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Тексты для самостоятельного чтения и перевода на русский язык Текст № 1


The Plow. The modern plow is mounted directly behind the tractor, attached to the three – pointed linkage. It is raised and lowered hydraulically. The typical mounted plow consists of a frame, which is attached to the tractor. The main components in contact with the soil are the coulter, the share, the moldboard and the landside. The coulter is carried by the frame of the plow. The share, moldboard and landside are all bolted to the frog which in turn is bolted to the leg of the plow. The plow leg is carried by the frame.

The moldboard is the part of the plow which turns the furrow over.

Cultivators. The heavy cultivators are used for breaking up ground, prior to plowing. They consist of two rows of tines mounted on a strong frame and are known as rigid tine cultivators.

Harrow. A harrow is an implement used to level up the ground and crush a large number of clods after the digging operations. It stirs the soil and prevents and destroys weeds. Under some conditions harrows can be used to cover seeds.

Disk harrows are used before plowing to cut up vegetable matter. They are used after plowing to pulverize the soil. They can be used for cultivation of crops and summer fallowing. When seeds are sown broadcast, harrows are used to cover them.

Текст № 2 Combine Harvester.

Harvesting the crop under the best conditions, the grower uses several harvesting machines: hay harvesting, grain harvesting, root crop harvesting machines etc.

The grain combine is adapted to harvest all the small grains, soy beans, rice as well as many other crops.

There are two general types of combines: the pull or tractor-drawn and the self-propelled machines.

The basic operational functions of a combine can be divided as follows:

  • cutting the standing grain,

  • separating the grain from the straw,

  • cleaning the grain by removing chaff,

  • handling the grain from the combine to the tank or the truck.

The combine harvester is a machine that requires careful and systematic lubrication. There are many oiling points, some of which will require attention more than once daily, others daily and some weekly. It is worth while for a combine driver to spend an hour each morning attending to lubrication servicing and other maintenance jobs that need to be done. If a combine is of self-propelled type it will be powered by an engine and this will require the same sort of attention as does a tractor engine. These are the air cleaner and the radiator. A combine works in very dusty conditions therefore the operator must ensure that neither of these units become with dirt.

Each morning before work the combine operator should do at least the following:

  1. Remove any trash that may have collected around drive pulleys.

  2. Check the cutting mechanisms.

  3. Check the tensions of the drive chains and belts.

  4. Lubricate all oiling points.

Текст № 3

Importance of Machinery and Energy in Agriculture.

More and more machines are used on farms today replacing hand labour and increasing labour productivity. With machines and power available farmers not only can do it more economically, but they can do higher-quality work and the work may be finished in a shorter and more favourable time.

Machines are used for crop production include those that till the soil, plant the crops, perform various cultural practices during the growing season and harvest the crops.

Machines are known to be powered by tractors. Implements such as plows, cultivators and planters may be mounted on a tractor or they may be pulled by a tractor.

However, an increasing number of farm machines are now self-propelled. These machines are grain combine harvesters, cotton pickers, forage harvesters, and many other specialized farm machines.

Machines that do not require mobility are usually powered with electric motors. Such machines include silage unloaders, livestock feeding equipment and milking machines.

Farm machines we use today are quite different from those the farmers used two or even one decade ago. The tractors, tractor-drawn planters and drills were smaller and less productive. They could plant fewer acres per day than the machines do now.

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