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Unit 5. Our English Lesson Урок английского языка

Topical vocabulary

  1. popular 1. популярный

  2. important 2. важный

  3. language 3. язык

  4. questions 4. вопросы

  5. words 5. слова

  6. expressions 6. выражения

  7. blackboard 7. классная доска

  8. mistakes 8. ошибки

  9. patience 9. терпение

  10. compulsory 10. обязательный

  11. easy 11. легкий

  12. long 12. длинный

  13. slow 13. медленный

  14. necessary 14. необходимый

  15. secondary school 15. средняя школа

  16. higher school 16. высшая школа

  17. mutual understanding 17. взаимопонимание

  18. widespread 18. широко распространенный

  19. to compare 19. сравнивать

  20. to repeat 20. повторять

  21. to correct 21. исправлять

  22. to retell 22. пересказывать

  23. to communicate 23. общаться

  24. to develop 24. развивать

  25. desk 25. парта

  26. usually 26. обычно

  27. absolutely 27. совершенно, безусловно

Introductory text Our English Lesson

He, who knows no foreign language,

does not know his own one.


English is a very popular language. Today English is the language of the world. Over 350 million people speak it. Statistically it is the most widespread language on the Earth. Many states call English their official language. But English is also the language of international communication. Many people whose languages are different, can understand each other if they speak English. English is the language of progressive science and technology.

Learning foreign languages is compulsory in all the secondary and higher schools. At theVolga State Academy of the Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism we study English too. It is very interesting to learn English, and you can understand your own language better, if you can compare two languages.

On the English lessons the teacher usually asks us some questions. We learn many new words and expressions. We also repeat old words and write them on the blackboard or in the copy-books. We try to answer well and receive excellent marks. We sometimes make mistakes and teacher corrects them. We like to speak English on the lessons. We sometimes work at the computer and do different tests. We read about Tourism and Hotel Service in the USA and Great Britain

We ask and answer different questions. We retell texts. We work hard on the lessons to know it well. Now English is very important because we want to communicate with other people. We also want to read scientific books and magazines in original. Foreign language helps us to develop mutual friendship and understanding.

Learning a foreign language is not easy thing. It is a long and slow process that takes a lot of time and patience. But to know English is absolutely necessary for every educated person, for every successful specialist.

Exercise 1. Comprehension questions.

  1. What is the language of international communication?

  2. Why do people learn foreign language?

  3. Is English the official language of Russia?

  4. Do many people speak English?

  5. Do you know many words and expressions?

  6. How often do you make mistakes?

  7. Do you like to speak English on the lessons?

  8. Do you work hard on the English lessons?