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Garrett R.H., Grisham C.M. - Biochemistry (1999)(2nd ed.)(en)

24.81 Mб

17.3 Skeletal Muscle Myosin and Muscle Contraction


A band H zone

I band Z line



H zone and I band decrease in width

FIGURE 17.22 The sliding filament model of skeletal muscle contraction. The decrease in sarcomere length is due to decreases in the width of the I band and H zone, with no change in the width of the A band. These observations mean that the lengths of both the thick and thin filaments do not change during contraction. Rather, the thick and thin filaments slide along one another.

directional character. The organization of the thin and thick filaments in the sarcomere takes particular advantage of this directional character. Actin filaments always extend outward from the Z lines in a uniform manner. Thus, between any two Z lines, the two sets of actin filaments point in opposing directions. The myosin thick filaments, on the other hand, also assemble in a directional manner. The polarity of myosin thick filaments reverses at the M disk. The nature of this reversal is not well understood, but presumably involves structural constraints provided by proteins in the M disk, such as the M protein and myomesin described above. The reversal of polarity at the M disk means that actin filaments on either side of the M disk are pulled toward the M disk during contraction by the sliding of the myosin heads, causing net shortening of the sarcomere.

Albert Szent-Györgyi’s Discovery of the Effects of Actin on Myosin

The molecular events of contraction are powered by the ATPase activity of myosin. Much of our present understanding of this reaction and its dependence on actin can be traced to several key discoveries by Albert Szent-Györgyi at the University of Szeged in Hungary in the early 1940s. Szent-Györgyi showed that solution viscosity is dramatically increased when solutions of myosin and actin are mixed. Increased viscosity is a manifestation of the formation of an actomyosin complex.


Viscous Solutions Reflect Long-Range Molecular Interactions

High viscosity in an aqueous solution is a sign of long-range molecular interactions, defined as interactions that extend through and connect many molecules. Concentrated sugar solutions (molasses, for example) are viscous because of the extensive hydrogen-bonding networks established by the multiple hydroxyl

groups of sugar molecules. Solutions of DNA are highly viscous because isolated DNA fibers are extremely long (often in the millimeter size range) and highly hydrated. As Szent-Györgyi discovered, the extensive aggregates formed by myosin and actin also produce highly viscous solutions.

552 Chapter 17 Molecular Motors

Szent-Györgyi further showed that the viscosity of an actomyosin solution was lowered by the addition of ATP, indicating that ATP decreases myosin’s affinity for actin. Kinetic studies demonstrated that myosin ATPase activity was increased substantially by actin. (For this reason, Szent-Györgyi gave the name actin to the thin filament protein.) The ATPase turnover number of pure myosin is 0.05/sec. In the presence of actin, however, the turnover number increases to about 10/sec, a number more like that of intact muscle fibers.

The specific effect of actin on myosin ATPase becomes apparent if the product release steps of the reaction are carefully compared. In the absence of actin, the addition of ATP to myosin produces a rapid release of H , one of the products of the ATPase reaction:

ATP4 H2O 88n ADP3 Pi2 H

However, release of ADP and Pi from myosin is much slower. Actin activates myosin ATPase activity by stimulating the release of Pi and then ADP. Product release is followed by the binding of a new ATP to the actomyosin complex, which causes actomyosin to dissociate into free actin and myosin. The cycle of ATP hydrolysis then repeats, as shown in Figure 17.23a. The crucial point of this model is that ATP hydrolysis and the association and dissociation of actin and myosin are coupled. It is this coupling that enables ATP hydrolysis to power muscle contraction.

The Coupling Mechanism: ATP Hydrolysis Drives

Conformation Changes in the Myosin Heads

The only remaining piece of the puzzle is this: How does the close coupling of actin-myosin binding and ATP hydrolysis result in the shortening of myofibrils? Put another way, how are the model for ATP hydrolysis and the sliding filament model related? The answer to this puzzle is shown in Figure 17.23b. The free energy of ATP hydrolysis is translated into a conformation change in the myosin head, so that dissociation of myosin and actin, hydrolysis of ATP, and rebinding of myosin and actin occur with stepwise movement of the myosin S1 head along the actin filament. The conformation change in the myosin head is driven by the hydrolysis of ATP.

