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Data Mining

Data Mining is the extraction or “Mining” of knowledge from a large amount of data or data warehouse. To do this extraction data mining combines artificial intelligence, statistical analysis and database management systems to attempt to pull knowledge form stored data.

Data mining is the process of applying intelligent methods to extract data patterns. This is done using the front-end tools. The spreadsheet is still the most compiling front-end application for Online Analytical Processing (OLAP). The challenges in supporting a query environment for OLAP can be crudely summarized as that of supporting spreadsheet operation effectively over large multi-gigabytes databases. To distinguish information extraction through data mining from that of a traditional database querying, the following main observation can be made. In a database application the queries issued are well defined to the level of what we want and the output is precise and is a subset of operational data. In data mining there is no standard query language and the queries are poorly defined. Thus the output is not precise (fuzzy) and do not represent a subset of the database. Beside the data used not the operational data that represents the today transactions.

Users can use data mining techniques on the data warehouse to extract different kinds of information which would eventually assist the decision making process of an organization. For example, if certain books are rarely used by members of a particular library, while the same books are frequently used at other libraries then it is appropriate to transfer these books to respective libraries to ensure its effective use. Such knowledge could only be discovered through sharing experiences of librarians or by capturing the knowledge through database and integrating them as done when building data warehouses. Decision support tools assist users in discovering knowledge.

Unit 4 text a Building a Content Rich Website

1. Read and translate the text a.

Discipline and Commitment

Discipline extends to content creation. Successful writers do not wait for inspiration before beginning their work. Instead, they develop a regular writing schedule, and they stick to it. Whether they feel like it or not, they sit down at a desk and write.

Regular Updates to your Website

Regularly updating or modifying your Website’s content gives you an edge over the competition. People will keep returning to your site if they notice something new to see, learn from or enjoy each time.

Creating Your Content

You know best – or should – what your audience wants. It then becomes an easy task to decide about which types of content will best serve their needs and how to go about finding or creating it.


Reprint articles written by others, but you must always obtain, permission. All work, from the moment it is written, is copyright and owned by the author, whether it is marked with a copyright symbol or not. Content is not free. You can, however, make reprints interesting and personalized by putting your own ‘spin’ on the content. Write an introduction to the subject, or comment on the author’s opinions or conclusions.

Take care to avoid ‘editing’ the original article without the author's permission. Avoid articles that have been reprinted many times before on other Websites and electronic publications.

The News Desk

Your Website can become a source of the latest developments and happenings in areas of interest by providing timely news on topics of interest to your readers.

Create a separate section of your site to deal with industry news. Or you might devote an entire Website to news updates.

Make it interesting, personal, chatty, fun, unique, or all of these – with your style of writing, or by adding your point of view.

The Art Gallery

Text is not the only form of content. Sound, music, pictures, photographs, video clips – and soon maybe smell and dreams – can be attractions on a Website.

If you are a professional photographer, you could create a display of your snaps. If you are a music group, you might offer some of your creations for download. Amateur moviemakers can use the Internet as their low-cost global distribution channel.

The Reviewer

Use your Website to recommend the ‘best’ products and services to your visitors – books, websites, music, movies, artwork, web designers, restaurants, anything. You, the expert, tell them what is good and what isn’t.