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Players Handbook 2.pdf
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Reverse Portal

You open a portal not from here to there, but from there to here.

Level: 12

Component Cost: 500 gp

Category: Travel

Market Price: 2,600 gp

Time: 10 minutes

Key Skill: Arcana

Duration: Special


You create a shortcut across the fabric of the world, linking your location with a permanent teleportation circle elsewhere on the same plane (see the Linked Portal ritual, Player’s Handbook, page 307). As part of performing this ritual, you sketch out a 10-foot-diameter circle in rare chalks and inks. Alternatively, you can use a permanent teleportation circle, which reduces the component cost to 150 gp and grants you a +5 bonus to your Arcana check.

At the ritual’s completion, make an Arcana check. The result determines the duration that the portal remains open.

Arcana Check Result

Portal Duration

19 or lower

1 round


3 rounds

40 or higher

5 rounds

The portal displays views of the other location in the same way as that created by the Linked Portal ritual, but creatures cannot enter the origin point and appear at the other location. Instead, creatures can only step into the distant end of the portal to appear at the origin point with you.


A barely visible circle appears on the ground, ready to entrap any enemies that enter the area.

Level: 4

Component Cost: 25 gp

Category: Warding

Market Price: 150 gp

Time: 10 minutes

Key Skill: Nature

Duration: 8 hours or until discharged

You create a magical snare in a 2-square-by-2-square area adjacent to you. When you complete the ritual, make a Nature check. The check result is the Perception DC to detect the snare and the Thievery DC to disable it. As part of the ritual, you can name creatures that can pass freely through the snare’s area, and you can set conditions that allow a creature to bypass the snare. Any other creature that enters the snare’s area is subject to an attack equal to your level + 4 vs. Reflex. On a hit, the target is immobilized (save ends). When the snare is triggered, you become aware that it has been triggered regardless of your distance from it. The ritual is also discharged.

C H A P T E R 3 | C h a r a c t e r O p t i o n s

Song of Restfulness

As you play your instrument, your allies nod off one by one. When you finish, they awaken, refreshed and filled with resolve to continue the quest.

Level: 10

Component Cost: 400 gp,

Category: Exploration

plus a focus worth 1,000 gp

Time: 10 minutes

Market Price: 1,200 gp

Duration: Instantaneous

Key Skill: Arcana (no check)

Prerequisite: Bard


When you perform this ritual at the beginning of an extended rest, you reduce the time needed for the extended rest by 2 hours for yourself and any allies who hear the performance. A character can benefit from this ritual only once during any 24-hour period.

Focus: A musical instrument you play as part of performing the ritual.

Song of Sustenance

Your audience finds your dulcet tones as nourishing as the finest fare.

Level: 8

Component Cost: 135 gp,

Category: Exploration

plus a focus worth 680 gp

Time: 10 minutes

Market Price: 680 gp

Duration: 48 hours

Key Skill: Arcana (no check)

Prerequisite: Bard


Your performance nourishes up to ten Small or Medium creatures for the duration, as if they had enjoyed a great feast. The creatures also gain a +5 bonus to Endurance checks for the duration. You designate the affected creatures as part of performing the ritual, and they must hear all of it.

Focus: A musical instrument you play as part of performing the ritual.

Speak with Nature

Animals and plants respond to your queries, revealing what they have seen and what they know.

Level: 5

Component Cost: 80 gp

Category: Divination

Market Price: 250 gp

Time: 10 minutes

Key Skill: Nature

Duration: 10 minutes


For the ritual’s duration, you can communicate with natural beasts and mundane plants (but not plant creatures). The ritual does not make animals friendly, and the animals or plants are limited in their knowledge by their experiences and mobility. For example, a plant knows only about its immediate surroundings, and a fish can describe only what it has seen or experienced underwater.


Your Nature check result determines the number of questions you can ask.

Nature Check Result

Number of Questions

9 or lower






30 or higher


Traveler’s Chant

Your chant lifts your allies’ steps and helps take their minds off the drudgery of the journey.

Level: 1

Component Cost: 10 gp,

Category: Exploration

plus a focus worth 5 gp

Time: 10 minutes

Market Price: 75 gp

Duration: 8 hours

Key Skill: Arcana (no check)

Prerequisite: Bard


For the ritual’s duration, you and up to eight allies who heard the whole performance of the ritual can travel farther than normal. For the purpose of determining how far you and the allies can travel in an hour or a day, treat the group’s speed as the slowest member’s speed + 2.

Focus: A musical instrument you play as part of performing the ritual.

Tree Shape

You assume the form of a tree, blending into the forest around you.

Level: 2

Component Cost: 20 gp

Category: Exploration

Market Price: 100 gp

Time: 10 minutes

Key Skill: Nature (no check)

Duration: 6 hours


You transform into a Large tree or shrub. While you are in this state, you perceive everything around you as normal. You retain all of your statistics, though you cannot use powers or perform rituals. All your clothing and gear transforms along with you. The ritual ends and you revert to your normal form if you take any damage or take an action, or at the end of the ritual’s duration.

Tree Stride

Stepping into one plant, you instantly emerge from another some distance away.

Level: 6

Component Cost: 50 gp

Category: Travel

Market Price: 360 gp

Time: 30 minutes

Key Skill: Nature

Duration: Special


You open a magical portal in a tree adjacent to you, connecting it to a second tree that you can see. You and up to eight allies can move through the portal and emerge

instantly from the second tree, and return by stepping


19 or lower

1 hour

into the second tree. The portal remains in place for a


duration determined by your Nature check result, but


only you and the designated allies can pass through the


portal in either direction.






Nature Check Result









4 hours






12 hours





40 or higher

24 hours


Tune of Merriment

Your songs and rhymes intoxicate the gathered crowd with laughter, making it susceptible to your and your friends’ influence.

Level: 9

Component Cost: 160 gp,

Category: Exploration

plus a focus worth 840 gp

Time: 10 minutes

Market Price: 900 gp

Duration: 10 minutes

Key Skill: Arcana (no check)

Prerequisite: Bard


For the ritual’s duration, you and any ally who heard the whole performance of the ritual can roll twice and use either result when making Diplomacy checks to influence anyone else who heard all of it.

Focus: A musical instrument you play as part of performing the ritual.

Wyvern Watch

A wyvern-shaped presence formed from mist fills the area, promising doom to those who stumble into its demesne.

Level: 6

Component Cost: 100 gp

Category: Warding

Market Price: 360 gp

Time: 1 hour

Key Skill: Arcana

Duration: 8 hours or until discharged

You place a ward in a 4-square-by-4-square area. The ghostly form of a wyvern appears in that area. Your Arcana check determines the Perception DC to notice the wyvern’s presence.

As part of the ritual, you can name creatures that can pass freely through the warded area, and you can set conditions that allow a creature to bypass the ward. Any other creature that enters the area is subject to an

attack equal to your level + 4 vs. Will. On a hit, the target is immobilized (save ends). When the attack is triggered, you become aware that it has been triggered regardless of your distance from the ritual’s area. The ritual is also discharged.

C H A P T E R 3 | C h a r a c t e r O p t i o n s


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