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English for undergraduates (1).doc
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16. Jingle bells

Dashing through the snow

In a one horse open sleigh,

O’er the fields we go,

Laughing all the way.

Bells on bob-tails ring,

Making spirits bright.

What fun it is to ride

And sing a sleighing song to-night.

Jingle bells! Jingle bells!

Jingle all the way!

Oh, what fun it is to ride

In a one horse open sleigh!

17. Tommy Trot, a man of law,

Sold his bed and lay upon straw;

Sold the straw and slept on grass,

To buy his wife a looking-glass.

18. As Tommy Snooks and Bessy Brooks

Were walking out one Sunday.

Says Tommy Snooks to Bessy Brooks,

“Tomorrow will be Monday!”

19. Pease porridge hot, Some like it hot,

Pease porridge cold, Some like it cold,

Pease porridge in the pot Some like it in the pot

Nine days old. Nine days old.

20. If wishes were horses

Beggars would ride;

If turnips were watches

I would wear one by my side.

21. If all the seas were one sea,

What a great sea that would be!

If all the trees were one tree,

What a great tree that would be!

22. I’d rather it were spring again

To think of time, to think of rain.

The winter sun, of course is bright

But spring sun makes me kind and light.

23. If you should happen after dark

To find yourself in Central Park,

Ignore the paths that beckon you

And hurry, hurry to the zoo,

And creep into the tiger’s lair.

Frankly, you’ll be safer there.

24. Kitty meets Minny. “Very,” says Minny.

“Minny,” says Kitty. “I like white and blue.”

“Look at my pinny. “Thank you,” says Kitty.

Isn’t it pretty?” “And I like it too”.

25. Man is a fool.

When it’s hot, he wants it cool.

When it’s cool, he wants it hot.

He always wants what he has not.

26. When the weather is wet, When the weather is warm,

We must not fret. We must not storm.

When the weather is cold, But be thankful together

We must not scold. Whatever the weather.


1. There was an old person of Dean,

Who dined on one pea and one bean;

For he said, “More than that

Would make me too fat,”

That cautious person of Dean.

2. There was a young lady named Rood,

Who was such an absolute prude

That she pulled down the blind

When changing her mind

Lest a curious eye should intrude.

3. There was a young lady of Niger,

Who smiled as she rode on a tiger.

They returned from the ride

With the lady inside –

And the smile on the face of the tiger!

4. There was an old man with a nose,

Who said, “If you choose to suppose

That my nose is too long,

You are certainly wrong!”

That remarkable man with a nose.

5. There was an old man in a tree,

Who was horribly bored by a Bee.

When they said, “Does it buzz?”

He replied, “Yes, it does!

It’s a regular brute of a Bee!”

6. There was an old man with a nose,

Who said, “If you choose to suppose

That my nose is too long,

You are certainly wrong!”

That remarkable man with a nose.

7. There was an old man in a tree,

Who was horribly bored by a Bee.

When they said, “Does it buzz?”

He replied, “Yes, it does!

It’s a regular brute of a Bee!”

8. There was an old man of Dundee,

Who frequented the top of a tree.

When disturbed by the crows,

He abruptly arose

And exclaimed, “I’ll return to Dundee!”

9. There was an old man on some rocks,

Who shut his wife up in a box.

When she said, “Let me out!”

He exclaimed, “Without doubt.

You will pass all your life in that box.”

10. There was an old man of Coblenz,

The length of whose legs was immense.

He went with one prance

From Turkey to France.

That surprising old man of Coblenz.

11. There was an old man who said, “How

Shall I flee from this horrible Cow?

I will sit on this stile

And continue to smile,

Which may soften the heart of that Cow.”

12. There was a Young Lady of Russia,

Who screamed so that no one could hush her.

Her screams were extreme,

No one heard such a scream

As was screamed by that Lady of Russia.

13. There was an old man who said, “Well!

Will nobody answer this bell?

I have pulled day and night,

Till my hair has grown white,

But nobody answers this bell!”

14. There was an old person of Chester,

Whom several small children did pester.

They threw some large stones,

Which broke most of his bones,

And displeased that old person of Chester.

15. There was an old man with an owl,

Who continued to bother and howl.

He sat on a rail

And imbibed bitter ale,

Which refreshed that old man and his owl.

16. There was an old person of Gretna,

Who rushed down the crater of Etna.

When they said, “Is it hot?”

He replied, “No, it’s not!”

That mendacious old person of Gretna.

17. There was a young girl of Majorca,

Whose aunt was a very fast walker.

She walked seventy miles

And leaped fifteen stiles,

Which astonished that girl of Majorca.

18. There was an old person of Ems,

Who casually fell in the Thames.

And when he was found,

They said he was drowned,

That unlucky old person of Ems.

19. There was an old person of Ewell,

Who chiefly subsisted on gruel.

But to make it more nice

He inserted some mice,

Which refreshed that old person of Ewell.

20. There was an old man, on whose nose

Most birds of the air could repose.

But they all flew away

At the closing of day,

Which relieved that old man and his nose.

21. There was a young lady of Clare,

Who was sadly pursued by a bear.

When she found she was tired,

She abruptly expired,

That unfortunate Lady of Clare.

22. There was a young maiden of Siam,

Who said to her lover, young Kiam,

“If you kiss me, of course

You will have to use force –

But God knows you are stronger than I am.”

23. There was an old monk in Siberia,

Whose existence grew steadily drearier.

Till he broke from his cell

With a hell of a yell

And eloped with the Mother Superior.

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