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Система высшего образования в России и Великобритании

  1. The system of higher education on includes Universities, Institutes, Academies in Russian and colleges polytechnics and Universities in Britain.

  2. As a rule educational establishments are financed by government because they are state establishments. But nowadays there are more a private institutes in Russia.

  3. In Russia anyone, who wishes to get higher education can apply for admission to the institute. All, who submitted an application for admission should pass the entrance exams in 2 or 3 subjects.

In the UK only at Oxford and Cambridge applicants have entrance exams. To be admitted to other HEI one must have a certain minimum entry requirement.

  1. In Britain the course of studies lasts 2 years. After that student may proceed to a Bachelor's degree (in Russia after 4 years). After 2 years of studies a student gets higher national diploma, after one-year course higher national certificate. After graduating from higher educational institutions one may do a post-graduate course leading to Master's Degree or Doctoral Degree (in Russia - after 6 years studying).

  2. Academic year usually runs from late September to early July and is divided into three equal terms in UK.

As for Russia, so our academic year lasts from 1st of September to early July and divided into 2 parts. At the end of each term students take examinations and have tests in several subjects.

  1. In the last year of education students should write their own diploma work for a certain topic and after that pass the state exams.

  2. Academic structure includes Vice-Chancellor, who is usually the head of University. Vice-Chancellor has under him four faculties: Arts, Science, social Science and Medicine. Each faculty has its own elect Dean. Each faculty can be divided into several sections or sub-departments.

In Russia rector is the head of the institute, who was under him faculties with deans. And a faculty comprises several departments.

  1. Accommodation is provided for all overseas students in hostel. In Britain accommodation is provided only for the first-year students in one of the so called Halls of Residence. All overseas students are guaranteed on-campus accommodation. After the first year, most students share houses rented by higher educational institutions or private houses.

  2. A full-time student gets grant and loan per year. The amount of grant depends on parental income and students marks.

  3. There are full- and part-time forms of education. In the second case student can complain studying and working.


  1. There are different types of banks in UK:

  1. Saving banks keep money safe until it is needed.

  2. The commercial banks work for profit, offer many services.

  3. The merchant banks deal mainly with businesses.

  1. The Bank of England is the central banks of the United Kingdom. It acts as the bank for the Government and works in close cooperation with the other banks as agent for important financial operations and management of National Debt.

  2. The Savings Bank receives money from its customers in two forms: on current and deposit account. With the current account a customer can issue a cheque without any interest paid by bank. Deposit account help customer to leave his money in the bank for a certain period of time with some interest, paid by bank on this money.

  3. The commercial banks work for profit by receipt, transfer of different types of deposits. They receive money from savers and in their turn lend them to customers who need capital. This activity earns interest for the bank which gives them profit.

  4. The merchant banks deal with businesses. Their services include issuing shares for the companies, arranging international payments, making large loans to businesses. Taking large deposits from businesses.

  5. The purchases can be paid by cash, cheque and credit-cards. The most common is paying by cash, but the most comfortable by  credit-card. In this case and with cheques you needn't  to carry cash around.

  6. Credit can be obtained from bank with help of credit-cards. They allow spending up to a limit at the end of a month a card-holder receives statement showing what he has spend. Bank can give you money, if he is sure that you can afford to pay them back. You can borrow money, if you open a loan account. If it is a small sum of money that is needed, a bank may give you an overdraft. The customer can give more money from his account and that his grant will enable him to pay the money back.

  7. Bank can help to pay some regular payments. In this case a customer signs a standing order and the bank sees that the regular bill is paid every month.

  8. Cash can be obtained from ATM (cash dispensers) by using cash-cards with the private code. It also helps to pay for purchases by transferring money from the bank account to the shop's account.

  9. When you go abroad the bank gives you foreign currency or traveler's cheques which are accepted by foreign banks, shops, hotels.


  1. There are two types of Exchanges: commodity and stock exchanges. Commodity Exchange is market place where goods are bought and sold. Stock Exchange is the marketplace where listed securities can be traded.

  2. The Commodity Exchange usually deal in raw materials and some items of produce (cotton, wheat, vegetable oils and so on).

  3. Prices at commodity exchanges are determined by a complex interaction of factors: the interaction of supply and demand, the quality of the goods offered, the terms of contracts.

  4. The goods like fur, tea, bristles, spices whose quality varies from year to year are sold at auctions.

  5. To be admitted to the exchange companies apply for a place on the "Official List".

  6. The stock market helps to provide companies with a means of raising capital from investors in order to finance their businesses.

  7. To become an Exchange member you should buy a seat. But before you are permitted to buy a seat you must pass a test that checks your knowledge of the securities industry.

  8. Only those companies which are included to the Official List can buy and sell shares on the Stock Exchange. It's especially public limited companies.

  9. Domestic and Overseas equities, gilts and bonds are listed and traded on the stock exchange.

  • Gilts are securities, issued by country's government

  • Bonds are fixed-interest stocks, usually issued by companies or local authorities.

  • Equities are ordinary shares of companies

  1. There are two group of securities:

  • Equities / shares.

  • Gilts.

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