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Focus on vocabulary

1. Transcribe and read these words.

appreciate, familiarize, experience, perspective, area

2. Give a word to match the definitions.

  1. make oneself acquainted with

  2. examine thoroughly in order to test

  3. use sth, experiment with it in order to test

  4. judge rightly the value of, understand and enjoy

  5. lose an opportunity to benefit from

  6. go about to see places

  7. get away from, avoid; keep free or away

  8. help the progress of

  9. people living in one place

  10. way of life

3. Give synonyms.

  • to gain

  • to try out

  • to live out

  • perspective

  • fauna

  • enjoyment

4. Fill each gap with the correct prepositions.

  1. to learn ... experience

  2. People travel ... different reasons.

  3. If you just go to touristy places, you miss out ... real aspects.

  4. Travel abroad gives a wider view ...the world.

  5. Travelling gives one a different perspective ... one's own life.

5. How do you understand the following?

  1. To visit tourist attractions

  2. Travel is a learning experience.

  3. To see things up close instead of on the TV

  4. People sometimes feel trapped in their own world and community.

  5. To go to touristy places

  6. People travel to lose their minds in other things.

  7. Some people travel for the status it involves.

  8. To have a break in their routines

  9. To get away from it all

  10. To promote cultural understanding

6. Complete the following passage giving as many alternatives for each blank as you can.

People travel to experience ________ and familiarize themselves with ________.

Others travel to get away from ________ or just to ________ and get rested from work.

7. Choose the best word to fill in each blank.

Cause or reason?

a. I have many ________ to fear him.

b. A cigarette was the ________ of the fire.

c. What is your ________ for wanting to enter the country?

d. What was the ________ of the last war?

e. Don't complain without ________.

8. Say it in English, paying attention to the underlined word combinations.

  1. Время от времени студенту необходимо оставлять заведенный распорядок, чтобы подышать свежим воздухом, набраться новых впечатлений, одним словом, сменить обстановку.

  2. Отправляйтесь в какое-либо спокойное место, где климат благоприятен для Вашего здоровья, например в Таиланд.

  3. «Когда приезжаете в незнакомое место, старайтесь узнать побольше о местных жителях и их обычаях,» говорил, бывало, капитан Кук.

  4. Даже если Вы не любите осматривать достопримечательности, сделайте это, так как если Вы вернетесь домой, то сможете хвастаться перед знакомыми и преподавателями.

  5. Когда отправляетесь в долгое путешествие на поезде, не надо говорить, что Ваши попутчики скучные, надоедливые и плохо воспитанные люди. Скорее всего Ваши соседи тоже самое думают о Вас.

  6. – Христофор, почему бы не остаться дома, не почитать книгу о путешествиях, не изучить как следует карту?

– Не могу. Мне срочно нужно в Индию по делу.


1) Read the following essay, then put one of the following words into each gap (there are some extra words that you needn't use): convenient, guide-book, experience, gain, enrich, improve, broaden, outlook, travelogue, enrichment, perspective, culture, attraction, expense, sight, custom, package, environment, guided tour, secure, travel, comfortable, taste, surrounding.

2) What groups of travellers are identified in the essay?

3) How far would you agree or disagree with Arthur Frommer's views quoted in the essay?