Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования
Сборник упражнений по грамматике для студентов строительных специальностей
Йошкар-Ола МарГТУ
УДК 802.0(07)
ББК 81.2-923 Англ.
А 95
доктор филол. наук, профессор Н. Н. Глухова; канд. филол. наук, доцент О. В. Гребнева
Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета МарГТУ
Ахметзянова, Т. В.
А 95 Английский язык: сборник упражнений по грамматике для студентов строительных специальностей / Т. В. Ахметзянова. – Йошкар-Ола: Марийский государственный технический университет, 2011. – 84 с.
Цель издания – совершенствование навыков владения студентами грамматикой английского языка на базе профессиональной лексики, расширение словарного запаса по специальности. Сборник содержит упражнения по грамматике, грамматические таблицы и словарь профессиональной лексики.
УДК 378:801.5=20
ББК 81.2-923 Англ.
© Ахметзянова Т. В., 2011 © Марийский государственный технический университет, 2011
Предлагаемое издание призвано помочь студентам строительных специальностей вузов в овладении грамматикой английского языка на основе заданий, содержащих профессиональную лексику.
Пособие состоит из 17 разделов, которые содержат упражнения по основным темам грамматики английского языка, подлежащим усвоению в курсе иностранного языка в неязыковом вузе: множественное число имен существительных, степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий, местоимения, видо-временные формы глагола, страдательный залог, модальные глаголы, согласование времен, условные предложения, неличные формы глаголы, словообразование.
В приложении 1 приводятся грамматические таблицы, где в сжатом схематическом виде представлена сущность грамматических явлений, даются основные опоры.
Приложение 2 содержит словарь профессиональной лексики, где приведены термины по строительству и архитектуре, встречающиеся в упражнениях.
При работе с каждым разделом преподавателю рекомендуется вначале ознакомить студентов с соответствующей грамматической таблицей в приложении 1, кратко объясняя изучаемый материал. После этого следует перейти к выполнению заданий, пользуясь словарем профессиональной лексики, данным в приложении 2.
Апробация учебного издания на 1-2 курсах строительного факультета МарГТУ показала эффективность его применения в учебном процессе. С помощью настоящего сборника студенты не только овладевают грамматикой английского языка, но и учатся легко распознавать грамматические явления в профессиональноориентированных текстах. Повторное употребление профессиональной лексики в разных упражнениях и разделах книги способствует ее быстрому усвоению обучаемыми, что приводит к накоплению и расширению у них значительного словарного запаса по специальности.
Сборник может применяться на различных этапах преподавания английского языка студентам строительного факультета. Рекомендуется использовать его в качестве одного из основных средств обучения студентов 1-2 курсов очного и заочного отделений, а также как вспомогательное пособие в лингвистической подготовке магистров и аспирантов.
1.1.Образуйте форму множественного числа имен существительных
Town, city, factory, architect, brush, design, structure, load, house, wife, face, half, watch, bus, child, man, woman, foot, tooth, family, country, shelf, knife, roof, bridge, village, box, price, datum, radio, supply, quantity, dictionary, body, sportsman, material, battery
1.2.Измените предложения, употребляя имена существительные во множественном числе. Внесите необходимые изменения
Образец: This is a building. These are buildings. That is a bridge. Those are bridges.
1.This is a pencil.
2.This is a ruler.
3.This is a hammer.
4.This is a screw.
5.This is a saw.
6.This is a ladder.
7.This is a battery.
8.This is a roof.
1.3. Переведите предложения
1.This man is an architect.
2.This room is very large.
3.This door is too narrow.
4.These men are engineers.
5.These buildings are rather high.
6.These houses are very old.
9.That is a window.
10.That is a door.
11.That is a setsquare.
12.That is a screwdriver.
13.That is a switch.
14.That is a chisel.
15.That is a nut.
16.That is a nail.
7.That ladder is broken.
8.That ruler is too short.