As shown in the cycle in Figure 17.23a, the myosin heads—with the hydrolysis products ADP and Pi bound—are mainly dissociated from the actin filaments in resting muscle. When the signal to contract is presented (see following discussion), the myosin heads move out from the thick filaments to bind to actin on the thin filaments (Step 1). Binding to actin stimulates the release of phosphate, and this is followed by the crucial conformational change by the S1 myosin heads—the so-called power stroke—and ADP dissociation. In this step (Step 2), the thick filaments move along the thin filaments as the myosin heads relax to a lower energy conformation. In the power stroke, the myosin heads tilt by approximately 45 degrees and the conformational energy of the myosin heads is lowered by about 29 kJ/mol. This moves the thick filament approximately 10 nm along the thin filament (Step 3). Subsequent binding (Step 4) and hydrolysis (Step 5) of ATP cause dissociation of the heads from the thin filaments and also cause the myosin heads to shift back to their highenergy conformation with the heads’ long axis nearly perpendicular to the long axis of the thick filaments. The heads may then begin another cycle by binding to actin filaments. This cycle is repeated at rates up to 5/sec in a typical skeletal muscle contraction. The conformational changes occurring in this cycle are the secret of the energy coupling that allows ATP binding and hydrolysis to drive muscle contraction.

The conformation change in the power stroke has been studied in two ways: (1) cryoelectron microscopy together with computerized image analysis

(S1 myosin image courtesy of Ivan Rayment and Hazel M. Holden,
















Conformation change-



cocking of the


myosin head

Formation of








ATP binding causes dissociation of myosin from actin



Low-energy conformation of the myosin head

Power stroke

ADP and Pi

are released ADP +




Actin filament

Myosin head

FIGURE 17.23 The mechanism of skeletal muscle contraction. The free energy of ATP hydrolysis drives a conformational change in the myosin head, resulting in net movement of the myosin heads along the actin filament. (Inset ) A ribbon and space-filling representation of the actin–myosin interaction.

University of Wisconsin, Madison.)


554 Chapter 17 Molecular Motors

has yielded low-resolution images of S1-decorated actin in the presence and absence of MgADP (corresponding approximately to the states before and after the power stroke), and (2) feedback-enhanced laser optical trapping experiments have measured the movements and forces exerted during single turnovers of single myosin molecules along an actin filament. The images of myosin, when compared with the X-ray crystal structure of myosin S1, show that the long -helix of S1 that binds the light chains (ELC and RLC) may behave as a lever arm, and that this arm swings through an arc of 23 degrees upon release of ADP. (A glycine residue at position 770 in the S1 myosin head lies at the N-terminal end of this helix/lever arm and may act as a hinge.) This results in a 3.5-nm (35-Å) movement of the last myosin heavy chain residue of the X- ray structure in a direction nearly parallel to the actin filament. These two imaging “snapshots” of the myosin S1 conformation may represent only part of the working power stroke of the contraction cycle, and the total movement of a myosin head with respect to the apposed actin filament may thus be more than 3.5 nm.


Molecular “Tweezers” of Light Take the Measure of a Muscle Fiber’s Force

The optical trapping experiment involves the attachment of myosin molecules to silica beads that are immobilized on a microscope coverslip (see figure). Actin filaments are then prepared such that a polystyrene bead is attached to each end of the filament. These beads can be “caught” and held in place in solution by a pair of “optical traps”—two high-intensity infrared laser beams, one focused on the polystyrene bead at one end of the actin filament and the other focused on the bead at the other end of the actin filament. The force acting on each bead in such a trap is proportional to the position of the bead in the “trap,” so that displacement and forces acting on the bead (and thus on the actin filament) can both be measured. When the “trapped” actin filament is brought close to the silica bead, one or a few myosin molecules may interact with sites on the actin, and ATPinduced interactions of individual myosin molecules with the trapped actin filament can be measured and quantitated. Such optical trapping experiments have shown that a single cycle or turnover of a single myosin molecule along an actin filament involves an average movement of 4 to 11 nm (40–110 Å) and generates an average force of 1.7 to 4 10 12 newton (1.7–4 piconewtons (pN)).

The magnitudes of the movements observed in the optical trapping experiments are consistent with the movements predicted by the cryoelectron microscopy imaging data. Can the movements and forces detected in a single contraction cycle by optical trapping also be related to the energy available from hydrolysis of a single ATP molecule? The energy required for a contraction cycle is defined by the “work” accomplished by contraction, and work (w) is defined as force (F) times distance (d):

w F d

For a movement of 4 nm against a force of 1.7 pN, we have

w (1.7 pN) (4 nm) 0.68 10 20 J

For a movement of 11 nm against a force of 4 pN, the energy requirement is larger:

w (4 pN) (11 nm) 4.4 10 20 J

If the cellular free energy of hydrolysis of ATP is taken as 50 kJ/mol, the free energy available from the hydrolysis of a single ATP molecule is

G ( 50 kJ/mol)/6.02 1023 molecules/mol) 8.3 10 20 J

Thus, the free energy of hydrolysis of a single ATP molecule is sufficient to drive the observed movements against the forces that have been measured.

