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Oxford Thesaurus - An A-Z Dictionary Of Synonyms

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vivacity, exhilaration: Thurgood did not join in the hilarity


of his retirement party.


n. 1 elevation, rise, highland, mound, prominence, promontory,


eminence, knoll, hillock, hummock, height, foothill, tor, mount,


upland, downs or downland, Scots brae, No. Brit fell, W Brit


tump, US and Canadian butte: The house is on a hill overlooking

the valley. 2 heap, pile, mound, stack; mountain: By the autumn, the hill of compost had reached six feet in height. 3 slope, incline or decline, acclivity or declivity, gradient or

esp. US grade, US upgrade or downgrade: Are you sure this car can make it up the next hill?

hinder v. 1 hamper, delay, interrupt, impede, interfere with, foil, thwart, frustrate, forestall, bar, stymie, check, balk or baulk, encumber, obstruct, handicap, set or keep or put or hold back, defer, retard, restrain, slow, postpone: The difficulty of the task should not hinder the attempt. 2 stop, prevent, check, preclude, arrest; discourage, deter, inhibit, obviate: Does the threat of capital punishment hinder people from committing murder?

hindrance n. 1 obstruction, impediment, snag, check, obstruction, barrier, obstacle, restraint, drawback, hitch, stumbling-block, deterrent, encumbrance: The only hindrance to the plan is Phyllis's disapproval of it. 2 prevention, curb, limitation: The presence of police cars serves as a hindrance to speeding motorists.


n. 1 suggestion, clue, implication, inkling, indication, tip,


tip-off, intimation, allusion, innuendo, insinuation; pointer,


help, advice: The quiz-master gave me a hint and I got the


answer at once. 2 trace, suggestion, touch, taste, breath,


dash, soup‡on, whiff, undertone, tinge, whisper: Which


government has ever served without any hint of scandal?


--v. 3 suggest, imply, indicate, tip (off), intimate, allude,


insinuate, mention, clue, cue, signal, refer, advert: She


hinted that I might appeal to her sister.


adj. informed, aware, knowledgeable, knowing, perceptive,


alert, in or up on, onto, Colloq wise (to), with it, cool,


Old-fashioned hep: He's not hip to what they're saying about


him and Carrie.


n. bohemian, Old-fashioned drop-out, beatnik, beat, longhair,


flower child or person, hipster: A few hippies were playing


their guitars at the street corner.


v. 1 engage, employ, take on, appoint, enlist, sign on:


Alexandra had to hire more people to get all the work done. 2


rent, lease, engage, charter: We hired a car for the day. 3

hire out. rent (out), lease (out), let (out), charter (out): I hire out my boat by the day.


--n. 4 rent, lease, charter, letting: Do you have bicycles for


hire by the day? 5 (hire) charge, cost, fee, price, rate, rent,


rental: How much is the hire of a horse by the hour?


n. 1 hissing, sibilance: Serpents and geese make a sound like


a hiss. 2 catcall, jeer, boo, hoot, Slang raspberry, US Bronx


cheer: The villain was greeted by hisses from the audience.

--v. 3 boo, hoot, jeer, deride, mock, taunt, decry, disparage: The workers hissed and booed the speaker.

historic adj. momentous, important, noteworthy, significant, red-letter, notable, celebrated, distinguished, prominent, great, consequential, signal, unforgettable, memorable: We are gathered here to commemorate a historic event.


adj. factual, true, verifiable, reliable, real, authentic, recorded, documented: The historical truth of what actually happened on that day has been obscured by legends.

history n. 1 account, story, record, description, depiction, portrayal, representation, telling, retelling, recital, narration,

narrative, relation, retailing: Washington Irving's Knickerbocker's History of New York begins with the creation of the world. 2 news, summary, recapitulation, report,

intelligence, information: The history of these events is recounted in a book by Robinson. 3 past, background, life; experiences, adventures, story, biography: This woman appears to have had a rather curious history. The history of your years in Polynesia would make an interesting book. 4 record,


experience, information, biography, CV or curriculum vitae, US


r‚sum‚: Your entire work history should be included in your


application. 5 chronicle, annals, record, account: The history


of Parliamentary debate can be traced through Hansard. 6


ancient history, the past, yesterday, the (good old) days, days


of yore, olden days, yesteryear, antiquity: What can history


tell us about the future? 7 dead letter, yesterday's news, old


hat: Any animosity I might have felt towards him is now




v. 1 strike, cuff, smack, knock, whack, bash, bang, thump,


thwack, punch, buffet, slap, swat, bludgeon, club, smite; spank,


thrash, beat, pummel, batter, flog, scourge, birch, cane, lash,


belabour, flagellate, whip, horsewhip, cudgel, Archaic


fustigate; Colloq belt, wallop, clobber, clout, sock, clip,


crown, bop, conk, paste, lambaste, zap: She hit him on the jaw


and he went down. 2 strike, bat, swat, knock, drive, propel:


