ the Expo arrangements? I'm a bit _____ _____ touch. Can I leave it _____ _____ you to contact the speakers?

f) I'd like to sound you _____ _____ this new packaging idea. Let's meet _____ to discuss it sometime next week. BTW, I still can't seem to get _____ _____ Monica.

g) I know you're _____ _____ your neck in work at the moment and probably don't want to take _____ any more, but could you take this Milan thing _____ my hands?

h) I haven't had time to read _____ the whole report and I'll probably need to check some of these figures _____ the computer, but leave it _____ me.

i) Thanks for your offer _____ a beer. If I can finish this report _____ by 7, I may just take you _____ _____ it! I could certainly do _____ one!

Assignment 5. Complete each of the sentences below with an appropriate word.

1. We're writing you in __________________________ to (= about) the email we received on...

A regards

B regarding

C view

2. __________________________... = On the other hand...

A Conversely

B Regrettably

C Incredibly

3. I received your email, in which you __________________________ (= described in detail) your plan to launch the product by next March.

A dated

B mentioned

C outlined

4. Sorry for __________________________ back to you so late. = Sorry for the late response.

A coming

B getting

C responding

5. Let's ___________________________ ( = arrange) a meeting for Friday.

A make up

B think up

C set up

6. At the present time... = At ___________________________ time...

A this

B current

C now

7. We usually ____________________ ( = communicate with) clients directly.

A deal with

B dealve into

C dole on

8. It would really __________________ if you could send me some additional information.

A aid me out

B find it helpful

C help me out

9. I believe we should take a different ___________________________ = I think we should do something different.

A action item

B course of action

C action plan

10. I've ___________________________ ( = examined) your payment history, and I did notice the discrepancy that you mentioned.

A locked into

B looked into

C loaned out

Assignment 6. Proofread the letter asking for reference below and correct all the mistakes.

I write to you to request you provide reference to me as I begin my job search. As you know, I complete my graduate studies this spring, and found several exciting opportunitiy that I am exploring.

As my undergraduate thesis advisor and mentor, I am believing that a reference from you provide a potential employer with information to recommending me as school counselor.

If you are needing any additional informations, please contact me via email and phone.

Thanks you for your consideration and supporting.


Jessica Angel 555-123-4567 jessicaa@aaa.com

Assignment 7. Translate the following sentences into English using the active vocabulary.

  1. Я пишу, чтобы узнать . . .

  2. Благодарю вас за помощь.

  3. Жду ответа с нетерпением.

  4. Прилагаю информацию, которую вы просили.

  5. Не могли бы вы выслать мне вашу последнюю брошюру?

  6. Я был бы очень признателен, если бы Вы прислали мне эту информацию.

  7. Просьба вернуть прилагаемый конверт с вашим платежом.

  8. Поздравляю с назначением на пост генерального менеджера.

  9. Я был рад услышать, что переговоры по контракту прошли хорошо.

  10. Я просто хотел бы подтвердить основные моменты, которые мы обсудили. . .

  11. Ваша заявка на финансирование была одобрена.

  12. Если мы можем оказать помощь, пожалуйста, не стесняйтесь обращаться.

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