Optical trap


Optical trap



Polystyrene beads






Silica bead






Movements of single myosin molecules along an actin filament can be measured by means of an optical trap consisting of laser beams focused on polystyrene beads attached to the ends of actin molecules. (Adapted from Finer et al., 1994. Nature 368:113 – 119. See also Block, 1995. Nature 378:132–133.)

FIGURE 17.25
FIGURE 17.24
Calcium pump
Muscle fibers

17.3 Skeletal Muscle Myosin and Muscle Contraction


Control of the Contraction–Relaxation Cycle

by Calcium Channels and Pumps

The trigger for all muscle contraction is an increase in Ca2 concentration in the vicinity of the muscle fibers of skeletal muscle or the myocytes of cardiac and smooth muscle. In all these cases, this increase in Ca2 is due to the flow of Ca2 through calcium channels (Figure 17.24). A muscle contraction ends when the Ca2 concentration is reduced by specific calcium pumps (such as the SR Ca2 - ATPase, Chapter 10). The sarcoplasmic reticulum, t-tubule, and sarcolemmal membranes all contain Ca2 channels. As we shall see, the Ca2 channels of the SR function together with the t-tubules in a remarkable coupled process.

Ca2 release in skeletal and heart muscle has been characterized through the use of specific antagonist molecules that block Ca2 channel activity. The dihydropyridine (DHP) receptors of t-tubules, for example, are blocked by dihydropyridine derivatives, such as nifedipine (Figure 17.25). The purified DHP receptor of heart muscle can be incorporated into liposomes, whereupon it shows calcium channel activity. The channel displays voltage-dependent gating and is selective for divalent cations over monovalent cations. Thus, the heart muscle DHP receptor is a voltage-dependent Ca2 channel. Other evidence suggests that the skeletal muscle DHP receptor is a voltage-sensing protein; it presumably undergoes voltage-dependent conformation changes.

The DHP receptor from t-tubules consists of five different polypeptides, designated 1 (150 to 173 kD), 2 (120 to 150 kD), (50 to 65 kD), (30 to 35 kD), and (22 to 27 kD). The 2- and -subunits are linked by a disulfide bond. The 1, 2- , , and stoichiometry is 1 1 1 1. The 2-subunit is glycosylated, but 1 is not. 1 is homologous with the -subunit of the voltagesensitive sodium channel (Chapter 34). The sequence of 1 contains four internal sequence repeats, each containing six transmembrane helices, one of which is positively charged and is believed to be a voltage sensor (Figure 17.26). The loop between helices 5 and 6 contributes to the pore. These six segments share many similarities with the corresponding segments of the sodium channel. The1-subunit of the DHP receptor in heart muscle is implicated in channel formation and voltage-dependent gating.

The Ca2 -release channel from the terminal cisternae of sarcoplasmic reticulum has been identified by virtue of its high affinity for ryanodine, a toxic alkaloid (Figure 17.25). The purified receptor consists of oligomers, containing four or more subunits of a single large polypeptide (565 kD). Electron microscopy reveals that the purified ryanodine receptor (Figure 17.27) is in fact the foot structure observed in native muscle tissue. Image reconstructions reveal that the receptor is a square structure with fourfold symmetry, containing a central pore with four radially extending canals (Figure 17.28). These

Lumen of SR


Ca2+ release channel

SR membrane

Channel opening may be

voltage-sensitive or Ca2+-sensitive





Ca2 is the trigger signal for muscle contraction. Release of Ca2 through voltageor Ca2 -sensitive channels activates contraction. Ca2 pumps induce relaxation by reducing the concentration of Ca2 available to the muscle fibers.





















































































H3C ...





































The structures of nifedipine and ryanodine. Nifedipine binds with high affinity to the Ca2 -release channels of t-tubules. Ryanodine binds with high affinity to the Ca2 channels of SR terminal cisternae.

FIGURE 17.27

556 Chapter 17 Molecular Motors

DHP-sensitive calcium channel



+ + + +



FIGURE 17.26 The 1-subunit of the t-



tubule Ca2 channel/DHP receptor contains


six peptide segments that may associate to form


the Ca2 channel. This Ca2 channel polypep-


tide is homologous with the voltage-sensitive

Na channel of neuronal tissue.


(a) Electron micrograph images of foot structures of terminal cisternae. (b, c) Foot structures appear as trapezoids and diamonds on the surface of the membrane. The central canal (CC), radial canals (RC), and peripheral vestibules (PV) are indicated. (d) The relationship between the foot structures, t- tubule, terminal cisternae, and muscle fiber.

