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2.2 Compare Russian and British eating habits and say which of them is more beneficial for health.

Unit 2 Food and Health

Section 1. Warming-up

1.1. It’s common knowledge that healthy eating is an integral part of a healthy life- style. A proper diet helps people feel their best and have plenty of energy. It's never too late to change – establish good eating habits, get rid of harmful ones and you start to reap the benefits.

But do you differentiate between healthy and unhealthy eating habits? Have a look at the eating habits given below and arrange them into 2 columns: column A - healthy habits, B – unhealthy ones. Then comment upon them.

    1. Healthy eating also implies providing your body with adequate amount of nutrients. To learn more about it study the information below. Complete the table given below. Be ready to report key principles of healthy eating in class.

The Food Pyramid

Healthy eating means eating a variety of foods that give you the nutrients you need to maintain your health, feel good, and have energy. These nutrients include protein, carbohydrates, fat, water, vitamins, and minerals. The Food Pyramid is an easy way to learn about healthy eating. It comprises five major food groups.

  • Grain (6-7 servings) – This food group gives you energy because it contains carbohydrates. Includes breads, cereals, rice and pasta.

  • Vegetables (3-5 servings) - Veggies are also great sources of fiber and vitamins. Just remember thatdarker colored vegetables, like carrots and broccoli, have more nutrients.

  • Fruits (2-4 servings) - Fruits are excellent sources of vitamins, especially vitamin C, which heals cuts and keeps skin healthy, and fiber, which helps your digestion. So stock up on fruits - fresh fruit, dried fruit, frozen fruit, canned fruit... they're all good!

  • Milk (3-4 servings) - Foods include milk, yogurt and cheese. The key ingredient is calcium, which builds strong teeth and bones.

  • Meat (2-3 servings) - Foods include meat (beef, chicken, turkey, fish, pork but not bacon), beans and nuts. This group providesiron and protein, which gives you strong muscles.

  • Products from other categories such as sweets, oil, fats must be limited, you’d better eat them in small amounts and only occasionally.

Food group



Health Effect

Section 2 Listening

Vocabulary list

Recording 1

lard – сало

to reveal – раскрывать

fiber – клетчатка

beans – бобы

lentils –чечевица

bran - отруби

raw – сырой

carnivore – плотоядный

calcium – кальций

joint – сустав

rheumatism – ревматизм

palatable – аппетитный, вкусный

cholesterol -холестерин

Guinness – «Гиннесс» (ирландское крепкое темное пиво)

2. 1 Listen to the monologue in which Vivien describes her eating habits. Mark the statements below as true or false.

  1. Vivien agrees with the proverb “You are what you eat”.

  2. She believes that in Greece people eat healthy food.

  3. Vivien is a confirmed vegetarian and she never eats meat.

  4. Vivien is sure that eating fish does more good to men than women.

  5. Coffee has a powerful negative effect on Vivien’s nervous system.

  6. Vivien suffers from insomnia if she drinks tea late in the evening.

  7. She finds beer and wine tasty.

2.2 Listen to the recording once again and complete the table below.

Food products

Health effect produced

fresh fruit and tomatoes

people suffer less from heart diseases

contain a lot of fibre

tinned fish like sardines

people get much caffeine


people have a lower cholesterol level

2.3 Now listen to four more people who will describe their eating habits. Use the information from the recording to complete the table.


What he / she eats now



2.4 Now listen to the recommendations that a dietitian gives to her patients. Fill in the table after listening to it twice.


Health problems




2.5 What sort of health problems can we solve by changing our eating habits?

Section 3 Reading

    1. Do you happen to know anything about food preferences of American people? Do they care much what food they eat?

Now read the text describing people’s eating habits in America. Are they healthy or not? Back up your answer.

Eating Habits in America

It is true that more and more Americans are becoming interested in healthy eating. But still for most of the population, nutritional quality of food is not a priority when it comes to food choices.

Most Americans don’t eat enough fresh fruits and vegetables. They consume less milk and eggs than they used to, but eat more meat, poultry and fish. Besides American diet remains very rich in fat.

Americans love their snacks. According to recent studies, almost 20 percent of all daily calories consumed by them comes from snacks. Half of younger adults skip breakfast on most days, a quarter goes without lunch, and home-cooked dinners are becoming the exception rather than the rule even among families with young children. Working men and women often eat their meals away from home. Junk food, pizza, take-outs and frozen dinners are the preferred choices of those with busy lifestyles.

