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Specifies the y coordinate of the upper left hand corner of the preview window, in


device coordinates.




Specifies the width of the preview window, in device coordinates.




Specifies the height of the preview window, in device coordinates.




Specifies the style of the window being created. Style setting can be combined using


the bitwise “OR” operator. Refer to the CWnd class in the Microsoft Foundation Class


Library reference for possible window styles.




Specifies a pointer to the CWnd object for the window that is the parent of the


preview window. Specify NULL if the preview window will not have a parent




Returns 0 if the call is successful.

Returns an error code if the call fails.

Related Topics

PEPrintReport, Volume 2, Chapter 1

class CRPEJob

In order to open a particular report it is first necessary to have an open Crystal Report Engine object in the application. You may then call CRPEngine::OpenJob, Page 402, specifying the report file name to open. If successful, you will be returned a pointer to a CRPEJob object. It is through this object that you may modify the print job attributes as well as output the report in various formats. Almost all of these methods correspond to similar functions available in the Crystal Report Engine API.

The class constructor is called automatically by CRPEngine::OpenJob ().

constructor CRPEJob::CRPEJob

This is the constructor for the class. It also stores the job number internally for future use in Crystal Report Engine API calls.

NOTE: This class constructor is automatically called by CRPEngine::OpenJob(). Do not call this constructor from within your own code.

Crystal Class Library for NewEra Reference


Соседние файлы в папке crystal