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Informal Youth Movements

The majority of youth movements is now under strong influence of the West.

F.e. Bikers or motorcyclists. Sometimes spontaneous forms of subcultural activity correlate to some habitual western styles by mistake. Such is a situation with bikers. In Russia there is some number of bikers’ groups in sense habitual for the West. On the origin they are a mold from the western bikers, but social background here is another. In Russia mainly rich people can be like the western bikers. Having special motorcycles and other cult signs, the Russian bikers are often only consumers of a certain cultural range. By expert estimates, simple breakages in a motorcycle aren't capable to repair the majority of them even.

Hip-hop culture. Hip-hoppers took roots in the Russian youth environment already for a long time. Hip-hop is a «street culture», widely adopted from the middle of the 1970th years in the USA, and then in many countries of the world as one of subcultural forms of development by youth of a social world through creation, distribution, development of four main directions: breakdance, rap, graffiti and Dee-dzheing. As a part of elements of hip-hop culture are considered also streetball (street football), Rolling (a certain equipment of a skating) and other.

In Russia festivals of hip-hop culture where young people compete in the various directions are held. One of such festivals is Snickers’ Urbany which takes place every summer in several cities in Russia.

4. Cinema and tv and their Influence on the Youth Today

“Mass media (television, the internet, advertising) influence youth too much nowadays.” In the recent years, the prevalence of mass media has been undeniable. All over the world, youths have access to mass media through their smart phones, television sets and computers. In such a media-driven world, it is no surprise that mass media has come to play a substantial role in the attitudes and mindsets of youth. To a large extent, mass media does have the power to influence youth too much nowadays as seen through increasing commercialized perceptions of beauty and loss of individuality. However, it is also true that the youth are not completely controlled by mass media as seen through innovative thinking and creativity in young people.

The media’s influence on youth is seen through increasing consumerism (потребительство) in youths. Everyday of our lives, we are bombarded with advertisements through every form of mass media possible. Slogans like ‘Just Do It’ become ingrained in our minds through clever advertising gimmicks aimed at the youth demographic. It becomes almost impossible for youths to resist the pull of the shiny new products that are ardently promoted by various industries. For example, it would be hard to find a youth who does not own an Apple product. The company’s worldwide success in appealing to the youth is due to its tactful advertising aimed at a youthful audience through the use of relevant and contemporary themes and ideas. Such advertising blurs the line between necessity and indulgence, easing youth into buying everything that the media sells them. The media’s excessive influence on youth is also seen through perceptions that the youth have about body image and beauty. Movies and commercials on the television often portray models and actors to promote physical beauty.

There is no doubt that when it comes to American youth television is one of the biggest influences by far. Many parents would love to say that their child does not watch that much TV but in reality they are spending a lot of time watching television or using media in some way.

There is no doubt that when it comes to American youth television is one of the biggest influences by far. Many parents would love to say that their child does not watch that much TV but in reality they are spending a lot of time watching television or using media in some way.

While media manipulates the minds of youth and teens, the value portrayed on reality television by reinforcing negative stereotypes and idealizes body image to be accepted as the norm. Stereotypes are unavoidable in media especially in reality programming. In my opinion the stereotypes depicted in media can influence the way youth see people in real life. Basing their opinion on what they have viewed on television.

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