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Implementing the Web Reports Server

This section guides you through the process of implementing the Seagate Crystal Web Reports Server on your own web server system. It provides information on selecting a version of the Web Reports Server, installing the Web Reports Server on your web server system, and designing a simple web site that uses the Web Reports Server to deliver reports to clients.

The following topics are discussed in this section.

Choosing a Web Reports Server, Page 8

System Requirements, Page 9

Installing the Web Reports Server, Page 9

Confirming Correct Installation, Page 12

Virtual Directories, Page 14

Creating a Web Site, Page 14

For More Information, Page 15

Choosing a Web Reports Server

There are two versions of the Web Reports Server:

1.A Web Reports Server extension using Microsoft and Netscape programming interfaces, and

2.A Web Reports Server application using the CGI standard.

Which version of the Web Reports Server you implement on your own system depends primarily on the system you have set up already.

NOTE: You may also choose to implement the Seagate Crystal Report Engine Automation Server inside Active Server Pages to distribute reports. This technique is substantially different from the Web Reports Server, though, and is discussed in Building Active Web Sites, Page 43.

The Web Reports Server extension for the Web Reports Server (CRWEB.DLL) implements both ISAPI and NSAPI programming interfaces. These interfaces provide powerful direct connections to Microsoft (ISAPI) and Netscape (NSAPI) web servers. If you are using a web server from either of these companies, you should consider using the Web Reports Server extension first.

The web server CGI extension application (CRWEB.EXE) is designed to support the CGI standard. Since most web servers support CGI, the Web Reports Server can be installed with most any existing web server. Additionally, you may have security or other considerations that prevent you from choosing the web report server extension.

Ultimately, the decision is straightforward. If you are using a Microsoft or Netscape web server, and no internal corporate or other business policies prevent you, you should use the ISAPI/NSAPI server extension. Otherwise, use the CGI web server application.

Crystal Web Report Server


System Requirements

The Seagate Crystal Web Reports Server supports the following operating systems:

Windows NT Server 4.0 or later with:

¾Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) 2.0 or later, or

¾Netscape Enterprise Server 2.0 or later

Windows NT Workstation 4.0 or later with:

¾Microsoft Personal Web Server, or

¾Netscape FastTrack 2.0 or later

Windows 95/98 with Microsoft Personal Web Server

The Seagate Crystal Web Reports Server has been successfully tested with the following web server applications:

¾Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) 2.0 or later

¾Microsoft Personal Web Server

¾Netscape Enterprise Server

¾Netscape FastTrack 2.0 or later


¾Lotus Domino

Additionally, the CGI version of the Web Reports Server is compatible with many other CGI compliant web servers not listed here.

Installing the Web Reports Server

The following instructions guide you through the steps to install the Seagate Crystal Web Reports Server. The procedure assumes that you have already installed a web server and have confirmed that it is running correctly. You must be logged on to the web server system under an account that has permission to administrate the local machine. The procedure also assumes that you are installing the Web Reports Server without any other components of Seagate Crystal Reports.

NOTE: Make sure that your web server has been stopped before beginning the install procedure.

Installing from the CD-ROM

Begin by inserting the Seagate Crystal Reports CD into your CD-ROM drive.

1When the splash screen appears, click Install Win 32 to begin installation. The Seagate Crystal Reports Setup window appears with the Welcome dialog on-screen (if the splash screen does not appear, run SETUP.EXE from the root directory of the CD).

Crystal Web Report Server


2Read the Welcome dialog, and click Next. The End User License Agreement appears.

3Read the license agreement completely and make sure you fully understand the Seagate Crystal Reports licensing requirements. Click Yes if you agree with the terms in the license. If you do not agree, you can not install Seagate Crystal Reports.

4In the next dialog that appears, enter your CD Key to install the software. Click Next to continue. Enter your name and organization. Click Next.

5In the Installation Type dialog box choose Typical to install all Crystal Components including Web Reports Server (recommended) or Custom to select the Components you specify. Continue at step 10 for the Typical installation or include steps 6 through 9 below if you are doing the Custom installation. If you do choose the Custom installation, then select Web Reports Server along with the following required components: Database Access, Developers Files, Exporting, MapInfo, Mapx, PGEditor, Sample Files, Seagate Crystal Reports Help.