He hit the ball over the heads of the fielders. 3 strike,


collide or impact with, run or smash or crash into, bump or bang


into: The car went off the road and hit a tree. 4 affect,


touch, stir, move, wound, hurt, strike or hit home, make or


leave an impression or a mark on, (make an) impact (on): The


new taxes hit the wealthy more than the poor. 5 dawn on, enter


one's mind, occur to, strike: It finally hit Graham that he had


been insulted. 6 reach, attain, arrive at, gain, achieve:


Those who have hit eighty know the meaning of old age. She hit


the jackpot this week. 7 experience, encounter, meet (with): It


was at that point that we hit a snag in the negotiations. 8


Also, hit up. importune, beseech, petition, beg, implore,


entreat, ask for: As usual, Guthrie hit me for a loan as soon


as we met. 9 hit on or upon. a come or happen or chance or


light on or upon, discover, find, uncover, unearth, stumble or


blunder on or upon, arrive at: After years of experimentation,


the Curies hit upon pitchblende as a source of radium. b devise,


think of or up, invent, dream up, come up with, work out, see,


perceive, detect, discern, find: I have hit upon a way to


counteract the force of gravity.


--n. 10 impact, collision; blow, punch, knock, strike, swat,


shot, smack, bump, bang, Colloq whack, thwack, conk, bop, sock:


The weakness of the hit caused only a slight dent in my car


door. The boxer reeled after a hard hit to the midriff. 11


success, triumph, coup, winner, sensation, Colloq smash (hit),

sell-out: After opening in the West End the musical became a hit on Broadway. 12 kick, jolt, thrill, Slang charge, US rush, bang: Give me a hit off that reefer.

hitch v. 1 connect, couple, fasten, attach, join, harness, tie, unite, hook (up), link, fix: When I arrived, she was hitching the horses to the wagon. 2 Often, hitch up. raise, pull up, hike (up), tug (up), hoist, yank, jerk, Brit hoick: He hitched up his trousers, tucked in his shirt, and tightened his belt. 3

hitchhike, thumb a lift or ride, Colloq US bum a ride: I had no money and no car, so I hitched here from Newcastle.

--n. 4 snag, catch, difficulty, trouble, problem, mishap, handicap, entanglement, interference, impediment, hindrance, obstruction, obstacle: The entire plan went off without any hitch.

8.4 hoard...


hoard n. 1 supply, stock, store, stockpile, reserve, fund, reservoir, accumulation, collection, cache: They kept a hoard of food in the shelter in case of attack. Occasionally, farmers turn up a hoard of gold coins buried by the ancient Romans.

--v. 2 amass, collect, accumulate, pile (up), assemble, gather, put away, stockpile, store, reserve, set aside, save (up),

squirrel away, lay in or away or aside or up, Colloq stash away: Hoarding food was against the law during rationing.

hoax n. 1 deception, fraud, swindle, trick, flam or flimflam, imposture, cheat, humbug, Slang con (game), gyp, scam, game, US snow job: They perpetrated a hoax on you, and I am afraid there is no way of getting your money back.

--v. 2 deceive, defraud, swindle, trick, fool, dupe, take in, cozen, hoodwink, gull, bluff, Slang con, gyp, bamboozle: She was hoaxed into investing in Sicilian gold-mines.

hobble v. 1 limp, falter, dodder, totter, stagger, reel, weave, stumble, shuffle, shamble: I hobbled about on crutches for weeks. 2 shackle, fetter, restrain, restrict, hamper, hinder,

impede, trammel: As hobbled horses do not stray, she tried to think of some way to hobble Clarence's errant ways.

