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Importance of nutrition in promoting good physical and mental health

1. Understanding nutrition is crucial if you want to possess a healthy body and mind. Nature has everything one needs to promote growth, immune system, mental alertness, physical strength and so on. Whatever you eat has an impact on your body. A normal meal contains carbohydrates, fat, protein and water. Each one of these, depending on how they are consumed and in what quantity they are consumed, influence the way our body feels, works, reacts and ages. And to work hand in hand1 with our digestive system2, you must become familiar with the essential elements of good nutrition. The key elements to good nutrition are:

2. Carbohydrates are the fuel of the body. The liver and the muscles of the body need sufficient intake of carbohydrates in order to maintain good health. Carbohydrates provide energy and fiber essential for the health of the intestine. They actually provide about 40 to 45% of the body’s energy and they are found mostly in fruits, vegetables and cereals. Some carbohydrates are considered 'good' and some are considered 'bad.' Sources of natural 'good' carbohydrates are fresh vegetables and fresh fruits.

3. Fat is your body insulator and protector. Fat, taken in the required amount, moderates the metabolism and protects vital organs. Another word for fats is lipids and they are very important for many important functions in our body. They are a main component of the membranes of all the cells in our body. In other words3, without fats, our cells would have no covering or boundary. And they also can provide energy and are involved in supporting the immune system, brain health, and cardiovascular function.

4. The brain is about 60% fats by weight. The types and proportions of fats in the cell membranes determine how effectively the brain cells communicate. The essential fats our bodies need are just a few and they cannot be created internally so you must provide them through your diet.

5. Proteins provide amino acid building blocks which are essential for growth and repair and are very important to our body because they compose the great majority of the structural tissue in our body. The job of the proteins is endless; they also carry messages in our body, transporting hormones from one place to another. They transport signals across our cell membranes to our DNA.

6. As you grow or have tissue damage, your body must make new proteins. And enzymes are constantly being produced in order to replace older, less functional ones. So it is then no mystery that to maintain optimal health, our body needs a continuous supply of the nutrients to support protein production.

7. Water is a liquid that the body needs at least eight glasses every day. The right amount of water helps the body expel toxins, fight dehydration, and prevent heat stroke, moderate body temperature, digestion and so many other functions. Humans can stay without food up to three weeks; however, they will die without water within 48 hours. Our body is estimated to be about 60 to 70 percent water. Blood is mostly water, and our muscles, lungs, and brain all contain a lot of water. Water also transports oxygen to our cells, removes waste, and protects our joints and organs and keeps the tissues in the skin, mouth, eyes, and nose moist.

8. Hence, understanding nutrition will help in controlling and maintaining our health.

Пояснения к тексту

1. to work hand in hand with – работать согласованно

2. digestive system- пищеварительная система

3. in other words – другими словами

Задание 1. Определите основную идею текста.

The text is about …

Варианты ответов:

a) the functions of carbohydrates;

b) the work of our digestive system;

c) the key elements to good nutrition;

d) the nutrients which are required to our the body;

Задание 2. Ответьте на вопросы в соответствии с содержанием текста:

a) Why must you become familiar with the essential elements of good nutrition?

b) What are the key elements to good nutrition?

c) What do carbohydrates provide?

d) What are the supporting functions of fats?

e) How can you characterize the job of proteins?

Задание 3. Переведите 7-ой и 8-ой абзацы текста, определяя в каждом предложении подлежащее и сказуемое.


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