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ангийский ( гарагуля).docx
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Active vocabulary to remember

1. ancient [‘ein∫эnt]

- древний, старинный, старый

2. a castle [‘ka:sl]

a cathedral [kэ‘θi:drэl]

a fortress [‘fо:trэs]

a palace [‘pælэs]

a tower [‘tauэ]

- замок, дворец

- кафедральный собор

- крепость

- дворец

-1) крепость, 2) башня

3. to cover [‘kΛvэ]

- занимать, расстилаться, охватывать

4. dense

densely populated

- плотный, густой, компактный

- густонаселенный

5. a department store

- универсальный магазин, универмаг

6. to divide [di’vaid]

- делить(ся), разделять(ся)

7. to flow

- течь, протекать

8. to be full

- быть плотным, заполненным

9. to house [‘hauz]

- вмещать(ся), помещать(ся)

10. huge [hju:d3]

(Syn.) enormous [i’nо:mэs]

- огромный, громадный, гигантский

11. numerous [‘nju:mэrэs]

- многочисленный

12. splendid

lovely [‘lΛvli]

- великолепный, отличный, превосходный

- красивый, прекрасный, привлекательный

13. traffic

heavy traffic

to carry the traffic

- движение, транспорт

- интенсивное движение

- выдерживать движение (о дороге)

14. wealth [welθ]

luxury [‘lΛk∫эri]

- богатство, изобилие

- роскошь

15. workshop

- мастерская, цех


1. Pronounce correctly.

Buckingham Palace [‘bΛkiŋэm]

Charles Dickens [‘t∫a:lz’dikinz]

Chaucer [‘t∫о:sэ]

Christopher Wren [‘kristэfэ‘ren]

clerk [kla:k]

commerce [‘komэ:s]

commercial [kэ‘mэ:∫l]

Darwin [‘da:win]

Egyptian [i’dζip∫n]

feature [‘fi:t∫э]

financial [fai’næn∫l]

Great Britain [,greit ‘britn]

Houses of Parliament [‘hauziz эv’pa:lэmэnt]

jewels [‘dζu:эlz]

London [‘lΛndэn]

naval [‘neivl]

Northern Ireland [‘nо:ðэn’aiэlэnd]

numerous [‘nju:mэrэs]

rare [reэ]

silent [‘sailэnt]

St. Paul’s Cathedral [snt’pо:lz


striking [‘straikiŋ]

Thames [temz]

Thomas Hardy [‘tоmэs’ha:di]

Tower [‘tauэ]

Trafalgar Square [trэ’fælgэ‘skweэ]

treasure [‘treζэ]

United Kingdom[‘junaitid’kiŋdэm]

Waterloo [,wо:tэ‘lu:]

weigh [wei]

Westminster Abbey [‘westminstэ’ræbi]

2. Find proper explanations to the following.

  1. to flow

  2. to divide

  3. a cathedral

  4. perhaps

  5. to carry

  6. heavy

  7. traffic

  8. silent

  9. empty

  10. a trust

  11. wealth

  12. luxury

  13. a department store

  14. lovely

  15. attractive

  16. appearance

  17. a workshop

  18. a castle

  19. formerly

  20. a fortress

  21. jewel

  22. a feature

    1. difficult to travel over

    2. great comfort, as provided by wealth

    3. a large fort, place strengthened for defence

    4. a precious stone

    5. to separate, to split or break up

    6. a building in which machines are repaired

    7. association of business firms

    8. possibly, maybe

    9. pleasing

    10. in early times

    11. making no or little sound

    12. a large shop

    13. to move along like a river does

    14. great amount of property, money, etc.

    15. a large strongly-built building or set of buildings made in former times to be defended against attack

    16. characteristic or striking part

    17. to support the weight

    18. containing nothing

    19. beautiful, that one loves or likes

    20. a chief church in a diocese

    21. that which can be seen, outwards qualities

    22. movement of vehicles along roads and streets