(Photo courtesy of Sidney Fleischer, Vanderbilt University)







vestibule (PV)

26 nm






canal (RC)







plate (BP)



17 nm


canal (CC)


8 nm



























17.3 Skeletal Muscle Myosin and Muscle Contraction

FIGURE 17.28 Image reconstructions of the junctional channel complex of a foot structure. (Photo courtesy of Sidney Fleischer, Vanderbilt University)

radial canals each extend to openings in the periphery of the structure and are therefore contiguous with the myoplasm.

So how do the foot structures effect the release of Ca2 from the terminal cisternae of the SR? The feet that join the t-tubules and the terminal cisternae of the SR are approximately 16 nm thick. The feet apparently function by first sensing either a voltage-dependent conformation change (skeletal muscle) or the transport of Ca2 across the voltage-sensitive Ca2 channel (heart muscle) of the t-tubule and then facilitating the release of large amounts of Ca2 through the foot structure from the SR. The reconstructed image (Figure 17.28) for the foot structure suggests a possible pathway for Ca2 transport from the lumen of the SR to the myoplasm via the ryanodine receptor. A Ca2 - or voltage-dependent conformation change may serve to gate open the cen-

tral canal of the foot structure. On entering the central canal, calcium ions TnI Actin move outward through the radial canals to the outer vestibule regions and into

the myoplasm adjacent to the triad junctions, where binding to the muscle fibers induces contraction.

Regulation of Contraction by Ca2


Myosin head

Early in this chapter, the importance of Ca2 ion as the triggering signal for muscle contraction was described. Ca2 is the intermediary signal that allows striated muscle to respond to motor nerve impulses (Figure 17.24). The importance of Ca2 as a contraction signal was understood in the 1940s, but it remained for Setsuro Ebashi, a pioneer of muscle research, to show in the early 1960s that the Ca2 signal is correctly interpreted by muscle only when tropomyosin and the troponins are present. Specifically, actomyosin prepared from pure preparations of actin and myosin (thus containing no tropomyosin and troponins) was observed to contract when ATP was added, even in the absence of Ca2 . However, actomyosin prepared directly from whole muscle would contract in the presence of ATP only when Ca2 was added. Clearly the muscle extracts contained a factor that conferred normal Ca2 sensitivity to actomyosin. The factor turned out to be the tropomyosin–troponin complex.

Actin thin filaments consist of actin, tropomyosin, and the troponins in a 7 1 1 ratio (Figure 17.15). Each tropomyosin molecule spans seven actin molecules, lying along the thin filament groove, between pairs of actin monomers. As shown in a cross-section view in Figure 17.29, in the absence of Ca2 , troponin I is thought to interact directly with actin to prevent the interaction of actin with myosin S1 heads. Troponin I and troponin T interact with tropomyosin to keep tropomyosin away from the groove between adjacent actin



MyosinTropomyosin binding




FIGURE 17.29 A drawing of the thick and thin filaments of skeletal muscle in cross-sec- tion showing the changes that are postulated to occur when Ca2 binds to troponin C.

558 Chapter 17 Molecular Motors

FIGURE 17.30 (a) A ribbon diagram and

(b) a molecular graphic showing two slightly different views of the structure of troponin C. Note the long -helical domain connecting the N-terminal and C-terminal lobes of the molecule.

monomers. However, the binding of Ca2 ions to troponin C appears to increase the binding of troponin C to troponin I, simultaneously decreasing the interaction of troponin I with actin. As a result, tropomyosin slides deeper into the actin-thin filament groove, exposing myosin-binding sites on actin, and initiating the muscle contraction cycle (Figure 17.23). Because the troponin complexes can interact only with every seventh actin in the thin filament, the conformational changes that expose myosin-binding sites on actin may well be cooperative. Binding of an S1 head to an actin may displace tropomyosin and the troponin complex from myosin-binding sites on adjacent actin subunits.

The Interaction of Ca2 with Troponin C

There are four Ca2 -binding sites on troponin C—two high-affinity sites on the carboxy-terminal end of the molecule, labeled III and IV in Figure 17.30, and two low-affinity sites on the amino-terminal end, labeled I and II. Ca2 binding to sites III and IV is sufficiently strong (KD 0.1 M) that these sites are presumed to be filled under resting conditions. Sites I and II, however, where the KD is approximately 10 M, are empty in resting muscle. The rise of Ca2 levels when contraction is signaled leads to the filling of sites I and II, causing a conformation change in the amino-terminal domain of TnC. This conformational change apparently facilitates a more intimate binding of TnI to TnC that involves the C helix, and also possibly the E helix of TnC. The increased interaction between TnI and TnC results in a decreased interaction between TnI and actin.

