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English for undergraduates (1).doc
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Text b. The faculty of psychology

The Altai State University ranks top ten in the country. It was founded in 1973. However, the history of the faculty of psychology is not very long. It was opened only in 2002. It was a major step in the development of psychology as a separate discipline. It is a regional center for research and teaching now. The special library at our department is the largest collection of books on psychology in the region. Scholars come here to conduct their research.

There are several departments at our faculty: General Psychology, Psychology of Personality, Industrial Psychology, Social Psychology, Psychophysiology and Clinical Psychology. Each of them has a small library. There is also a research laboratory for studying personality in extreme conditions and a team of administrative psychologists.

Disciplines at the Department of Psychology are divided into three blocks: Humanities and Social Studies, Life Sciences and professional disciplines.

Among humanities we study such academic disciplines as History of Russia, History of Philosophy, Formal Logic, Ethics and Political Science. One of the most important disciplines is a foreign language. English is the most popular foreign language. We have many opportunities for international exchange at our university. Knowledge of English is very important for international exchange and scientific work. Many students learn a second foreign language, such as German, French or Chinese.

From the life-science block, we study Biology, Anatomy, Morphology of Central Nervous System, Physiology of Central Nervous System, Anthropology, Mathematical Methods in Psychology, and Computer Science in Psychology.

Studying Psychology is not easy. A psychologist has to be a universally prepared specialist with general university background and specific knowledge and skills in Psychology. Fundamental education in Psychology consists of several courses, such as Introduction to Psychology, History of Psychology, Experimental Psychology, and Methodological Problems of Psychology. We also study Social Psychology, Pedagogical Psychology, Industrial Psychology, Personality Psychology, Health Psychology, etc.

Each student at our faculty has a choice of specialization. He or she can choose the future specialization within the psychology. It is a very important decision to make. Students choose whether they will be clinical psychologists or research psychologists.

Athletics and sports are also very important in life of the department of psychology. Besides regular classes of Physical education we have several sports sections, such as badminton, volleyball and table tennis.

Cultural life is very important for students. We have a student theatre, a student rock group and a yoga centre. We also have a student psychological consultation centre, free for everyone. It is a good practice for us and a great help for the community.

Where do our graduates work? You can meet them in the departments of human resources management of large firms and banks, in advertising agencies, psychological consultation centers, schools, kindergartens, hospitals and medical centers. All graduates can work as teachers of psychology.

Exercise 1.

Memorize the following words and word combinations.

ranks top ten входит в десятку лучших

major step большой шаг вперед

separate отдельный

scholar учёный

to conduct research проводить исследование

Psychology of Personality психология личности

Industrial Psychology инженерная психология

Social Psychology социальная психология

in extreme conditions в экстремальных ситуациях

humanities гуманитарные дисциплины

Social Studies обществоведение

Life Sciences биологические науки

Political Science политология

opportunities возможности

Morphology морфология

Physiology физиология

to be universally prepared быть всесторонне подготовленным

background база, опыт

skill умение, навык

community общество, общественность.

Exercise 2.

Answer the following questions.

1. When and by whom was the ASU founded?

2. When was the faculty of psychology opened?

3. Who comes to the department library?

4. What research laboratories are there at the faculty?

5. What three blocks are disciplines at the department divided?

6. What disciplines are there in the life sciences block?

7. What special courses are being taught on psychology?

8. What are the specializations at the faculty of psychology?

9. Is cultural life present at the faculty of psychology?

Exercise 3.

Make up a story of your own about your Alma Mater by way of answering the following questions.

1. When was our Uni founded?

2. Have any famous people graduated from it?

3. How many departments are there at our university?

4. Who is the head of the varsity?

5. Who is the head of the faculty?

6. Which is the largest faculty? And the smallest?

7. Which is the most popular?

8. Which is the least popular?

9. Are there more female or male students?

10. What faculty has the largest percentage of male students?

11. What faculty has the largest percentage of female students?

12. What is your major (специализация)?

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