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21. Match the word on the left with the word on the right.

1 alcohol

a monopoly

2 worrying

b changes

3 state

c treatment

4 father-son

d consumption

5 bar

e accident

6 social

f drinking

7 plastic

g loss

8 binge

h tolerance

9 vehicle

i beakers

10 alcoholic

j owners

11 liver

k atmosphere

12 legislative

l relationship

13 regular

m trend

14 relaxed

n beverages

15 memory

o inflammation

22. Write 10 sentences incorporating these word combinations.

23. Look at the picture (Pic. 10) and say what the reading passage will be about. Then read the text and check your idea. What can be the title?

Pic. 10

A town in Cornwall has brought in a curfew to try and stop kids behaving badly on its streets during the summer holidays.

Parents in Redruth are being encouraged to have under-10s home by 8pm, and under-16s home by 9pm.

The scheme is voluntary – meaning parents can chose whether they take part – and the aim is to make them take more responsibility for their kids.

But we wondered what YOU think about the plan?

Do YOU think it'll help stop anti-social behaviour and get kids home safely?

Or perhaps you think it is one step too far, and unfair on kids who DON'T do anything wrong.

Is there a curfew where you live, and if not, should there be?

1) "It is a fab idea! It will stop children staying out too late, yet they can still stay out until 8 or 9pm. The only thing I would change, is that for the kids that don't agree with the idea, they should make some clubs, so that when they want to stay out late they can and still have fun without causing trouble."

Ella, 11, Winchester, England

2) "It's a very good idea. Loads of kids are just going out drinking and smoking and causing trouble."

Sarah, 13, Liverpool, England

3) "I think it's a bad idea to have a curfew because you can't forget about having a really good time while you're out because you have to go home. I think you should just ring your parents once or twice to make sure they know you're safe."

Georgia, 11, Shropshire, England

4) "I think that curfews are a sign of how desperate the police force is. They should come up with ways to entertain kids, not keep them indoors at night. If there must be a curfew it shouldn't just be for under-16s, it should be for the older teenagers that get drunk and make trouble and noise. I wouldn't stand for a curfew if one was in my area."

Kyle, 13, Shrewsbury, England

5) "It's silly - no under 10 wants to go in at 8pm, and what happens if their parents are out? Then they would be home alone. Plus, it's not fair to have a 14 year old going in at 9pm. It's just mad!!"

Amy, 12, Ireland

6) "What a brilliant idea! I reckon it will stop a lot of crime! They should do it in school term time, too."

Tom, 9, Wakefield, England

7) "You can't stop the bad behaviour in the streets because the children are brought up like that and the parents don't care what their children are doing."

Holly, 9, Fife, Scotland

8) "The police are TRYING to stop crime but is it working? It is the parents' responsibility to control their children, decide where they go and what they do!"

Morgan, 9, Kent, England

9) "I think it is good and bad: good because it is safer and bad because people could lie about their age, so to stay out later without an adult they should carry proof of what age they are."

Ellie, 10, Bristol, England

10) "NO. People say not to watch TV and get active and play outside, and now they're telling you that you can't go outside. And people who are bad who like smoking and drinking underage - do you really think they will go indoors at a specific time?"

Gemma, 12, Suffolk, England

11) "I think it is a good idea. I know what it's like! When I go to bed at about 11.30pm, I am woken by teens outside ringing door bells, playing football and shouting. It's really hard to sleep. I want it stopped!!"

Alannah, 11, Dundalk, Ireland

12) "I think it is a bad idea because little kids have to learn how to be safe at night."

Shyeem, 7, Bath, England

13) "I think the curfews are a VERY bad idea!! Adults are always complaining that we are spending too much time watching TV and playing video games, and now they are saying we have to!!"

Alex, 13, Lincoln, England

14) "It's a terrible idea; it is blatant discrimination against the youth and it's completely stereotyping young people. The vast majority of the youth are not going to commit crimes and how is this meant to be a free country? The government is turning this democracy into a dictatorship and I won't stand for it. If it happens in my town, I am going to protest as a member of the Youth Parliament. We cannot allow this discrimination, prejudice and stereotyping to go on."

Colette, 14, Watford, England

15) "Curfews are meant to help stop teenage crimes/gangs and gun crime. However, the most troublesome kids are streetwise and will dodge the police. Many children feel that it is against their human rights and they feel that it is taking away their freedom. They all just want to go where they want when they want. Curfews may even increase teenage crimes. The same thing happened in America and it didn't work so why would it work in Cornwall?"

Clare, 13, London, England

16) "I think that it's good and bad, because it's good to keep children safe but then they're inside playing computer games and watching TV, which is another thing people worry about."

Calli, 13, London, England

17) "I know that there is a problem that needs a solution, but not all children cause trouble when they're outside. Some are playing and doing some exercise instead of being inside in front of the TV! And adults don't have curfews so why should we?"

Beth, 13, Liverpool, England

18) "Well it's a good idea but some people will ignore it."

Sophie, 15, Wick, Scotland

19) "No. It'll punish people who've done nothing wrong as well as the troublemakers!"

Natasha, 16, Liverpool, England

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