--n. 3 limp, shuffle, shamble, claudication, stagger: With the leg-irons on, I could walk only with a jerking hobble.


n. pastime, avocation, sideline, recreation, diversion,

relaxation: Her hobby is collecting wedding rings.


v. associate, fraternize, socialize, consort, mingle, rub

elbows or shoulders, mix, hang about or around, keep company: He hobnobs with the aristocrats.


n. 1 trickery, chicanery, deceit, deception, artifice, cheat, duplicity, mischief, hoax, humbug, trick, swindle, pretence, Colloq con (game), jiggery-pokery, flimflam, hanky-panky: He tried some hocus-pocus on the company books but was caught. 2 mumbo-jumbo, abracadabra, incantation, nonsense, rigmarole,

gibberish, Colloq gobbledegook: The medicine man muttered some hocus-pocus over the body, which began to rise into the air. 3 sleight of hand, legerdemain, prestidigitation, magic,

conjuring, jugglery: From the earliest days religion has had its share of hocus-pocus.

hoggish adj. piggish, greedy, avaricious, insatiable, gluttonous, voracious, edacious, acquisitive, possessive, self-seeking, selfish: Don't be so hoggish; share the cake with the others.

hoi polloi

n. riff-raff, rabble, mob, common herd, proletariat, populace, common people, crowd, masses, multitude, rank and file, plebeians, multitude, bourgeoisie, man in the street, Brit

admass, man on the Clapham omnibus, US John Q. Public, Colloq great unwashed, proles, plebs, US silent majority: Much of what goes on in government is incomprehensible to hoi polloi.

hoist v. 1 lift (up), elevate, raise, heave, uplift, winch: The lifeboat with the survivors aboard is now being hoisted onto the rescue vessel.

--n. 2 crane, lift, elevator, davit, winch, tackle: The cable of the hoist broke, and the container dropped onto the pier.


adj. haughty, arrogant, overweening, snobbish, disdainful, supercilious, conceited, lofty, superior, self-important, Colloq high and mighty, stuck-up, snooty, uppity or chiefly Brit uppish, Brit toffee-nosed, Slang snotty: Eleanor became very hoity-toity after her husband got his knighthood.


v. 1 grasp, grip, clasp, seize, clutch, keep; carry, Colloq


hang on to: She asked me to hold the baby for just a minute


while she bought her railway ticket. 2 hug, embrace, clasp,


cradle, clench, clutch, enfold: He held me in his arms briefly


before the guards led him into the quad. 3 maintain, keep, put:


Hold up your hands and kick the gun over here to me. 4


maintain, keep, sustain, absorb, occupy, engage, involve,


engross, monopolize: You hold his attention while I try to get


round behind him. 5 confine, restrain, detain, contain, coop


up: Even a strait-jacket and chains couldn't hold Houdini. 6


imprison, detain, confine, place into custody, put behind bars,


jail: He is being held overnight for questioning. 7 believe,


deem, judge, consider, regard, look on or upon, maintain, think,


esteem, take, assume: What do you hold to be important in life?


Father holds me responsible for every little dent in his car. 8


accommodate, support, carry: That little nail won't hold this


picture. 9 contain, include, comprise: This suitcase holds


everything I own in the world. 10 call, convene, assemble,


convoke; run, conduct, engage in, participate in, have, carry


on, preside over, officiate at: The next meeting will be held


on Tuesday, at noon. 11 apply, hold good, be in effect or in


force, stand or hold up, hold or prove or be true, be the case,


function, operate, be or remain or prove valid or relevant or


applicable or operative, Colloq hold water, wash: What may be


in order for Manchester may not necessarily hold for another


city. 12 have, possess: She holds two engineering degrees. He


was holding four aces. 13 remain or keep (fast), stay, stick:


Screws are needed here - nails won't hold. 14 hold back. a


restrain, repress, suppress, curb, inhibit, control, check, keep


back, hinder: Many reasons hold me back from telling you what I


think. b withhold, reserve, deny, keep back, refuse: We ought


to hold back payment till the work is completed. 15 hold down.