Fast food usually consumed by Americans is fast to prepare, cheap and tasty. But it is also high in fat, sodium, calories, sugar and cholesterol. Its negative heath results are obesity, heart disease, high cholesterol and cancer.

McDonald's is a major symbol of the United States lifestyle and culture. But in fact, the idea of a fast restaurant meal has completely changed eating habits and is referred to as McDonaldization. Almost a generation ago, about three quarters of meals eaten by Americans were home made, but these days more and more people prefer fast food restaurants to home made food; mainly because its quick, cheap and tasty, and American families do not have enough time to cook up a full meal at home.

As a result America is facing a national epidemic of obesity. It is a state characterized by an accumulation of weight that is often caused by incorrect eating habits combined with a sedentary lifestyle. Obesity now is recognized as a national health threat in America as it is a major risk factor for many chronic diseases.

Language Work

  1. Find English equivalents for the following words and word-combinations.

Питательная ценность пищи, приоритет, потреблять, ежедневно потребляемые калории, пропускать завтрак, обходиться без обеда, домашняя еда, быть скорее исключением чем правилом, быстрая еда, замороженные обеды, предпочитаемый выбор, быть богатой калориями ( о еде), ожирение, изменить пищевые привычки, поколение, предпочитать быструю еду домашней, столкнуться с эпидемией ожирения, накопление веса, неправильные пищевые привычки, в совокупности с чем-либо, сидячий образ жизни, хроническое заболевание.

  1. Formulate the ideas expressed in the underlined part of the sentences using your own words.

  1. It is true that more and more Americans are becoming interested in healthy eating.

  2. But still for most of the population, nutritional quality of food is not a priority when it comes to food choices.

  3. They consume less milk and eggs than they used to.

  4. Besides American diet remains very rich in fat.

  5. Half of younger adults skip breakfast on most days.

  6. Home-cooked dinners are becoming the exception rather than the rule.

  7. But it is also high in fat, sodium, calories, sugar and cholesterol.

  8. As a result America is facing a national epidemic of obesity.

  9. It is a state characterized by an accumulation of weight that is often caused by incorrect eating habits combined with a sedentary lifestyle.

  10. Obesity now is recognized as a national health threat in America as it is a major risk factor for many chronic diseases.

  1. Translate the sentences into English.

  1. Чтобы оставаться здоровым, человеку необходимы не только жиры, белки и углеводы, но также вода, минеральные вещества и витамины.

  2. Фрукты и овощи полезны для здоровья, так как они богаты витаминами и клетчаткой.

  3. Ешьте умеренными порциями, ограничьте потребление соли, сахара и кофеина и вы никогда не столкнетесь с проблемой ожирения.

  4. Современные молодые люди в России также предпочитают «быструю еду». Конечно, приготовление пищи занимает время. Полуфабрикаты и микроволновая печь сделали нашу жизнь удобнее, но сделали ли они нас более здоровыми?

  5. Если вы хотите сбросить вес вам нужно сменить пищевые привычки и сделать свой образ жизни менее сидячим.

  6. Любой супермаркет сегодня предлагает широкий выбор замороженных обедов, полуфабрикатов и продуктов для перекуса. Часто такая еда бедна питательными веществами, хотя содержит много калорий.

  7. Американцы столкнулись с эпидемией ожирения. Ожирение представляет большую угрозу здоровью нации, так как является фактором развития многих хронических заболеваний.

    1. Say whether these sentences are true or false.

  1. The majority of Americans are concerned about the food they eat.

  2. Americans consume too much fat food.

  3. Many young people have a hasty bite instead of healthy regular meals.

  4. Families with children give their preference to healthy food.

  5. Highly processed ready-made food has a negative impact on the nation’s health.

  6. In the past people used to cook and have their meals at home.

  7. A sedentary life-style is the only factor leading to obesity.

    1. Explain the meaning of the word “McDonaldization” used in the text. Can we observe the process of McDonaldization in modern Russia? What consequences can it lead to?

    2. What changes should be made in American people’s eating habits to make their diet healthier?

Section 4. Follow up activity

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