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Unit 10. Business trips. Travelling

10.1. Listening Development

Assignment 1. Listen to the following conversation and jot down the advice given to travellers and vocabulary units being defined.




Assignment 2. Listen to the BBC news of an air traffic incident and report the following details.

  1. Where did it happen?

  2. What kind of airport is it?

  3. When did it happen?

  4. What happened?

  5. What is the child’s father’s job?

  6. What is his name?

  7. Did the incident happen during take-offs or landings?

  8. Was this the only occasion when it happened?

  9. What was the reaction of the pilots?

  10. How did the authorities react?

10.2. Vocabulary Enrichment

Assignment 1. Express the same.

1. luggage

6. to be seasick

2. to be scheduled

7. to go by rail

3. expensive

8. a home-lover

4. to book

9. a journey

5. to clear Immigration

10. beforehand

Assignment 2. Complete the second sentence so that it is as similar in meaning as possible to the first. Use the word given. Do not change it.

  1. I think the excursions were the best thing about language school. going

What I liked most about ……… .

  1. If you want a good room, you should reserve it in advance. reservation

If you want a good room, you should ……… .

  1. Why don’t you fly to Paris instead? flight

Why don’t you ……… .

  1. The train from Liverpool arrives at eleven o’clock. get

The train from ……… .

  1. I’d like to see the sights before we find somewhere to stay. sightseeing

I’d like ……… .

Assignment 3. Give the opposite of:

1. to get on a bus

6. exit

2. a window seat

7. a smoker

3. arrival

8. to check in

4. to land

9. a one-way ticket

5. safe

10. to travel for pleasure

Assignment 4. Complete the sentences below with a preposition or a postposition where necessary.

  1. A holiday … a luxury liner is a cruise holiday.

  2. If you arrive … Minsk after 11 p.m., you will need to call the hotel for assistance.

  3. Our liner will call … several European ports.

  4. You get your boarding pass … the check in-desk.

  5. If you are sitting in a plane that hasn’t taken … yet, you can’t get … .

  6. If you have a lot of luggage, you can put it … a trolley.

  7. When will stewardesses bring … meals and drinks?

  8. My pink dream is to go … a tour … the world.

  9. Would you like to go … a drive or do you prefer going … foot?

  10. Soon we’ll be … board … a ship heading … America.

Assignment 5. Fill the gaps with the words below. You may need to change the form of the word.

travel (v/adj)

to land


a change






a ticket


to clear

to check




to fasten

to book

no smoking

Giorgio Ronchi is actively involved in putting together his own 1)… plans.

“No one else can really do it, because only I know all the right 2)… ,” he explains. For example, he plans only 15 minutes to clear 3)… in Atlanta, but counts on 90 minutes in New York. Ronchi 4)… with three lightweight 5) … and three 6)… of clothes. He never 7)… baggage, but limits himself to 8)… . He never buys 9)… goods, nor does he shop anywhere else. He 10) … only 11)… seats near the front of the aircraft in the 12)… section. Before 13)… his seat belt, he removes his jacket, empties all his pockets and stows it away. Ronchi then settles down to work. He never watches the movie or sleeps, unless he is on a 14)… flight.

After 15)… and 16)… customs, Ronchi often has a business meeting at one of the growing number of airport business centres, especially in Europe, where 17)… don’t add to the price of a 18)… . Faxes, telexes and other messages may be waiting for him at the 19)… . Also waiting for him will be a detailed schedule and 20)… for that evening and the next day, sent by his secretary in Milan.

Assignment 6. Guess the word.

1. A holiday where the tour-operator arranges both the flight and accommodation.

2. People manning a ship, aircraft, train, etc.

3. Postpone; defer.

4. A price asked for services or goods.

5. He travels for his vacation.

6. Numbered place of access to aircraft at an airport.

7. A plan of a journey, which includes the route, places to visit, and so on.

8. Passage between rows of pews, seats, etc.

9. Break in a journey, esp. overnight.

10. Framework, usu. with rails, bars, etc., for holding things.

Assignment 7. Fill in the gaps with the phrasal verbs below choosing the proper tense form.

set off

check into some place

get back (to/from a place)

get around

check out of some place

look forward to something

deal with something

put up with something

bring something back (from a place)

pick somebody up 

see somebody off 

 1. Start a journey:

They _______ _____ at 5 a.m

2. Return from a place with something you bought there:

We _______ this carpet _____ from Turkey

3. Go to the reception desk to say you have arrived and to get the key to your room:

Have you _______ _____ the hotel yet?

4. Travel to different places in the same town/city/area:

What’s the cheapest way to _______ _____

5. Go to the reception desk to pay your bill before you leave:

We _______ _____ the hotel early this morning.

6. Accept the situation that you donґt like because you canґt change it:

I don’t know how you _______ _____ all this noise.

7. Feel happy and excited about something that is going to happen:

I’m really _______ _____ my holiday.

8. Do something in order to solve a problem or achieve something:

I have to _______ _____ a lot of difficult customers as part of my job

9. Go to the place where somebody is leaving from ( for example, an airport or a station) to say goodbye to them:

My parents came _______ me _____ at the airport.

10. Go to a place where somebody is waiting and take them where they want to go:

Can you _______ me _____ from the station?

11. Return to a place after you have been somewhere else:

When did you get back _______ _____ from Brazil?