a control, restrain, check; reduce, diminish: We must hold down


inflation. b keep, maintain, manage: He has to hold down two


jobs to pay all the bills. 16 hold forth. a Often, hold forth

on or upon. lecture (on), declaim, harangue, preach (on or about), orate, sermonize (on), discourse (on), speechify (on or about), expatiate or expand on or upon, Colloq go on (about), Brit rabbit or natter or witter on (about): As usual, Pinckley endlessly held forth on his pet subject, fishing. b hold out, offer, proffer, tender, submit, advance, propose, propound, hold out, extend: The company has held forth a profit-sharing plan that we cannot refuse. 17 hold in. a control, curb, check, hold back, restrain, contain: I could hold myself in no longer and a scream escaped my lips. b conceal, hide, suppress: How can I hold in my feelings for you? 18 hold off. a delay, defer, put off, refrain from, postpone, avoid: We held off buying till we had the money saved up. b repel, keep off, repulse, fend off, rebuff, resist, withstand: We held off the attackers till help came. 19 hold on. a grip, grasp, hold, clutch, cling: Hold on to the rope and I'll pull you up. b keep, maintain, cling, hang on, retain: Don't try to hold on to yesterday's dreams. c

stop, wait, hold off, Colloq hang on: Hold on a minute! I'm not finished. 20 hold out. a last, carry on, persist, persevere, continue, hang on, stand firm or chiefly US pat, endure: I hope that the good weather holds out for our trip. Can we hold out till reinforcements arrive? b offer, proffer, extend, hold

forth, present: I grasped the hand he held out. 21 hold over. a postpone, delay, defer, put off, hold off, suspend: The decision is to be held over till next year. b continue, retain,

extend, prolong: The singer was popular enough to be held over a month. 22 hold up. a rob, waylay, Colloq mug, stick up; knock off or US over: Two men held up the bank courier last night. b delay, impede, hinder, slow (down or up), set back, detain: I was held up by the infernal traffic again. c last, survive, fare, bear up, endure: I am not sure that my car will hold up through another winter. d present, show, exhibit, display: Gibbons has been held up to ridicule since the

scandal. 23 hold with. support, sustain, agree to or with,

favour, countenance, approve (of), subscribe to, condone, concur with: Being married to her doesn't mean you have to hold with all her ideas.

--n. 24 grasp, grip, clasp, clutch: Take hold of the rope! 25 foothold, toe-hold, purchase: She lost her hold and fell. He has a good hold on the subject. 26 power, dominance, mastery, control, ascendancy, authority, influence, leverage, sway, Colloq pull, clout: She has a hold over him that makes him do

her bidding.


n. 1 (armed) robbery, Colloq stick-up, mugging, US heist: The

robbers escaped with my gold watch in the hold-up. 2 delay,

set-back, hitch, snag, interruption, lacuna, gap, hiatus, break,

stoppage: The cause of the hold-up was an overturned van.


n. 1 cavity, pit, hollow, excavation, burrow, crater, cavern,

cave, recess, niche, nook, pocket, depression, indentation,

dent, impression: The snake disappeared into a hole in the rock. 2 opening, aperture, orifice, perforation, puncture, slit, slot, breach, rip, tear, rent, break, crack, fissure: The water poured through a hole in the pipe. 3 hole in the wall,

shack, hut, shanty, slum, hovel; Slang dump, dive, joint: How can anyone live in such a hole? She finally got a job dancing in some hole downtown. 4 cell, prison, dungeon, donjon, keep, jail, oubliette, brig, cage: When he refused to talk, they put him in the hole for a week. 5 difficulty, trouble, dilemma, predicament, situation, fix, corner, Colloq (tight) spot, hot water, scrape, box, bind, pickle, catch-22, mess, muddle: She really got herself into a hole with the tax man. 6 flaw, shortcoming, inconsistency, fault, error, mistake, fallacy, discrepancy, loophole: He never offers anything original but is always ready to pick holes in any suggestion you make.

--v. 7 puncture, pierce, perforate: A floating log holed the hull and the boat went down with all aboard.


n. 1 time off, break, recess, respite, leave (of absence),

furlough, sabbatical, Chiefly US vacation: We spent our holiday

in Ibiza this year. 2 festival, feast, celebration, fˆte or

fete; gala, fair, red-letter day, event: Where are you going

over the Christmas holiday?


adj. 1 vacant, empty, void, unfilled: A hollow space in the

wall concealed a secret passage. 2 sunken, concave, indented, dented, sunken, recessed, depressed: Dust gathers in the hollow places of the floor. 3 hungry, ravenous, starved, empty, famished: I'm feeling hollow and should prefer to eat now, not later. 4 insincere, false, hypocritical, sham, artificial, counterfeit, feigned, fraudulent, spurious, deceitful, mendacious, deceptive, cynical: Politicians campaigning for office often make hollow promises they do not intend to keep. 5

empty, futile, costly, Pyrrhic, worthless, vain, unavailing, bootless, fruitless, profitless, unprofitable, valueless, ineffective, pointless, senseless, meaningless: Winning the lawsuit was a hollow victory, for the man was bankrupt. 6 muffled, dull, flat, low, sepulchral, toneless: His voice sounded hollow, as if he were speaking into a metal bowl.

