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Unit 4. Working Day of the Student of the Volga State Academy of the Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism Рабочий день студента Поволжской Академии Физической культуры, Спорта и Туризма

Topical vocabulary

1. first year student - первокурсник

2. to come on time – приходить вовремя

3. break - перемена

4. to be over – заканчиваться

the meeting is over – совещание закончилось

it is all over – все кончено

5. early – рано

6. hostel - общежитие

7. tiring – изнурительный, утомительный

8. to require - требовать

9. to attend - посещать

10. scheduled classes – занятия по расписанию

11. subject - предмет

12. canteen - столовая

13. to prepare - готовиться

14. report – отчет, доклад

15. to be aware – знать, сознавать

16. achievements - достижения

17. field – область, сфера деятельности

18. to return – возвращаться

19. society – общество

20. foreign literature – иностранная литература

21. scientific - научный

22. research - исследование

23. it takes us – нам требуется

Introductory text Working Day of the Student

We are first year students of the Volga State Academy of the Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism. It is very difficult to be a student. We need to be enthusiastic, hard-working, creative and active. Our day begins very early. It is very long and tiring. We study a lot of subjects, some of which are very difficult.

There are 15 students in our group. Some of them live with their parents and some live in the hostels.

Our classes begin at eight o’clock. We are never late. We always come to the Academy on time. We have from 2 to 4 lectures and practical classes every day. Students are required to attend all scheduled classes. During lectures we get a lot of interesting and useful information. We study History,Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy and languages. Besides, we study everything about Tourism and Culture. We have 20 minutes break between lectures. During the long break we go to the canteen or cafeteria and have lunch.

When classes are over, we stay at the Academy. We go to the reading hall of our student’s library to prepare reports and do homework. We also have to read foreign literature to be aware of the latest achievements and developments in Tourism, Sports and Culture.

Many of our fellow-students are members of the scientific society. They do research in the history of Russian Tourism, Russian Culture and some other special subjects.

We never come home early. On returning home we have a meal, rest a little and then continue our studies. It usually takes us 3 hours. When we have free time, we like to listen to music and watch TV.

Vocabulary exercises

Exercise 1. Find in the text equivalents to the following words and phrases.

we are first year students of the Volga State Academy of the Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism; lesson is over; вставать рано; жить в общежитии; tiring work; to require; посещать занятия в Поволжской Академии Физической Культуры, Спорта и Туризма; занятия по расписанию; favourite subject; in the canteen; готовить научный доклад; осознавать; achievements; developments

Exercise 2. Fill in the table about Daily Routines.

Daily Activity


Wake up

6.00 a.m.

Morning physical exercises

Have a shower

Have breakfast

Lectures, classes, seminars

Have lunch


Have supper

8.30 p.m.

Watch TV

Go to bed

Exercise 3. Name the pictures about Daily Routines.

