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nobility –знать,дворянство;


spinning frame–прядильнаямашина;

hydraulics – гидравлика;

steam machine -паровая машина;

flood – наводнение;

Factory of securities – фабрика ценных бумаг.

Vladimir I. Kolesnikov – the president of the rostov state transport university

Vladimir Ivanovitch Kolesnikov, the Rector of the Rostov State Transport University is well-known as a prominent scientist, an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Russia and abroad. His scientific interests lie in the field of mechanics and tribology.

V.I. Kolesnikov graduated from the Department of Physics of the Rostov State University in 1966. He got a second higher education in the Academy of National Economy at the Government of the Russian Federation. He defended a candidate thesis in 1975 and a thesis for a Doctor's degree – in 1987, so he became a doctor of technical sciences. In 1991 Vladimir I. Kolesnikov was elected a member correspondent of the Russian Academy of Sciences and in 2003 – a full member of RAS at the Department of Power Engineering, Machine Building, Mechanics and Control processes.

Vladimir I. Kolesnikov started his working activity at the civil construction company, then he worked as an engineer in the Scientific-Research Institute of Automation. In 1970 he started to work as an assistant in the Rostov Institute of the Engineers of Railway Transport, then he became an Assistant Professor, the head of the Chair «Theoretical Mechanics», a professor. In 1996 Vladimir I. Kolesnikov became the Rector of the Rostov State Transport University. Under his guidance the University has become a vast educational and research complex in the South of Russia, known for its high standards of training, educational equipment, unique laboratories and beautiful campus. More than 22000 of students study now in Rostov Main Building, four branches and many transport colleges. In 2009 the RSTU was included into the list of 500 best universities of the world by the independed agency «Reuter».

Vladimir I. Kolesnikov is an Honoured Man of Science of the Russian Federation, the Chairman of a number of Dissertation Boards. He consulted more than a dozen of doctors of sciences and 30 candidates of sciences. He is the author of 510 scientific works, including 10 monographs, 30 inventor’s certificates and 13 patents.

Along with profound scientific activity V.I. Kolesnikov is engaged with active social work. During several years he was a deputy of the Supreme Soviet, a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Rostov Region, the Member of the Commission of Experts in Transport at the Highest Certifying Commission of the Russian Federation, the Chairman of the Russian National Tribology Committee, the Editor or a member of the editorial boards of a number of scientific journals.

For his great services and contribution into transport education V.I. Kolesnikov was awarded the Presidential Prize in Education (2003), the Order of Honour (2006), a number of medals and the honorary titles «The Honoured Railwayman» (1989), the «The Honoured Machine Builder» and many other.

Being such a busy person, Vladimir Ivanovich pays much attention to all the aspects of students’ life. He regularly visits students hostels, attends the concerts and sport competitions. More than once he was an initiator of the charity actions in the orphanages, military hospitals or, for example, when Stavropol Region teachers and children suffered from natural calamity. Vladimir I. Kolesnikov does his best to make our University one of the most prestigious and famous educational establishments of the world. He considers that every modern specialist must possess not only his professional knowledge and competencies but know one or two foreign languages, to be computer literate and have a wide cultural outlook. Only in this case the specialists could compete in the world economic market.

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