Assignment 8. Fill in the gaps with phrasal verbs putting them in a correct verb form (some verbs and postpositions are used more than once).

break drop get hold pick slow speed take turn

back down in off on to up

John and David’s flight home from Amsterdam was at eight in the morning. John’s friend Pieter (1) ________ them ____ at their hostel in his car. They had agreed to meet at half past five but Pieter arrived almost half an hour late – that, however, was just the beginning of their problems.

On the way from the hostel to the airport, a car (2) _________ _____ in the middle of a busy intersection, causing a traffic jam. Then, David realized that he had left his mobile phone in the hostel, but it was too late for them to (3) _________ _____.

John and David didn’t know it, but Pieter was a horrible driver. When they (4) _________ _____ the main highway, he was driving so slowly that John screamed at him, telling him to (5) _________ _____. He then went so fast that David begged him to (6) _________ _____.

When they arrived at the airport, Pieter (7) _________ them _____ at the terminal, and they (8) _________ _____, passed the security controls without being (9) _________ _____ and (10) _________ _____ the plane. Seconds later, the plane (11) _________ _____.

Eight hours later, they landed in New York, but they couldn’t (12) _________ _____ the plane because there was a problem on the runway. Finally, forty-five minutes after landing, they got off.

Assignment 9. Translate into English.

  1. On the way back our car __________ (сломалась) and we had to __________ (голосовать, чтобы словить) a taxi.

  2. Even though we were late I asked the driver to __________ (ехать чуть помедленнее), not to __________ (прибавить скорость) as we were going too fast.

  3. I am __________ (с нетерпением жду) when I can __________ (уехать подальше отсюда) and have a long-deserved rest at last.

  4. If you decide to __________ (прервать свое путешествие) and stay in London a bit longer, will you ask one of your relatives there to __________ (разместить вас на ночлег)?

  5. My brother is going to __________ (проводить меня) tomorrow and when I __________ (вернусь) – to __________ (подвезти) from the airport and __________ (высадить) right at your house.

  6. We should have __________ (приземлились) twenty minutes ago, why are we __________ (задерживаемся)?

  7. When Jane __________ (кончался бензин) she was just __________ (направлялась к) the filling station, luckily she __________ (случайно встретила) her old friend who helped her out.

  8. We really had not enough time to __________ (осмотреть) the Portrait Gallery because we had to turn back so we could go home and get the tickets we had forgotten.

Assignment 10. Match the sentences with the idiomatic expressions on the right.


  1. OK!  We've got all we need, so let's get__________!

  1. out of a  suitcase

  1. Sarah's new job involves so much travelling that she lives _________ most of the time.

  1. off the beaten track.

  1. A number of car accidents today are a result of__________.

  1. the show on the road

  1. Mary was knackered after her _________

  1. road rage

  1. The hotel is difficult to find, it is really __________

  1. itchy feet

  1. Scott never stays long anywhere. He's got__________! "

  1. red-eye flight


  1. It was impossible to find a taxi after the party so it was _________ for us!

  1. hit the road

  1. A __________ accident deserves serious punishment.

  1. to jump the lights

  1. It's getting late and we've got a long way to go. Let's __________

  1. the travel bug

  1. If someone is___________, they are feverishly on the fast track.

  1. hit-and-run

  1. She's got ___________

  1. Shank's pony

  1. It's very dangerous___________. No wonder he was stopped   by the police.

  1. in high gear


  1. The English test was no problem for Tom.  He__________ !

  1. fender bender

  1. I can't stand ___________ like my mother-in-law!

  1. travel light

  1. It's hard to believe that a small _________ can cause a major traffic jam!

  1. backseat drivers

  1. If you intend to go trekking, you'd better__________.

  1. make my way

  1. Don't worry.  I'll _________to your home from the station.

  1. took me for a ride

  1. I discovered he had charged me double the normal fee. He really_________!

  1. sailed through it

Assignment 11. Translate into English. Make use of the active vocabulary.

  1. Пожалуйста, не курите – это салон для некурящих.

  2. Вам следует тщательно планировать свой маршрут, если вы часто ездите за границу.

  3. Уважаемые пассажиры! Через десять минут наш лайнер зайдет в Дувр. Вы сможете сойти там на берег.

  4. Знаете ли, моряк из меня никудышний: меня укачивает, когда я нахожусь на судне. Кроме того, я не переношу закрытых пространств, а в каюте не очень-то много места.

  5. Внимание! Производится посадка на самолет рейсом А-124 Минск-Варшава.

  6. Уважаемые пассажиры, пожалуйста, пристегните ремни и не вставайте со своих мест. Через 2 минуты мы приземлимся в аэропорту Минск-2.

  7. Какова цель вашего визита? – Я здесь в командировке.

  8. К сожалению, вашего имени нет в списке пассажиров. У вас билет с открытой датой и вы должны были заранее подтвердить дату своего вылета.

  9. Стоимость билета на самолет будет дешевле, если вы полетите в Стокгольм через Варшаву.

  10. В Варшаве вам следует обратиться в пункт для регистрации транзитных пассажиров, где вы получите номер места вашего транзитного рейса.

  11. Зарегистрируйтесь для полета, получите посадочный талон и пройдите в зал ожидания.

  12. В стоимость тура входят авиа билеты, проживание в двух звездном отеле, завтрак в отеле (шведский стол) и две экскурсии в сопровождении гида.

  13. Пожалуйста, заполните бланк таможенной декларации, и не забудьте указать наименования подлежащие декларированию.

  14. Я прошел паспортный контроль всего за 10 минут.

  15. Но, когда я прошел к месту получения багажа, я узнал, что мой багаж утерян, так как его неправильно оформили.

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