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Английский для бакалавров (ЧАСТЬ 1).doc
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Text b. Culture, Leisure, Entertainment, Sports

Usually major cities regularly host many concerts, art exhibitions, lectures, and theatrical performances. And on a smaller scale, the same is true of smaller cities. Performances and exhibitions are usually very well attended. Tickets can be hard to get, despite their high prices! Many cities have large communities of artists, actors, dancers, and musicians.

The national and state governments, as well as private organizations, have traditionally supported the arts with money.

Though art and "high" culture are important, the most popular sources of entertainment and information are television, movies, radio and recorded music. With cable TV, a lot more programs are available, but many people still complain about the low intellectual level of TV. They also feel that the emphasis on youth, sex, and money teaches children (and adults) the wrong values and goals. These criticisms are often made about American movies too. But despite the "bad" movies, many wonderful and internationally successful movies are produced in the U.S. The rapid spread of videotaped movies, watched nightly by millions of people in their homes, has made movies an even more popular and influential form of entertainment in recent years.

People like car trips, but they don't usually just drive and sightsee. They like to have a destination. Amusement parks, beaches, and other special attractions are always crowded when the weather is good.

Airplane travel is also common in many countries. At holiday time, many people fly to other cities to visit friends and relatives. During the winter, many people take short vacations to places with warm climates, like Florida and the islands of the Caribbean.

  1. Read text B without a dictionary.

  2. Find in text B the English equivalents for the following Russian phrases:

художественная выставка, высокая цена, театральный спектакль, в меньшем масштабе, трудно достать, несмотря на, музыкант, частные организации, источник информации, кабельное телевидение, быть в наличии, жаловаться (на), низкий интеллектуальный уровень, взрослый, распространение видеофильмов, осматривать достопримечательности.

  1. Find in text B the answers to the following questions:

1. Where are some of the world's greatest museums, orchestras, theatres, and concert halls located? 2. Are performances and exhibitions well attended? 3. Tickets can be hard to get despite their high prices, can't they? 4. Who usually supports the arts with money? 5. What are the most popular sources of entertainment and information? 6. What do many people complain about? 7. What can you say about American movies? 8. People like to travel, don't they? 9. What are the most common ways of travelling?

Text c. Holidays and Festivals

There are eight holidays a year in Great Britain. On these days people don't go to work. They are: Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter, May Day, Spring Bank Holiday, Late Summer Bank Holiday.

Most of these holidays are of religious origin. But nowadays they have lost their religious significance and are simply days on which people relax, visit their friends. All the public holidays (except New Year's Day, Christmas and Boxing Day) are movable. They don't fall on the same date each year.

Besides public holidays, there are other festivals, anniversaries, on which certain traditions are observed. But if they don't fall on Sunday, they're ordinary working days.


Lent is the period before Easter during which Christians practice various forms of fasting or abstinence. Easter itself is a movable feast, and Lent covers the forty weekdays before Easter, starting on a Wednesday. This Wednesday is known as Ash Wednesday. It is clear that if during Lent people abstained from eating certain forbidden foods, they did not relish throwing away any they had left. And hence, on the eve of Ash Wednesday there is a traditional jollification when eggs and butter are used up; the obvious ingredients for making pancakes. The eve of Ash Wednesday is known as Shrove Tuesday, the day of pancakes and gay social gatherings. There are still a number of ritual celebrations connected with Shrove Tuesday. At Westminster Public School the boys scramble for pieces of the hot pancake tossed among them, and in certain places, such as Olney in Buckinghamshire, there are pancake races to mark the last day of plenty - Shrove Tuesday - before life once more starts in sober earnest on Ash Wednesday.

Make Love, Not War

The 14th of February is St Valentine's Day, the day when, according to ancient tradition, the birds choose their mates for the year. It was once the custom in England to draw lots for lovers on this day, the person drawn being the drawer's valentine, and given a present, sometimes of an expensive kind, but more often a pair of gloves. The valentine is now represented by a greeting card of a sentimental, humorous, or merely vulgar character.

The Winter is Past

Easter the feast of the Christian Church commemorating the Resurrection of Christ, is derived from Eostre, a goddess of spring honoured by the pagan Anglo-Saxons in the month of April. When Christianity was introduced into England it was natural for the name of the heathen festival to be transferred to the Christian, the two falling about the same time.

Easter has been from ancient times the most important feast in the Christian year. Many popular customs, which probably go back to pagan times, are also associated with it throughout Europe, for example the giving of Easter eggs. Eggs are a symbol of life and fertility or recreation of spring. It was not, however, until the nineteenth century that the practice of presenting eggs of Easter was introduced into England.

Mothering Sunday

The 8th of March is Mid-Lent Sunday or Mothering Sunday. It is claimed that the name Mothering Sunday came from the ancient custom of visiting the "mother church" at this time; but to schoolchildren it always meant a holiday, when they went home to spend the day with their mother or parents. At one time in Britain, especially in Lancashire, it was the custom to eat simnel cakes on this day. The word simnel is derived from a Latin word meaning fine bread.

Mothering Sunday is not the same as Mother's Day. The latter is an American festival celebrated on the second Sunday in May as an occasion for each person to remember his mother by some act of grateful affection.

  1. Read and translate text C ‘Holidays and Festivals’ in writing. Use the dictionary.

  2. Fill in the gaps:

1. Most of the holidays in Great Britain are of … origin. 2. All the public holidays are … . 3. There are a lot of festivals on which … are observed. 4. St. Valentine's Day is celebrated on … .

  1. Decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

1. All the public holidays are movable. 2. Easter eggs haven't been used before the middle of the last century. 3. On St. Valentine's Day boys and girls, sweethearts, husbands and wives, friends and neighbours exchange greetings of affection and love. 4. Lent is the period after Easter.