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пособие для туристов 2.doc
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View on culture as a process (by Mc Grew)

  1. A new pattern of behavior is invented, or an existing one is modified.

  2. The innovator transmits this pattern to another.

  3. The form of the pattern is consistent within and across performers, perhaps even in terms of recognizable stylistic features.

  4. The one who acquires the pattern retains the ability to perform it long after having acquired it.

  5. The pattern spreads across social units in a population. These social units may be families, clans, troops, or bands.

  6. The pattern spreads across generations.

Exercise 1. Comprehension questions.

1. What meanings of the word “culture” do you know?

2. What do you mean?

3. What does biologist mean?

4. By whom was the term “culture” first used?

5. What is culture?

6. Why is it a fragile phenomenon?

7. What layers of culture do you know?

8. What "human cultural" traits do you know?

9. What do you know about Edward Tylor?

10. What do you know about Johann Herder?

Vocabulary exercises

Exercise 2. Give Russian equivalents to the following.

1. refer; 2. behavior; 3. scientist; 4. however; 5. range; 6. pattern; 7. publish; 8. knowledge; 9. law; 10. morals

Exercise 3. Give English equivalents to the following.

1. привычки, обычаи; 2. – приобретать, достигать; 3. член общества; 4. инструмент, орудие; 5. постоянно; 6. существовать, жить; 7. в наших умах; 8. язык; 9. просто; 10. слой, пласт

Exercise 4. Match the following words and expressions from column A with those in column B.


1. to distinguish a. поднимать

2. to share b. удерживать

3. to raise c. различать

4. to retain d. ссылаться

5. to refer e. делить

6. to publish f. публиковать







Exercise 5. Fill in empty spaces in this table.

Culture is

the full range of learned human … patterns.

The term “culture” was first used

  • by the pioneer English … Edward B. Tylor

  • in the book …

  • published in … .

Tylor said that culture “includes

Culture is a

  • … human tool for survival,

  • …. phenomenon.

There are three layers or levels of culture

Classification of the people according to age or gender

Classification of the people based on marriage and relationships

Adolf Bastian

developed …

a … model of culture.

Exercise 6. Translate the following expressions and words.

1. full range; 2. full hour; 3. in law; 4. law and order; 5. the law of gravity; 6. law school; 7. law-book; 8. law-breaker; 9. lawful; 10. lawgiver; 11. lawless; 12. member of society; 13. Member of Parliament; 14. in our minds; 15. to live with one’s own mind; 16. the great minds of the world; 17. to my mind; 18. levels of culture; 19. sea level; 20. to rise on higher level; 21. raising children in some sort of family; 22. to raise one’s glass to smb’s health; 23. to raise the eyebrows; 24. to raise a question; 25. to raise from the dead; 25. common background and experience; 26. what’s his background; 27. to keep in the background; 28. published in 1871; 29. the products of culture; 30. body of cultural traditions; 31. diverse societies; 32. cultural traits

Exercise 7. Complete the puzzle.















  1. the letters of a language in a special order

  2. a small place where people live, not so large as a town

  3. something you ask someone

  4. a wrong thought or act

  5. an ornamental arrangement of shapes and colours

  6. a room used for cooking

  7. have power over someone or something

Exercise 8. Translate the following sentences.

1. When Culture (Latin: cultura, lit. "cultivation") first began to take its current usage by Europeans in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century, it connoted a process of cultivation or improvement, for example, in agriculture.

2. The etymology of the modern term "culture" has a classical origin.

3. In practice, culture referred to an élite ideal and was associated with such activities as art, classical music, and cuisine.

4. Matthew Arnold contrasted "culture" with "anarchy;" other Europeans, following philosophers Thomas Hobbes and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, contrasted "culture" with "the state of nature".

5. American anthropology is organized into four fields, each of which plays an important role in research on culture: biological anthropology, linguistics, cultural anthropology and archaeology.

6. In a recent review of the major research on human and primate tool-use, communication, and learning strategies, Tomasello argues that the key human advances over primates (language, complex technologies, and complex social organization) are all the results of humans cognitive resources.

Exercise 9. Match up two halves of the sentences.



1. Culture is

a) they are referring to the shared language, traditions, and beliefs.

2. When people speak of Italian, or Japanese culture,

b) different meanings.

3. The second layer of culture consists of

c) cultural universals.

4. The third layer of culture consists of

d) to national cultures.

5. Johann Herder called attention

e) a powerful human tool for survival.

6. The word culture has many

f) subcultural.

Exercise 10. Insert the appropriate form of the verbs in brackets. Fill in the blanks “of” if necessary.

1. The word culture …… many different meanings. (to have)

2. Culture ….. a full range of learned human behavior patterns. (to be)

3. Culture ….. a powerful human tool for survival. (to be)

4. In order to live man, like all other species, must …. to terms with the external world. (to come)

5. In complex, diverse societies in which people …… from many different parts …. the world, they often retain much of their original cultural traditions. (to come)

6. The third layer of culture ….. of cultural universals. (to consist)

7. Adolf Bastian …. a universal model of culture. (to develop)

8. The term …. first …. in this way by the pioneer English Anthropologist Edward B. Tylor in his book “Primitive Culture”, published in 1871. (to use)

9. Man …… his sense organs, nerves, glands, and muscles in adjusting himself to the external world. (to employ)

Exercise 11. True or False statements.

1. For a biologist, culture is a colony of bacteria or other microorganisms.

2. The term was first used in this way by the pioneer English Anthropologist Adolf Bastian in his book “Primitive Culture”, published in 1878.

3. Culture is a powerful animal tool for survival, but it is a solid phenomenon.

4. Man employs his sense organs, nerves, glands, and muscles in adjusting himself to the external world.

5. The second layer of culture that may be part of your identity is a cultural universals.

Exercise 12. Answer the following questions.

1. What is necessary to become a very good artist?

2. What sort of books do you like?

3. What kind of music do you like?

4. What do you like doing in your spare time?

5. How often do you go to museums?

6. Who is your favourite writer?

7. Why is it necessary to learn foreign languages?