ECHO 2013 / Hemodynamics III Echo-Based Clinical Decision-Making Cases
.pdfVelocity across PFO
PFO velocity2 x 4 = LAP - RAP
©2012 MFMER | 3225607-31
Heart Failure with Preserved EF
©2012 MFMER | 3225607-32
Cardiac Amyloidosis
©2012 MFMER | 3225607-33
Normal and abnormal septum
Septal-Aorta angle
©2012 MFMER | 3225607-34
SAM, Dynamic LVOT obstruction, MR
©2012 MFMER | 3225607-35
LVOT and MR velocity
Echo Hemodynamics
•BP = 131 /56 mmHg
•LVOT Grad = 65
•LV SP = 131 + 65 = 196 mmHg
•LA pressure =
196151= 45 mmHg
©2012 MFMER | 3225607-36
Challenging Echocardiogram
•Small LV cavity and low normal EF
•Basal septal hypertrophy and septal hypokinesis
•Systolic anterior motion of mitral valve
• Pleural effusion
©2012 MFMER | 3225607-37
LV Diastolic function
©2012 MFMER | 3225607-38
RV wall is thick
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy vs Hypertensive heart disease
©2012 MFMER | 3225607-39
Recognition of Doppler signal
©2012 MFMER | 3225607-40