--n. 7 hole, cavity, cavern, crater, basin, depression, excavation, pit, trough, furrow, indentation, dent, impression; valley, dale, dell, glen, dip: We dug ourselves in a hollow in

the ground hoping not to be seen. The dog herded the sheep into the hollow near the stream.

--v. 8 excavate, dig (out or up), gouge, scoop, furrow, dredge: Huskies hollow out places for themselves to sleep in the snow.

holocaust n. 1 conflagration, fire-storm, inferno, fire; destruction, devastation: When the volcano exploded, few escaped the holocaust. 2 genocide, mass murder, massacre, blood bath,


pogrom, butchery, carnage, annihilation, extinction,


extermination, eradication, elimination: Survivors of the Nazi


holocaust hold periodic memorial services.


adj. 1 sacred, religious, consecrated, sanctified, blessed,


hallowed, venerated, divine, heavenly, supernal, celestial: The


holy relics are kept in a silver casket. 2 godly, godlike,

saintly, saintlike, pious, devout, reverent, reverential, faithful, God-fearing, chaste, pure, unsullied, clean, sinless, spotless, immaculate, undefiled, uncorrupted, untainted: The holy men, in their saffron robes, sat in a circle, contemplating the master of the universe.


n. obeisance, respect, deference, honour, esteem, admiration;

loyalty, allegiance, fidelity, tribute: Today we pay homage to

those who fought and died so that we might be free.


n. 1 dwelling-place, residence, domicile, abode, dwelling,

house, (living) quarters, habitation, lodging(s), Brit accommodation or US accommodations, Colloq place, Chiefly Brit digs, diggings: He has been a guest in my home on many occasions. 2 (home) base, residency, territory, haunt, home ground, bailiwick, Colloq stamping-ground: As you travel so much, what do you call home these days? 3 hospice, retreat,

nursing home, old folks' or people's home, retirement community, almshouse, poorhouse, refuge, haven, institution, shelter, rest-home, US snug harbor: His parents, who are very old and indigent, have been sent to a home. 4 at home. a comfortable,

at ease, relaxed, cosy, composed, tranquil, placid, peaceful, serene, untroubled: The Harrises certainly do make one feel at home. b in, accessible, available, welcoming: You know that we are always at home to you, Frances. 5 at home with or in. comfortable with, conversant with, knowledgeable in or about, familiar with, well-versed in, competent in, expert in,

proficient in, skilled in, up on, current in, adept in, adroit in, qualified in, (well-)informed in or on or about: Widely read, she is at home in almost any subject you can name.

--adj. 6 domestic, native, national, internal: Buying more foreign than home goods upsets the balance of trade. 7 domestic, household: She now sells home appliances for a big manufacturer. 8 family, domestic: What kind of home life has he had?

--adv. 9 homeward(s): When will you come home? 10 to the heart or core, to the quick; effectively, tellingly, profoundly, deeply, stingingly, cuttingly, harshly, severely, Colloq where it hurts, where one lives: That remark really hit home. 11 bring or drive home. stress, emphasize, impress upon, make clear: I am trying to bring home to you the hardships people suffered during the war.

homeless adj. 1 dispossessed, outcast, exiled, vagabond, derelict, unsettled; unhoused: Their houses destroyed in the war, homeless people wandered everywhere.

--n. 2 the homeless. knights of the road, vagrants, vagabonds, tramps, US bums, hoboes: There are not enough shelters for the homeless.

homely adj. 1 homey, homelike, unpretentious, modest, unassuming, simple, unaffected, informal, plain, natural, everyday, unsophisticated, homespun, commonplace, ordinary, familiar, friendly, amiable, neighbourly, affable, congenial, Colloq chiefly US folksy: Her success as a doctor is traceable in part

to her homely approach. 2 homey, homelike, warm, cosy, snug, domestic, comfortable, easy, serene, peaceful, restful,