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Players Handbook 2.pdf
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C H A P T E R 3

Character Options

3Taken together, class and race define most of your character’s capabilities—but there’s more to a character than capabilities. Your character’s feats and equipment complement your powers and class features, while a developed background helps to flesh out your character into a three-dimensional person.

Backgrounds give only minor benefits in the game, but they’re an important part of defining who your character is, not just what he or she can do. They suggest elements of personality and story that you can use while you play your character, and they’re also a great hook your DM can use to connect your character to the adventures that await you.

Feats are a great way to customize your character, to tweak your abilities so they’re just right for the character you want to play. The feats in this chapter are aimed primarily at the new classes and races that appear in this book.

Mundane and magic items guard your weaknesses and enhance your strengths. They ensure that your attacks and defenses keep pace with the increasingly dangerous monsters you face in your adventures.

Rituals extend your capabilities, giving you new ways to overcome obstacles and handle problems outside combat. A careful selection of rituals helps round off your character, making you ready to tackle whatever adversity comes your way.

This chapter includes the following sections.

Backgrounds: Rules and extensive story ideas for fleshing out your character’s past and its effect on the present.

Feats: A wide selection of new feats for characters of every tier.

Adventuring Gear: Basic equipment your character might need.

Magic Items: New armor, weapons, implements, and other items geared toward the classes in this book.

Rituals: New rituals, including some exclusively for bards and those that provide new options for all ritual casters.


C H A P T E R 3 | C h a r a c t e r O p t i o n s


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