9.That hammer is rather heavy.
10.Those windows are too wide.
11.Those screws are too small.
12.Those nails are very long.
1.4. Переведите словосочетания, обращая внимание на имена существительные в притяжательном падеже
my mother's apartment, my parents' apartment, his brother's room, his brothers' room, the carpenter's hammer, the bricklayer's trowel, the joiner's plane, the plasterers' floats, the plumbers' spanners, the electrician's wire strippers, the architect's new project, the contemporary architects' ideas, the world's architecture, Moscow's famous buildings, Russia's construction
industry, the country's housing policy, the humankind's building skills, a mile's distance
2. ГЛАГОЛ to be И ОБОРОТ there + to be В SIMPLE ACTIVE
2.1. Заполните пропуски в предложениях отрицательной формой глагола to be. Переведите предложения
Образец: The engineer is responsible for the design of the building, its specifications, drawings, and legal documents. He ___ responsible for the changes in the environment. He is not responsible for the changes in the environment.
1.I am a student of the Civil Engineering Faculty. I ___ a student of the Law Faculty.
2.My father is a skilled carpenter. He ___ an electrician.
3.Jane is a secretary in the building company. She ___ a builder.
4.The hammer is on the bench. It ___ on the table.
5.We are busy with studying new building materials. We ___ busy with studying interior design.
6.You are at the building site now. You ___ in the office.
7.The nails are in the box. They ___ on the shelf.
2.2.Задайте вопросы к приведенным выше предложениям по образцу
Образец: Is the engineer responsible for the design of the building, its specifications, drawings, and legal documents or for the changes in the environment?
2.3.Переведите предложения, пользуясь словарем
1.Building construction is an ancient human activity.
2.The present state of building construction is complex.
3.A house is a machine to live in (Le Corbusier).
4.An Englishman's home is his castle.
5.What is the first step in the construction of the house?
6.The architect is an expert experienced in the supervision of all aspects of the construction of buildings.
7.Classical architecture is the architecture of Hellenic Greece and Imperial Rome.
8.Homes are usually parts of communities, seldom isolated dwellings.
9.Windows are the principal means of controlling natural light, aren't they?
10.Why is sandstone an excellent material for concrete aggregate?
11.The first shelters were dwellings
12.Early building materials were perishable, such as leaves, branches, and animal hides.
13.Although ancient Egyptians' buildings were simple in construction, the Egyptian art of building was very beautiful.
14.What were the first houses on the territory of Russia like?
15.Ancient Russia's churches were strong buildings with thick walls and small windows, weren't they?
16.In British medieval towns the streets were unlit, dirty and insanitary.
17.Why was the 19th century the time of unlimited building activity?
18.Neoclassicism was the final phase of European classicism; that was a reaction against Rococo and Baroque design.
19.The building of a new city will be a complex undertaking.
20.Completion of this construction project will be a turning point in the economy of the region.
21.It won't be safe enough to build a house by the river, will it?
22.Will it be an ordinary house for this area?
23.Will all community services be available in your new apartment?
24.It will be a two-storied building with a cellar and an attic.
2.4. Прокомментируйте употребление there + to be в Simple Active
1.There is a ruler on the table.
2.There is no ruler on the bench.
3.Is there a ruler on the table? Yes, there is.
4.Is there a ruler on the bench? No, there is not (No, there isn't).
5.There are nails in the box.
6.There are no nails on the floor.
7.Are there nails in the box? Yes, there are.
8.Are there nails on the floor? No, there are not (No, there aren't).
9.There was a vice on the toolboard.
10.There was no vice on the table.
11.Was there a vice on the toolboard? Yes, there was.
12.Was there a vice on the table? No, there was not (No, there wasn't).
13.There were spanners in the box.
14.There were no spanners on the shelf.
15.Were there spanners in the box? Yes, there were.
16.Were there spanners on the shelf? No, there were not (No, there weren't).

