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12.4. Writing Enhancement

Assignment 1. Red the instructions how to write a review.

• A review is a brief description of a book, film, play etc. A review gives the main points of the plot including the writer's comments/recommendation of the book, play or film.

• When writing a review, consider the tenses you should use for each paragraph. When describing the plot, the present tense should be used. Paragraphs should include more than one sentence. When a new topic is introduced, begin a new paragraph. Your recommendation or judgment should be included in the conclusion. Always give good reasons to support your comments/opinions.

• The style of a review can be formal or informal depending on the publication.

Outline for a review


Background (setting,

type of story, characters)

Paragraph 2

Main points of the plot

Paragraph 3

General comments



When writing a review consider:

where the story is set (place, time)

what kind of story it is (adventure, western, thriller etc)

the acting/direction/production (well acted/directed etc)

the plot (entertaining/boring? What makes it enjoyable/dull?)/the script (well/badly written)

whether you would recommend the film/book to your readers or not

Assignment 2. Read the review below and spot the topic of each paragraph. Then answer the following questions:

  1. Where is the film set?

  2. Who are the stars of the film?

  3. What is the plot of the film?

  4. Is the film recommended?

“Scent of a woman” is a dramatic film set on the East coast of America. Al Pachino plays the starring role as a retired blind colonel who has become lonely and bitter.

The colonel’s daughter, who finds his blindness and hostile attitude tiring, advertises for a student companion for him over the Thanksgiving holiday. A poor scholarship student at an expensive East Coast School – played by Chris O’Donnel – replies to the advertisement and is forced into accompanying the colonel on a pressure-seeking weekend in New York.. It is only later that he discovers that the colonel is planning to kill himself. Chris O’Donnel is convincing as a scared and embarrassed young school boy – but can he manage to prevent a tragic ending?

“Scent of a woman” is well directed by Martin Brest and includes some pleasing scenes, including an adventure behind the wheel of a Ferrari and Al Pachino’s elegant tango with a beautiful young girl.

The plot is believable and entertaining at times. See the film and find out!

Assignment 3. Read the review below and put the paragraphs in the correct order. Then say which tenses are used to describe the plot of the story. Finally find the purpose of each paragraph.






A “Shirley” is a beautifully written novel. It portrays Charlotte Brontë’s belief that the denial of the world of feeling is responsible for much of society’s suffering.

B The story deals with Robert Moore, a mill owner who is trying to modernize his factory. A group of people called the Luddites are trying to stop him as they know new machinery will mean loss of jobs. Caroline Helstone is in love with Robert, but believes he loves Shirley and Shirley returns his affection. We see her suffeing and I anguish until she finds out that Shirley does not love Robert, but his brother Louis. Louis is a tutor and he is

inferior to Shirley. They try to deny their feelings for each other. The novel ends with Robert declaring his love for Caroline and Shirley and Louis defying social convention and marrying.

C I can thoroughly recommend this book as it is a classic of its kind that influenced many writers in the 19th century.

D The book is set in a country town in England during the Napoleonic Wars. It tells the story of Shirley, an heiress, Caroline, her friend and the men they love. It is a historical novel with elements of romance and adventure.

Assignment 3. Write a review about a film you have recently seen for an entertainment magazine (approx. 250 words). Make use of the appropriate vocabulary.

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