NOTE: The Web Reports Server can also be installed through any of the other choices on the Choose Installation Type dialog, but you must then select Custom Installation in the Installation Options dialog box and specifically check the Web Report Servers check box in the Custom Installation Options dialog box. You may want to consider installing the entire Seagate Crystal Reports product on your web server system. With the entire product installed, problems with web reports can be quickly and easily analyzed by opening them inside the Report Designer directly on the web server system.

6In the Installation Options dialog box, select a directory to install Seagate Crystal Reports files in, or accept the default directory.

7Select Custom installation, and click Next. The Custom Installation Options dialog box appears.

8Ensure Web Report Server is checked.

9Continue making any other changes to the custom installation options that you find necessary. This may include database drivers and export formats. Click Next in the Custom Installation Options dialog box.

10Click Next to continue. If your web server is Netscape 2.0 or later, or IIS 2.0 or later then the Choose Web Server To Configure dialog box appears.

11The Setup application attempts to detect the web server you are currently running. If it does, the dialog box will enable the check box for that particular server. If you have more than one web server running on the machine, Setup will allow you to configure all of the web servers to use the Web Reports Server. Check the check box for all web servers that you want to configure, and click Next.

12The Web Server Startup Option Dialog Box will appear. If you want to install the Crystal Web Page Server and the Crystal Web Image Server as system services then click Yes. Click Next. A similar dialog box will appear. If you want to install the Seagate Query Server as a system service click Yes. Click Next.

13The Choose Program Group dialog box will appear. Select a Program Group for your Seagate Crystal Reports program icons, and click Next. Setup will begin installing the necessary files for the Web Reports Server.

14After the files have been installed the Web Reports Server Configuration dialog box will appear. If you make changes to the default configuration settings remember to click Apply before leaving the dialog box (by clicking OK).

15Setup will now complete installation. After installation is completed a dialog box will appear indicating that your machine must be restarted before the new settings will take effect. Click OK and manually reboot your machine.

Crystal Web Report Server


Installed Files

The following is a list of primary files installed for the Web Reports Server and their default installation directories.

CRWEB.DLL: C:\Program Files\Seagate Software\Crystal Reports

CRWEB.EXE: C:\Program Files\Seagate Software\Crystal Reports

CRPGSVR.EXE: C:\Program Files\Seagate Software\Crystal Reports

CRIMGSVR.EXE: C:\Program Files\Seagate Software\Crystal Reports

CRJM32.DLL: C:\Program Files\Seagate Software\Crystal Reports

NOTE: This is not a complete list of files installed when you install the Seagate Crystal Web Reports Server. It is only a list of principal Web Reports Server files. Refer to Crystal Reports on line Developers Help for the complete list.

Configuring NT Services

If you have installed the Seagate Crystal Web Reports Server on a Windows NT system, then The Seagate Crystal Web Page Server, Page 39, and The Seagate Crystal Web Image Server, Page 39 were installed under the System account. The following steps indicate how to correctly set up the Crystal Page Server and Crystal Image Server as NT Services under an NT Domain Administrator account.

1While logged on as a Windows NT Domain Administrator, open the User Manager for Domains application. If you are not familiar with this application, refer to Microsoft Windows NT documentation.

2Select the New User command from the User menu in the User Manager for Domains. The New User dialog box appears.

3Enter a new user name to be used by the Web Reports Server. For instance: CRWEBUSER.

4Provide a password that you will remember.

5Toggle off the User Must Change Password at Next Logon check box.

6Toggle on the User Cannot Change Password check box.

7Toggle on the Password Never Expires check box.

8Click the Groups button, and make this user a member of the Administrators group.

9Click OK to close the New User dialog box, and exit the User Manager for Domains application.

10Open the Services Control Panel. If you are not sure how to do this, refer to Microsoft Windows NT documentation.

11Select Crystal Web Image Server in the Service list box, and click Startup. The Service dialog box appears.

12Click Automatic in the Startup Type section of the dialog box.

13Click This Account in the Log On As section of the dialog box.

Crystal Web Report Server


Соседние файлы в папке crystal