(From Fleischer, S., and Inui, M., 1989.

17.3 Skeletal Muscle Myosin and Muscle Contraction


The Structure of Cardiac and Smooth Muscle

The structure of heart myocytes is different from that of skeletal muscle fibers. Heart myocytes are approximately 50 to 100 m long and 10 to 20 m in diameter. The t-tubules found in heart tissue have a fivefold larger diameter than those of skeletal muscle. The number of t-tubules found in cardiac muscle differs from species to species. Terminal cisternae of mammalian cardiac muscle can associate with other cellular elements to form dyads as well as triads. The association of terminal cisternae with the sarcolemma membrane in a dyad structure is called a peripheral coupling. The terminal cisternae may also form dyad structures with t-tubules that are called internal couplings (Figure 17.31). As with skeletal muscle, foot structures form the connection between the terminal cisternae and t-tubule membranes.

In higher animals, large percentages of the terminal cisternae of cardiac muscle are not associated with t-tubules at all. For SR of this type, Ca2 release must occur by a different mechanism from that found in skeletal muscle. In this case, it appears that Ca2 leaking through sarcolemmal Ca2 channels can trigger the release of even more Ca2 from the SR. This latter process is called

Ca2 -induced Ca2 release (abbreviated CICR).

The Structure of Smooth Muscle Myocytes

The myocytes of smooth muscle are approximately 100 to 500 m in length and only 2 to 6 m in diameter. Smooth muscle contains very few t-tubules and much less SR than skeletal muscle. The Ca2 that stimulates contraction in smooth muscle cells is predominantly extracellular in origin. This Ca2 enters the cell through Ca2 channels in the sarcolemmal membrane that can be opened by electrical stimulation, or by the binding of hormones or drugs. The contraction response time of smooth muscle cells is very slow compared with that of skeletal and cardiac muscle.

The Mechanism of Smooth Muscle Contraction

Vertebrate organisms employ smooth muscle myocytes for long, slow, and involuntary contractions in various organs, including large blood vessels; intestinal walls; and, in the female, the uterus. Smooth muscle contains no troponin complex; thin filaments consist only of actin and tropomyosin. Despite the absence of troponins, smooth muscle contraction is dependent on Ca2 , which activates myosin light chain kinase (MLCK), an enzyme that phosphorylates LC2, the regulatory light chain of myosin. Contraction of smooth muscle is initiated by phosphorylation of LC2, and dephosphorylation causes relaxation of smooth muscle tissue.

FIGURE 17.31 Electron micrograph of a dog heart muscle. The terminal cisterna of the SR (TC-SR) is associated with the t-tubule (TT) by means of foot structures (FS), forming a dyad junction. MF indicates the location of myofilaments. LT-SR signifies the longitudinal tubule of the SR.

Annual Review of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry


560 Chapter 17 Molecular Motors












































Myocyte membrane










G protein































Ca2+ -CaM







MLCK( Ca2+ -CaM)


















Protein kinase

Protein kinase








































Myosin: MLC


Myosin: MLC—P















FIGURE 17.32 A model for the control of contraction in smooth muscle. (Calmodulin




is abbreviated CaM.)





light chain






The mechanism of this contraction process is shown in Figure 17.32. Smooth muscle myocytes have a resting [Ca2 ] of approximately 0.1 M. Electrical stimulation (by the autonomic or involuntary nervous system) opens Ca2 channels in the sarcolemmal membrane, allowing [Ca2 ] to rise to about 10 M, a concentration at which Ca2 binds readily to calmodulin (see Chapter 34). Binding of the Ca2 -calmodulin complex to MLCK activates the kinase reaction, phosphorylating LC2 and stimulating smooth muscle contraction. Export of Ca2 by the plasma membrane Ca2 -ATPase returns Ca2 to its resting level, deactivating MLCK. Smooth muscle relaxation then occurs through the action of myosin light chain phosphatase, which dephosphorylates LC2. This reaction is relatively slow, and smooth muscle contractions are typically more sustained and dissipate more slowly than those of striated muscle.

Smooth muscle contractions are subject to the actions of hormones and related agents. As shown in Figure 17.32, binding of the hormone epinephrine to smooth muscle receptors activates an intracellular adenylyl cyclase reaction that produces cyclic AMP (cAMP). The cAMP serves to activate a protein kinase that phosphorylates the myosin light chain kinase. The phosphorylated MLCK has a lower affinity for the Ca2 -calmodulin complex and thus is physiologically inactive. Reversal of this inactivation occurs via myosin light chain kinase phosphatase.

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