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5.4 Questions

1. What can you say about agricultural development in different parts of Russia?

2. What cereals do farmers of Russia grow?

3. What vegetables are grown in the fields of farms?

4. What are the two main branches of agriculture?

5. What farm animals do farmers breed and for what purposes?

6. Name some of the problems that face our farming today.

7. Name some agricultural machines.

8. What’s the task of scientists in the field of agriculture?

9. What is the chief aim of agriculture?

10. How can it be achieved?

6 Great Britain

Britain has several names: Britain, Great Britain, the British Isles. In everyday life we call it England, but its official name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is situated on the British Isles lying to the west of Europe and is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the west, the Arctic Ocean in the north, the North Sea in the east and the English Channel in the south.

The United Kingdom consists of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The total area of the country is 244 thousand square kilometres, the population is 59 million people. The longest rivers are the Thames and the Severn. The highest mountains are Snowdon in Wales and Ben Nevis in Scotland. The largest cities are London, Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham, Edinburgh and Glasgow. Cambridge and Oxford are well known all over the world for their universities.

Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy. It means that the head of the state is a monarch but his power is limited by the Constitution. English queens or kings do not rule the country, it is done by Parliament.

The capital of Great Britain is London, the seventh biggest city in the world. It is situated on the river Thames not very far from the sea, and it is an important seaport. The business part of London is called the City. It is also the historical centre of London.

Britain is a highly developed industrial country. Its main industries are coal mining, machinery, textiles and clothing, shipbuilding, electronics, etc. Commerce and transport are important for the English economy too.

6.1 Dialogues

  • I can’t understand the state system of Great Britain. There is the queen, who doesn’t have power; and there is Parliament, which has power and rules the country. What for is the queen needed then?

  • You see, Great Britain is the country where tradition plays a very important role. The English respect their traditions, they are very conservative about them. To have a king or a queen is a long established tradition and the English don’t want to change it. Besides the monarchy attracts tourists, and the country has benefit from the monarchy.

  • And one more question. I saw several times the address: number 10 Downing Street. Does the monarch live there?

  • It is the address of the Prime Minister. The London residence of kings and queens is the Buckingham Palace.

* * *

  • Excuse me, is it the right way to the British Museum.

  • Конечно. Это ваш первый визит в Лондон?

  • Yes, it is. I want to see the most famous sights: the Tower, the Houses of Parliament and the National Gallery.

  • Не забудьте Биг Бен, Трафальгарскую площадь и Букингемский дворец.

  • Чем знаменит Букингемский дворец?

  • Это лондонская резиденция нашей королевы и ее семьи.

  • Oh, I’ll try to visit it. London has so many sights. It’s a wonderful city.

  • Я рада, что Лондон вам нравится. Это мой родной город.

* * *

  • Я скоро поеду в Лондон. Что ты советуешь мне посмотреть там?

  • The Houses of Parliament, Trafalgar Square, Westminster Abbey and Buckingham Palace. Люди, которые приезжают в Лондон, всегда посещают эти интересные места.

  • Букингемский дворец – это резиденция королевы?

  • Sure. Every day in front of Buckingham Palace there is a famous ceremony – the Changing of the Guard. Это очень старая церемония. Ты должен посмотреть ее.

  • I like ancient architecture. Есть ли очень старые здания в Лондоне?

  • Of course. You should see the Tower and St. Paul’s Cathedral.

  • Я читал, что Собор святого Павла очень красив, и что самые знаменитые церемонии происходят там. А что такое Тауэр?

  • The Tower has a long and cruel history. It was a castle, a mint and a prison for the king’s enemies. Сейчас это музей. Есть еще очень много памятников знаменитым людям. Когда приедешь в Лондон, увидишь все сам.

  • There are so many things to see in London. I’m afraid that if I try to see all of them, I’ll be very tired.

  • I am sure you will not. A famous English person Dr Johnson said that “if a man is tired of London he is tired of life”.

* * *

  • Можно спросить у вас, как пройти к мосту Тауэр.

  • Вы стоите перед Тауэром.

  • Не Тауэр, а мост Тауэр.

  • Понятно. Это тоже очень близко. Идите прямо до того красивого здания…

  • Вы имеете в виду белое или серое здание?

  • Серое старинное здание, конечно. Можно ли назвать современное здание красивым?

  • Интересное мнение. Я подхожу к серому красивому зданию. Что потом?

  • Сверните налево, пройдите метров 50 и увидите Тауэрский мост. Я боюсь, вы устали от достопримечательностей Лондона.

  • Разве можно устать от Лондона, «если человек устал от Лондона, он устал от жизни».

  • Замечательная мысль. Желаю хорошо провести время.