17.There will be a battery on the table.
18.There will not (won't) be a battery on the toolboard.
19.Will there be a battery on the table? Yes, there will.
20.Will there be a battery on the toolboard? No, there won't.
2.5. Соотнесите рисунки (рис.1) и предложения по образцу. Ответьте на вопрос: Which workshop is safe?
Образец: a) There are no vices on the bench – 9
Рис. 1
a)There are no vices on the bench.
b)There are goggles on the wall.
c)There's no guard on the machine.
d)There are vices on the bench.
e)There are tools on the board.
f)There is no helmet on the wall.
g)There are no goggles on the wall.
h)There are gloves on the shelf.
i)There are no tools on the board.
j)There's a guard on the machine.
k)There are tools on the floor.
l)There's a helmet on the wall.
m)There are no gloves on the shelf.
2.6. Пользуясь подсказками, данными в скобках, ответьте на вопросы
Образец: How many screws are there in the packet? (exactly five) – There
are exactly five.
How many nails are there in the box? (about thirty) – There are about thirty.
1.How many matches are there in the packet? (about 50)
2.How many books are there in the cabinet? (about 35)
3.How many boots are there under the table? (exactly four pairs)
4.How many pairs of gloves are there on the shelf? (about 10)
5.How many pages are there in this book? (exactly 245)
6.How many bricks are there in this wall? (about 100)
7.How many holes are there in this toolboard? (about 200)
2.7. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на оборот there + to be
1.There is a wide range of building products and systems in the world.
2.There are two types of American apartments: a rented apartment and a condominium.
3.In addition there are town-houses which are joint houses or apartments in a compact planned group in a town.
4.There are two types of Greek temple: the Ionic and the Doric.
5.In ancient Greece there was no granite for huge monoliths.
6.In contrast to Egypt there were no masses of unskilled workers to move huge stones. There were instead small groups of skilled masons who worked independently.
7.There was some lifting machinery for handling the blocks.
8.There were two sculptors among the leading architects of that period in Italy: Filippo Brunelleschi and Michelangelo.
9.Were there many palaces in Gothic Europe?
10.In a few years there will be a new high-rise building in this street.
11.There will be hundreds of modern apartments in this city soon.
12.There won't be enough light in this room, I am afraid.
13.Will there be a bridge or a tunnel across that river?
3.1.Прочитайте и переведите инструкцию «How to prepare a foundation for a brick wall»
1.Mark out the trench with lines and pegs.
2.Dig out the trench with a pickaxe and shovel until it is about 150 mm deep and 300 mm wide.
3.Check that the floor of the trench is horizontal using a plumb-and-level.
4.Make sure that the sides of the trench are vertical.
5.Place pegs in the floor of the trench and stretch a line between them.
6.Check that the line is horizontal.
7.Fill up the trench evenly with concrete until it is level with the line.
8.Leave the concrete until it is hard.
9.Build the wall on the concrete.
3.2. Составьте инструкции по образцу, используя в соответствии с указанными знаками утвердительную (√) или отрицательную (×) формы повелительного наклонения Образец:
a) dig out the trench √
fill it up with concrete √ – Dig out the trench and fill it up with concrete.
b)dig out the trench √
fill it up with concrete × – Dig out the trench but don't fill it up with
1.mark out the trench √ dig it out √
2.place pegs in the floor of the trench √ stretch a line between them ×
3.fill up the trench with concrete √ leave the concrete ×
4.leave the concrete until it is hard √ build the wall on it ×
5.clean the machine √ switch it on ×
6.drill the hole in the wood √ insert the screw ×
7.cut the wood √ file it ×
3.3. Переведите предложения
1.This hammer is too heavy. Take another one.
2.These nails are too short. Fetch some longer ones.
3.Don't bring a wide ruler. Bring a narrow one.
4.Don't bye big screws. Bye small ones.
5.This spanner is bad. Give me a good one.