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§ 18. If in a complex sentence there are two or more homo­geneous clauses, they are separated from each other by a comma.

When dusk actually closed, and when Adele left me to go and play in the nursery with Sophie, 1 did not keenly desire it. (Ch. Bronte)

§ 19. At the end of every kind of declarative non-exclamatory sentence —simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex — a full stop is used.

Young Jolyon poured out the tea. (Galsworthy)

All the life and expression had gone out of his face; it was

like a waxen mask. (Voynich)

They turned back towards the bridge over which the Cardinal's carriage would have to pass. (Voynich)

§ 20. At the end of a sentence expressing a question, real or rhetorical, a note of interrogation is used.

Do >ou recognize that letter? (Voynicli)

Is this a dagger that I see before me? (Shakespeare)

A note of interrogation is used at the end of sentences con­taining questions even if the order of words is that of an affir­mative sentence.

And he wants you to live on cocoa too? (Galsworthy) You deny that it is in your writing? (Voynich)

§ 21. At the end of exclamatory sentences a note of exclama­tion is used.

It's a lie! (Voynich)

What a beautiful voice that man has! (Voynich)

§ 22. To indicate a sudden stop in the thought a dash ar two dashes are used.

Oh! how I wish — But what is the use of wishing? (Fowler)

"Oh, well," he said, "it's such a long time since " He faltered.

He stopped. (Mansfield)

It should be noted that the use of most stops largely depends on the will of the writer.

  1. Л. Кашианска.ч, Р. Л Ковнер, О Н Ко­жевникове!, П. В. Прокофьева, 3. М Райнес,

  2. Е. Сквирская, Ф. Я. Цыр.шна

Грамматика английского языка

(на английском языке)

Редактор //. // Тихонов Переплет художника Л С. Данилова Художеавенный редактор В. в Михневич Технический редактор К II. /Ки.шна Корректор //. И. Зисман

Сдано в найор 2Я II 1073 г Подписано к печати 13Л/П 1973 г. Б>мага типограф. № 3 Формат 60 X 907)6. Печ. ч 20 Уч -изд. л 20,4 Тираж Ь0 000 экз. Заказ 727. Цена без переплета 57 к. Переплет коленкоровый 20 к.

Ленинградское отделение издательства «Просве­щение» Государственного комитета Совета Ми­нистров РСФСР по д<"1ам издательств, полигра­фии и книжной торговли. Ленинград, Нев­ский нр , 28

Ордена Трудового Красного Знамени Ленинград­ская типография .У> 1 «Печатный Двор» имени А. М. Горького Сою шолнграфпрома при [осу дарственном комитете Совета Министров СССР по делам іидатеїьсін. полиграфин и книжной торговли. Ленинград, Гатчинская ул . 26.

1 For this treatment of the close apposition see: В. H. Жигадло, И. П. Ива­нова, Л. Л. Иофнк, Современный английский язык, М , 1956, стр. 290.

2 The prominent position of eacli part of the sentence will be treated in paragraphs dealing with the place of different parts of the sentence.

3 The conjunction while is not always coordinating. It may be a subordi­nating conjunction introducing adverbial clauses of time.

4 Cause, consequence and result may also be expressed by subordinate clauses, introduced by subordinating conjunctions.

alone together. (Dickens)

It was dull and dreary enough, when the long summer evening closed in, on that Saturday night. (Collins)

A complex sentence may contain two or more homogeneous clauses coordinated with each other.

They were all obstinately of opinion that the poor girl had stolen the moonstone, and that she had destroyed herself in terror of being found out. (Collins)

If a subject clause follows the principal clause the so-called introductory it is used in the principal clause.

It was always possible that they might encounter some one. (Dreiser)

Note.—There is another view of the analysis of sentences of this type, accord­ing to which it is the subject of the principal clause, and the subor­dinate clause is a predicative clause.

Subject clauses are connected with the principal clause in the following ways:

(a) by means of the conjunctions that, if, whether.

It was unfortunate that the patient was brought in during the evening. (Heym)

5insist upon it that you tell me what you mean. (Trollope)

As a rule object clauses are not separated by a comma from the principal clause. A comma may or may not be used if the object clause precedes the principal clause.

6 The conjunction as introduces adverbial clauses of concession in which the predicative stands first.

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