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3. Choose the synonyms from the right column to the phrases given in the left one.

to found

a lecturer


to provide

to be of help to smb.


to be at smb’s disposal

a manual

according to

a curriculum


a term

to defend



a post-graduate course

  1. to give

  2. to protect

  3. a textbook

  4. chances

  5. instruction

  6. able to be used by someone

  7. a university (college) teacher

  8. a course of study

  9. a graduate school

  10. to assist

  11. to set up

  12. previous

  13. as said or shown by

  14. a semester

  15. qualified

  16. investigation

4. What would you say if you took part in the following dialogue? Act it.

A.: When was the Belgorod State Technological University founded?

B.: … .

A.: What faculties are there at the University?

B.: … .

A.: How many departments does the University have?

B.: … .

A.: How many students study at the University?

B.: … .

A.: What is the teaching staff?

B.: … .

A.: What specialists does the University train?

B.: … .

A.: What can you say about the University laboratories?

B.: … .

A.: Where can the students borrow literature for their studies?

B.: … .

A.: Are there any facilities for the students to go in for sports?

B.: … .

A.: What is the period of study at the University?

B.: … .

5. Put questions to which these are the answers. The important words in the answer are underlined. Act the dialogue.

A.: … ?

B.: The academic year begins in September and lasts ten months.

A.: … ?

B.: The 5-year period of study is divided into two years of general study and three years of professional training.

A.: … ?

B.: There are two terms in the academic year.

A.: … ?

B.: The students take tests and examinations twice a year.

A.: … ?

B.: If the students pass their tests and examinations successfully they are granted monthly scholarships.

A.: … ?

B.: When the period of study is over, a student writes, gets ready and then defends a graduation paper.

A.: … ?

B.: A post-graduate course was organized at the University in 1973.

A.: … ?

B.: Young engineers who graduate from the University work at plants, factories, research institutes and design offices.

A.: … ?

B.: They also carry out research work, create new types of materials and work out new methods of production processes.

6. Make up a plan of the text and reproduce it according to the plan.


Training specialists at the Belgorod shukhov State Technological University

1. The Belgorod Shukhov State Technological University is one of the leading higher educational institutions in Russia training highly skilled experts in different fields of the industry of building materials.

2. If you finished a secondary school and took and successfully passed the entrance written examinations, you are accepted to the University and become an undergraduate (a student). Now you are on the way to get a profession, to become a highly qualified specialist in one of the branches of the industry of building materials chosen by you.

3. A period of study at the University lasts 5 years. According to the University curriculum the 5-year period is divided into: 1) two years of general study when the student is taught different subjects of general nature, for example, Economics, Strength of Materials, Theoretical Mechanics, History of Russia, Foreign Languages, Descriptive Geometry and some others; and 2) three years of professional training when the student learns special subjects, quite necessary for the given profession.

4. Each year students take oral end-of-term tests and examinations. If they pass them successfully, they are granted monthly scholarships.

5. At the end of the fourth year University undergraduates are sent for a few months to factories, plants, research institutes, or some other enterprises in order to get some practical training in the field of their future profession. Working and staying there fifth-year students start their work at diploma papers.

6. At last the time of vocational professional practice is over and the students come back to their University. Here they consult their professors or tutors on some vague items and get ready to defend their diploma papers in the presence of an examiners’ body.

7. Soon the defense is over and a former student becomes an engineer with a University diploma – a civil engineer, a chemical engineer, a mechanical engineer, an architect, an economist, a computer engineer and so on.

8. After some rest a new specialist being fresh from the University is given a job at some place of Russia. The state’s national economy needs such people and always gladly receives them.